I wana ask sumthin


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Corney,,tell your lovely bride that while it is hard work to can and all that stuff,, when its sitting on the shelf and she want something for stews or what ever,, she know right where it came from and how it was made and know that she has the best there is,,:D


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L1501,home built carry all, mini plow blade.
May 13, 2014
Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba,Canada
Corney,,tell your lovely bride that while it is hard work to can and all that stuff,, when its sitting on the shelf and she want something for stews or what ever,, she know right where it came from and how it was made and know that she has the best there is,,:D

I couldnt agree more.raising and growing your own food, what a concept!
With all the chemicals and additives and steroids and all the other things associated with high production low cost food products we consume daily, and all the food related ilness. A major portion could be cured with natural non processed edibles.
So hard to get away fom the bad stuff.


New member

L1500DT, front end loader, mower, tiller, snow blower
Corney,,tell your lovely bride that while it is hard work to can and all that stuff,, when its sitting on the shelf and she want something for stews or what ever,, she know right where it came from and how it was made and know that she has the best there is,,:D
No worries skeet she gets it!

Just pisses her off she is doing that and I'm in the shop apparently doing nothing? Reloading 9 mm is something, isn't it?


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Loading 9mm's ? I would think so,Hmmm I would think thats something.
But then a woman's view of DOING SOMETHING and a mans view of doing something, are usually about 180 degrees out of phase,,:D


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BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
damn I love that statement....

"But then a woman's view of DOING SOMETHING and a mans view of doing something, are usually about 180 degrees out of phase"

I want that on a bumper sticker! - ok, maybe not......then I would piss off my wife, cause I wouldn't be doing anything!;)


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
What's amazing is a guy can be gathering tools or supplies to do a job she wants done, but still gets accused of doing nothing!!


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2012 Kubota 2920, 60MMM, FEL, BH65 48" Bush Hog, 60"Backblade, B2782B Snowblower
Dec 31, 2012
New Hampshire
OK guys. I know most in here are around my age so some of this might click. Growing up, Mom would can every thing she could in the fall, and of course being the oldest I had to help, not that it was a bad thing. So Mom and Dad grew up around the depression and suffered through the second war, they learned things that they passed on to us kids. Well to me more than the others I guess, anyway. I was raised to do for your self, and that meant having enough stocked away for the hard times should there be any and if not you were covered anyway. I always seem to buy stuff in quantity and re purpose things. Like sugar Sams on sale 25 pound bags, so I fill up the empty creamer bottles and store them, and the empty coffee cans plastic for freezer use for like soups and stuff like that. And as of late it seems I get more flack over trying to be prepared and save money and not haveing to go to the store for 2 cans of corn when there is a case onthe shelf inthe basement.
So really guys am I really stone age whit this kind of attatude?
Your not in the stone age, you are practical and realistic. We have 2 large freezers full of fruit and vegtables we harvest from our garden. We have shelves of can goods that we put up each year. My wife buys a lot of dry goods at the "Bang and Dent" store on discount and repackages into smaller quantities for use. Plus we buy meat on sale and freeze it for latter use to save money. I grew up on a dairy farm my parents grew up during WWII, so they know what it is like to not able to get what you need at the store. We always grew and stored food for the winter.


New member

Jun 22, 2015
Huntsville, AR
It was once a big fight around my house to get my son to do anything outside. But I was sure he'd have to know how to do the most practical stuff. Change the oil, drive a post, cut the grass, paint (with a brush), but it was a fight!

Now, 30yo, he wants to learn to reload, run the tractor, hay and such...

One of the best days I've ever had, was him thanking me for making him learn practical stuff...says most of his buddies can't do much and have to hire it out.


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
It is scary today, the OLs grand daughters husband had a flat on the Drango last time they were here. He was all a fluster what to do what to do oh my what to do,,,
He was going to call AAA, I said why, he said to change the tire and now I have to buy a new one and yada yadayada . Krist all mighty do you have a spare? I got that really stupid look of,,, whats a spare??
Now this guy is 38 years old and never changed a tire in his life, I spent 45 min showing him how to jack up the car remove the tire and see what was wrong,,, geee a nail , OMG I have to buy a new tire,,,
Stupid :eek: listen, watch and learn. I marked the nail pulled it and put in a plug, a 5 min job, filled it up checked to make sure it sealed, and had HIM put it back on,, My girls could change a tire when they were 12 years old,, It is a wonder these girly boys know where the gas cap is.

Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
At 30 I hope he just comes around to learn that?

Not coming up from the basement?
Mine try to do for themselves. Still gotta assist :rolleyes: Usually they don't have the right tool for the job. Started making them go buy there own and quit lending. The tools never seem to find there way home :eek: Bought a house with out a basement. They had to move out :cool: two are home owners. And one rents a house. Very proud of all three of them. :D


New member

L1500DT, front end loader, mower, tiller, snow blower
What's amazing is a guy can be gathering tools or supplies to do a job she wants done, but still gets accused of doing nothing!!
I hear ya brother, then she is really mad when you clean them up and put them back in the exact spot?

When we built those garden boxes I did all the cutting and I taught her to use a Kregs pocket hole drill, bar clamps and Dewalt cordless drills. She was impressed that I would take the time to show her that.

She was still pissed when it took so long to gather everything up, do a materials take off, cut sheet, lay out cut material and clean up the tools and put them back?

My old man was a Millwright and if you used his tools ,didn't wipe them down and put them back in the exact spot he would beat you with them!

Old habits die hard, kinda muscle memory!

Daren Todd

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Skeets, my daughter had a similar tire issue with one of her boyfriends. Dude couldn't change a tire. His 180 lbs couldn't get the lug nuts loose. He had it jacked up and tried to brake them loose. She dropped the car down, then Her little 90lbs busted the lug nuts loose. Then she changed the tire in a skirt. :D The whole time she was cussing him pretty good and calling him a pu##y :p:D

She was furious with my wife and I when she learned how to drive. Before her driving lessons started, she had to jack up the tahoe, remove and reinstall the tire all by herself :p:D She actually thanked us for making her do that after the issue with her boyfriend :cool:


New member

L1500DT, front end loader, mower, tiller, snow blower
We live in rural Saskatcewan and drive down gravel roads to get home off the double lane highway.

The other night just before dark which is about 7 pm right now I came upon a Nissan SUV parked off on a side road. I fired up my beacon and pulled over and asked a young lady if I could help her out. She had a flat and was really trying to change it. Nissan has provided her with apiece of crap jack, piece of crap spare and a wrench that has about a 8" handle that swivels to jack that buggy up?

She had everything out and was trying her best. She was OK with me helping her. She was a pretty young thing about a buck soak and wet. I am an ugly old thing about 2 bucks dry. It was all I could do to break those lug nuts loose. I was lifting up that Nissan with that piece of $£|¥ wrench.

We gotter done and I told her to head to the city and make sure she got that tire fixed. That young lady said that all she had was a $50 to pay me? I explained she owed me nothing and that karma would pay me back some day when a stranger would help my bride out when she was in a pickle.

She left with a baffled look on her face?


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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
I owe all my car fixing skills :confused: to a powder puff mechanics course offered at the local vo tech school many years ago. It was a really good course. Started with checking the oil, which a lot of the ladies had never done, but by the end we could bring in the parts and do one real (simple) repair with supervision.

Had a 79 F350 to pull my horse trailer and worldly possessions around the country, and REALLY needed to be able to change a tire. With the encouragememt of the teacher made a stand to hold the jack that was more stable, and got a length of pipe to fit over the lug wrench for leverage. With those two things I could change the tire, if push came to shove, and took to carrying the spare someplace other than under the truck. That under the truck deal is a killer, doubt if I could get my spare out from under the current truck even though every time I take it in for service I ask them to take the tire down and lube the threads of the bracket. Too bloody heavy.


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L1501,home built carry all, mini plow blade.
May 13, 2014
Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba,Canada
Sheepfarmer,in all my years of servicing vehicles i have never had one request to lower spare and lubricate anything. Im curious if it is actually done. Hope you witnessed them doing it. That. Being said, i have had to cut the cables,brackets and whatever held them up as they were never used since new. Plugged with mud and rims so rusty they were useless on side of the road.

I cant count the number of times i have helped someone broken down on some backroad.

I wouldnt let my girlfriend(now my wife) take my car without showing me she could at least open the hood.

My daughter just started driving, we are not having a good time with it. Uncooperative and too much "i know" makes things a little trying the patience.

Learning to do for yourself may get you out of an otherwise dire situation.


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Corney, your right, the OL had tires put on her car at Sears. Now Im 6'3" and pushing 280. and I had a 3 foot bar and was standing on it to brake them loose so I could rotate them, thank gawd for jack stands, I had to use an extension and set it on the top of the stand and then stand on the bar. She could have never gotten them off. I dont know what the hell they had the air wrench set at but it was freekin tight!!!

And back in the day when I first started riding 2 wheeler's I was lucky enough to have a couple mentors, or tormentors depending on how you look at it. Explain to me that you NEVER leave someone along side the road, cause next time it might be you and karma has a way of coming around. And i have as well helped people on the side of the road. And they ask you how much you wanted and you tell them, your payment is that you have to help some one else in trouble, the looks are,,, well they are,,, well I guess you just have to see them cause they dont have a clue


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May 25, 2011
Isn't amazing how the older your children get the smarter you become. When he first got his driving license he did not have time to learn the basics of vehicle maintenance. He also would wait until the last minuet to do anything including. One spring day it was cold and raining pretty good so I thought it was time for a lesion.:D I disconnected the battery, loosened 2 plug wires, removed the drivers wiper blade, let the air out of another tires and put his spare flat tire, (the one that AAA had changed for him), back on. It was a Sunday and as usual he was late for work as usual. As he was hurrying to leave I told him that some day This would come back to haunt him. Little did he know that this was the day. He went out into the garage to get into his car to go to work - :eek: it was not there, somehow it managed to get it self out side about 70 feet from the house.:rolleyes: I had known his boss for a long time and had already told him about the lesson my son was about to learn.

Madder than a wet hornet he came back in and demanded to use my truck to go to work - that it was not funny, he was late and that it was not a convenient time for such a prank. I explained that vehicle problems and for that matter any problem rarely happened when it was convenient. He grabbed the phone to call a friend to give him a ride but somehow it the phone did not work.:rolleyes: So, out we went for the lesson of the day.:D

Like others have said, he later thanked me for forcing him to learn this hard lesson. Now he is willing to try anything and ask for just enough help to do something by himself. Now he has 2 young boys and he is making them learn to do things for them self. I wonder how long it will be before he also becomes smart.:cool: