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  • Good afternoon Mary, I hope you are warm and feeling better. Nothing much here, a little snow this morning, but it is all gone now. I am just trying to stay warm and sane,it seems the staying warm is the easy part,,lol
    Hows things with you? Are you getting around OK? And are you staying out of trouble,,lol :D
    I just wanted to check in and say howdy and thank you for being a friend
    Good evening Mary,,, Just a heads up if you don't mind. We took the wife by ambulance to the end of life home this afternoon. She was gasping for air even with the O 2 generator turned up all the way and was very disoriented And the meds we were giving were not doing what they were suppose to do. And now she is on O 2 and she has a morphine pump IV and lasicks (sp) catheter in and 2gm of morphine to help her breath.
    So I dont know where I go from here, it is not going to be pleasant Im sure.
    Anyway I thought I would let you know, as i consider you a good friend, and you dont mind if I vent
    Good morning Mary I hope this note finds you well and smiling. I haven't heard anything from you in a while so I thought I would check up on you and see how you are doing.
    Not much here Hospice has taken over so I guess now it is a wait and see thing.

    I hope you are doing as Doc has told you to do, I know how active you were and how being down sucks big time.
    Like the Kid her knee is still in a brace and they dont know if there is surgery or not coming, damned insurance company is fight it, seems they dont care she has a business to run. It is a good thing she has some really good friends and apprentices working for her to get things done.
    So there is no stress here,,,lol
    Really I just wanted to check in and see how one of my very few friends is doing,,
    Stay well,stay safe and warm
    Good morning Mary,, I hope all is well and you are getting stronger every day. I know you have more important things to do then post here. I just want to keep lines open with you, we have never met and I think of you as a friend, and I cant stand to lose any,,lol
    Have a most wonderful day smile, stay safe, and most importantly take care of your self
    Good evening Mary I do hope you are feeling better at least a little bit. I just wanted to check up on you and see how you were doing. Knee mail sent for you gal, wishing you all the best
    Morning Mary, I do hope you are feeling better from what ever was wrong and 2 weeks in the hospital sounds rather serious. I know you are probably being inandated wit people wanting to know what happened, so I will just say to take it one step ,one day at a time. And if I can do something please let me know,,, I will say one for your swift recovery
    Good afternoon Mary, just a little note to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas. No snow so thats good, spoke to the kid at the ranch and she is on foal watch since yesterday. Her favorite mare, she bred to her Gray Stud is due and acting,,well you know goofy,,lol that will be a good present for her.
    Stay safe and stay warm and all our best
    Engine breather recall was finally done by dealer. No engine looks like a X-Mas tree, lol.
    Also LandPride did give me a full refund on the 5 ft shaking rotary cutter. Ended up paying the difference on a 6ft. New cutter has NO vibration and I have 6 hours on it.... Very good outcome.
    See u bought a flail... Looking forward to your experience with it. If my lanes and open areas were flatter wound have considered one. Do like the size of a flail. Good luck.
    Also I see some of other tractor are using catalytic exhaust systems only, no PM filter. To bad Kubota didn't take this approach. MUCH simpler ! I'm having no issues using my 60's tier 4, but future maintenance or repairs could be very costly.
    Cal270,aka, Mark
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