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  • I just had my d902 rebuilt for a bx2230 and it's making a clinking noise at low idle. I'm new on here. I have a video but I'm not sure if I can post one
    Hey mister, you still alive and well? What you been up to? Last I remember you were working part time at HD to so how you could stand it after no more teaching. Hope things are going well for you and family.
    Hey Thomas, how are you doing? I was concerned, since you have not posted in some time. I reached out to Daren Todd to see if he had heard from you. I guess he got a hold of you. He says you are doing fine. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Things are well with my B7100. One of my loader tilt cylinders is leaking when it gets cold. I will have to buy me a seal kit and see if I can repair it.
    Happy birthday buddy!!!! Hope your having a good one :) Wife and I are back east for a vacation this week. Spent the week in Vermont visiting friends and family. Got the auto museum over in RCW's stomping grounds today, then headed to Niagra falls in the morning.
    Hokie 85, Just making sure Iam on right sight,Iam 61 and not a rocket scientist with this site.Boy Hokie they have me **** off.15,000 dollars pay them to service deck and I get a headache.I am praying it didn***8217;t hurt seals or gears.Thats my problem drain or take back and call main office at Kubota because it is out of warranty.Like I stated I will pay money for my mistake but not a dealers mistake.Thank Hokie
    85 Hokie,Hello how are you?I haven’t been on here for awhile.Look I have a question.I have Kubota bx2370 with Rck54p mower deck.I took it off and had serviced,new belts,blades and gear box 80-90wt oil.It now leaks oil,I called service Mng.and told him manual states oil level should be just above lower drain bolt,they have oil at top bolt-fill bolt.From what I read it should be just above lower drain bolt,this way the gears sling oil all over and keep seal lubricated.I only have 280 hrs on tractor,about 80 hrs on mower deck.My question do you think I should drain oil to correct level or take back to them.Dealer is 60 miles away,***** service Mng said oil level should be at top fill bolt,wrong should be at bottom drain bolt.I paid 15 grande and had them service it to screw it up.What do you think call Kubota,drain oil to correct level or take back again.I have money to fix things but I am really angry service might have screwed it up.Drain or back?Thanks
    I'm holding off on the 7800, thinking a new 3901, with financing, is a better deal in long run..plus guy might come down on smaller one...pros and cons..I have a dilemma I suppose
    Not a Wahoo for sure...I didn't go to VT (Ferrum years ago) but my brother in law has 3 degrees from Bburg and we go to most football games
    That sounds like a good deal. It's 300 miles and 4 1/4 hours to St. Louie. I sold my B8200. Still need to sell two others and get the skid steer operating before any new projects.

    If it was closer, maybe...
    My BX has 110 hours and is just about 3 years old. Book says to replace coolent every two years.
    Hi mate, hope this isn't too cheeky but a while back you helped a bloke with an RCK60-24B mower deck - he asked about the gearbox oil spec and you said you had the operator manual. Are you able to help me the same way?! Just the correct (synthetic) oil spec would be a great help, but if you are able to send me a copy of the manual that would be really awesome. My email is (remove the zs) zneil.2011z@zhotmail.comz thanks and cheers from down under! Neil.
    Sorry for not responding sooner. Never had a message before on this site. This is the first.
    Jeep is a 1952 M38. Tractor is a BX23. I do a lot of mod's on it to make it better.
    I am a construction millwright and like to make things.
    Well Im going to tell you I fooled around, pulled this pushed that and I dont know what i did but I must have jiggled something cause you cant see anything really,, but I filled it with fuel and mowed and its working,,,, must be magic er sumthin,,,lol
    Hows things out yoru way is it drying up any ?
    Your havin way to much fun,,, errrr I mean your working way to hard brother,,lol
    Good morning my friend well good afternoon I should day,,lol Things are well you know one step one day right now, things in life have taken a not so good turn for the better half but we will work through it one way or another, guess theres not much choice.
    Other wise the rain is killing everything the garden is like a freekin swamp and thats the raised beds, thinking of planting rice! :) Guys around are here trying to get hay in you can skid marks on some of the hills from the equipment and tractors slipping around on the hill sides.
    Hows about you out there the rain getting you guys too? Had to have little Brother bring his welder down to weld a big ass washer on the lift arm for the BX, the keepers from the factory suck I know they are made that way for ease of building things but they sure suck.
    And that pretty much concludes my life out here in the coal country
    I hope you and yours are doing well and thigns are growing like crazy for you
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