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    Out of the hospital thank God

    is this here theKubota webside or the health and welfare page ? sorry I'm confuse now. benben
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    ja und geht es nun?

    ja und geht es nun?
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    Hi Vic sorry to ask you this question,but I wrote yesterday on the "contact us" but...

    Hi Vic sorry to ask you this question,but I wrote yesterday on the "contact us" but nobody respond to my question. why my inboxs how 4 rec.letters and in my sendbox are the same rec.letters?all my send letters are nowhere or lost in the christmassky? the last letter I send was on...
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    hello Stumpy you are still around?I miss your professionell comments a...

    hello Stumpy you are still around?I miss your professionell comments a lot.last time you was in this forum was 1 year or so ago.whats up with you? have a verry marry christmas and a happy new year Benben
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    First snow for the 2014-15 winter season in my home town.

    Hello Wildfire nice and wet snow...... n I like your clip on youtube and how happy you are,then after driving a Kubota with a cabin full dress up with havy winter outfit .you have no heater in this '' old tractor ''.this shit snow was at my place 1 week ago or so and I'm...
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    hello Stumpy whats up not on the Forum anymore,miss your advise and...

    hello Stumpy whats up not on the Forum anymore,miss your advise and infos. hope all is ok with you benben
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    any theft problems in your area?

    after 1 person try to steel my generator my dog have stop him with some bit's to his arm and the police like to bring my dog to the SPCA for rabis observation.I put a high power electric fencer (for animals) around my garage,somtimes during the nighttime I have listen somebody yelling but...
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    hello Handyman I need to do something with my rims to,maybe you can...

    hello Handyman I need to do something with my rims to,maybe you can send me your information too? I have a B7200 HST and 3 holes on the frontrim are moore open as it must be. here is my e-mailadress thanks a lot Benben
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    What a friggen week

    hello Wild I now you only from the Forum,but I know you are a verry rare and good Person.Life mean not only money for you.No Maple Syrup putting around your mouth it is like I say. I wish you and your lovely Wife a nice the way I dont like to read Forumstorys but from you I...
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    Custom back up generator shelter.

    hello Wildwelder verry nice like ever.I have the same powerproblem in the generator is in my Garage and it take only some minutes and I have my generator startet.same problem with theft at the village here but at my place I have no proble with this,but in...
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    Do the Righteous go to heaven when they die?

    @ Ismurphy&Co hmm first I dont like to coment on this 1,but like my grandfather told me ' he have lost 12 brothers and sisters and Parents in the gas chamber from the SS... he have put down his religion so my father and the result I dont believe at all.hey and I'm stil alieve.when I read Romans...
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    Just bought my first Kubota

    Hello Parrot nice Tractor,but with new you have mixed tires on this 4X4 this is not the best for the 4X4 Sir.the 4 tires must be the same ,so you have no problems .Think about this. Benbeno
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    Brakes Set, But Can Move in Gear

    Hello@Wolfman for a 7100 Turbomodification look at this link look at the videoclip to. have fun Benben
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    Kubota Online

    hmmm @Olthumpa or whauuu?a computerspecialist was talking ,but I'm a Canadian and I recive only the same message why this? right maybe with US backround excuse somthing wrong with the kubotapage like Ismurphy wrote. Benben
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    B7100HST - Need Pruchase Advice

    Hi Phaser welcome and gratulation to this 7100 I think it is a 7100HST.good Price too and very nice looking.have fun with this litle orange one. Benben
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    BX25 trailer size

    Eric you are right I think,but what is this for a Page K> Kubota or K. Kids,Boy ohh Boy those are adults? Benben
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    Throwout Bearing Sleeve Seals on B7100

    Hi chet good job and nice pic. your 30 years old B7100 look better as your Pikup. benben
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    Bx25 vs Bx25D

    hello @ Wildfire nice pictures like ever and prof. answer about this Bx tracktor. verry nice "ours" not my Tractor. Benben
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    Missing FL1000 tiller driveshaft

    go to your Kubota dealer he can order this one,but it is around $400.-+tax.I have has a problem with my shaft and I was on the way to order 1,but I found a mashine shop and he repaird my shaft. Benben
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    why he dosnt move at all?

    I found this on Tractorbynet!I'snt this cute Benben