What did you do to or on your Kubota today?


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
Well, did my part again to spread the joy so to speak and just happened up on a funny. I was spreading right next to the road and noticed a jogger going the same direction I was. The wind was in my favor (not so much for him) as I overtook him. He seemed to get another gear and went from a nice steady jog to a flat out run. He put up a good fight but was no match for the blazing speed of the trusty M9000. Just as he went out of site in the brown dust and feathers I'm pretty sure I got a one finger salute. For some reason he didn't seem to enjoy the situation no where near as much as I did, oh well.

Hodge, it seems to me that most people just don't appreciate fresh country air.


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John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
I'm going to email Fabreeze, and suggest a new flavor- Country Air. Or, they can call it Dairy Air.



B7800, Woods LS84 FEL, MMM RC72
Dec 16, 2012
Made a ballast box. Took one old steel drum, stuck an old draw bar through the middle, placed two old mower skids vertically and filled with 5 x 80lb bags of quickcrete. Painted kubota orange and red then drilled holes in the skids for the the top link. There's even room in the top for tools. So not only is it a work of art but also practical. Total cost $18.00!


New member

Kubota L175
Apr 15, 2011
Made a ballast box. Took one old steel drum, stuck an old draw bar through the middle, placed two old mower skids vertically and filled with 5 x 80lb bags of quickcrete. Painted kubota orange and red then drilled holes in the skids for the the top link. There's even room in the top for tools. So not only is it a work of art but also practical. Total cost $18.00!
Nice! It's always a good feeling building something yourself and saving money too. Pics?


Lifetime Member

2012 B2620, LA364 FEL,rear remotes,grapple pallet forks, many other toys.
Nov 11, 2012
Took a little longer than today, but I'm ready to give this a test run and see how we'll this works on the brush and trees that have fell over the last year or so. I think it's going to be handy.



Mar 30, 2012
Vancouver, WA
Made a ballast box. Took one old steel drum, stuck an old draw bar through the middle, placed two old mower skids vertically and filled with 5 x 80lb bags of quickcrete. Painted kubota orange and red then drilled holes in the skids for the the top link. There's even room in the top for tools. So not only is it a work of art but also practical. Total cost $18.00!
Pictures please.


Lifetime Member

B6000DT / B7100DP /B8200DT/L225/Globe PTO Chipper/Lewis Backhoe/huxley TR66
Nov 22, 2009
Leafy England....
went out felling fir trees for rustic fencing on the B7100 , recently fitted front winch worked brillaintly.
But, got 2 separate punctures in the same front tyre :mad:, one in the morning with a 3" nail then a second this afternoon,cuase unkown:eek:

what a pain in the rear end....:(

theres allway tommorow though;)



Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
went out felling fir trees for rustic fencing on the B7100 , recently fitted front winch worked brillaintly.
But, got 2 separate punctures in the same front tyre :mad:, one in the morning with a 3" nail then a second this afternoon,cuase unkown:eek:

what a pain in the rear end....:(

theres allway tommorow though;)

Double trouble, now that sucks


New member

scrubbing tennant
Mar 5, 2013
harvey, la
Trouble with my tennant 7400 kubota diesel v1505 e engine

ok. so the scrubber was working fine then it started hesitating. especially when it was changed from scrub to suck and then off again. it looses power then slowly turns off. i checked the air intake hose after the air filter and found a long spring and a piece of napkin in it. took that out and works fine for a minute and starts acting up again. any suggestions?


New member

scrubbing tennant
Mar 5, 2013
harvey, la
can you help me??
ok. so the scrubber was working fine then it started hesitating. especially when it was changed from scrub to suck and then off again. it looses power then slowly turns off. i checked the air intake hose after the air filter and found a long spring and a piece of napkin in it. took that out and works fine for a minute and starts acting up again. any suggestions?


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
can you help me??
ok. so the scrubber was working fine then it started hesitating. especially when it was changed from scrub to suck and then off again. it looses power then slowly turns off. i checked the air intake hose after the air filter and found a long spring and a piece of napkin in it. took that out and works fine for a minute and starts acting up again. any suggestions?
Ok you got me baffled...what are u talking about?


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
im talking about a tennant sweeper 7400 with a kubota v1505-e diesel engine. do you know anything about the engine? or anyone who might?
No, sorry man, that's way beyond me. Good luck with it.


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
can you help me??
ok. so the scrubber was working fine then it started hesitating. especially when it was changed from scrub to suck and then off again. it looses power then slowly turns off. i checked the air intake hose after the air filter and found a long spring and a piece of napkin in it. took that out and works fine for a minute and starts acting up again. any suggestions?
Welcome to OTT!
You might do better posting this in the proper category- service, repair, and maintenance. And, start a new thread with a description- someone who might be able to help you probably won't see your request in the middle of this thread.

Back to the regularily scheduled program, I got the 7100 fueled up for snowmageddon, and built two sets of stabilizers (for an L3800 and a BX25).


New member

L3700SU, box blade, 6 foot rhino blade, 1 bottom plow, 3 point receiver hitch.
Mar 24, 2012
Goldendale, WA USA

HOdges stabilizers work big time!!!

What we did yesterday with our 3700SU (read 3800), was move 31 large "rounds" from cutting down a 60 foot Ponderosa over to where we will split them. Then, we raked the branches and detritus into rows and picked them up with the loader, put into a utility trailer attached to the 3 point receiver hitch on the tractor and moved that to our burn area.

Hodges stabilizers make towing anything and hooking it up a cinch.

Amazingly easy with the right stuff.

Burt in Goldendale, WA


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
I moved tons of snow over the last couple of days with my little B7100. Sometimes you forget how much work it can do. We got about 20" of snow, so I cleaned everything twice, so that I didn't have to try and do it all at one time.
It got pretty warm yesterday, so you can imagine how wet and heavy it got. Our church parking lot needed cleaning (which is about an 1/8th of a mile from me), so the head trustee started working on it with a NHTC30/loader (which has a set of my stabilizers on it). I drove the Bota down there, figuring that I couldn't do much with the heavy work, but I could clean up behind him. Well, as we got into a rythm of things, me with the blade turned backwards and pushing in reverse, I could clear snow, too. As a matter of fact, I could clear a swath as fast as he could with the loader, cycle back faster because I have hydro and his is gear drive, and be halfway down the next row before he got started again. We cleared the entire parking lot by dark, and I could have kissed the Kubota. It did as much work as that 32 horse NH. Dean knows how to operate it, but the differences were;
1) The time effeciency of a hydrostatic transmission
2) He could push and scoop, which I couldn't do, but my four foot blade was faster than his five foot bucket, because once moving, I could increase my speed; he couldn't without clutching and losing momentum.
3) The Kubota, because it was smaller, was more nimble. I could move around faster.
4) The turf tires did at least as well as the R-4's on his tractor, if not better. Lots of biting edges help in snow/slush.

This wasn't a race; I am certainly not trying to shame Dean or the NH. I was amazed at the effeciency, effectiveness, and amount of work accomplished by a little old 16 hp tractor. This was a 100 car parking lot, and a daunting task. I fully expected to not be able to accomplish much, and instead did as much work as the bigger tractor. I couldn't do what he did (push and lift), but he couldn't do what I did (move fast and nimble).
The hydro never wavered, and I only burned about a half a tank of fuel.
Probably the best $3000 I have EVER spent.

Another member was supposed to bring a skid steer up (mine is down with a fuel problem, otherwise that would have been my tool of choice), but we did so well, Dean called him and said not to bring it.



B2400, LA352, RC60, Cammond Box Blade
Mar 27, 2010
Zebulon NC
can you help me??
ok. so the scrubber was working fine then it started hesitating. especially when it was changed from scrub to suck and then off again. it looses power then slowly turns off. i checked the air intake hose after the air filter and found a long spring and a piece of napkin in it. took that out and works fine for a minute and starts acting up again. any suggestions?
check your fuel filter(s) they may be clogged with debris ( not unheard of on a sweeper )

If this machine sits somewhere unattended where devious hands can get to it I'd also suspect the fuel tank may have an obstruction ( sand dirt, crud ) at the fuel pickup IN the fuel tank. ( I see this frequently on construction equipment ) , using compressed air, blow air back INTO the tank fromt he outlet ( you'll know soon as you pull the fuel line if it's clogged, an proof positive if the shower gets faster AFTER you blow thru, BTW, remove the fuel cap first, and use SHORT bursts, with a clean rag covering the tank opening )

I also seem to remember a sweeper I worked on that the fuel line from the tank had been routed in such a way that when closing the engine cover it would pinch the hose, starving it for fuel. run fine at idle, rev to operating RPM it would fall on it's face. ( didn't stop the all too intelligent operator from dumping GASOLINE into the fuel tank because he thought it was out of fuel......, that was a fun and expensive day, and NOT covered under warranty !! )



B6100, B7100, B8200, B9200, G4200, L175, L35
Jan 22, 2012
Tacoma, WA
You might also check to make sure the valve on the fuel filter is in the fully on position.

One of my tractors was acting as you describe and it turned out that the little valve on top of the fuel filter had been turned most of the way off. Ran fine at low RPM and would run fine revved up for a minute or two then start stumbling and shut off. Turned the valve all the way to the on position and problem solved. Somehow it got bumped but I have no idea how...
