BX25D. Mod #1 and continued.


Active member

Kubota L5740 HSTC3 and a Kubota ZG222Z, 2013 BX25D,Custom Toyota fork lift.
I'm calling this mod #1 although I already got a few others done but I'll post on them later.
This is a ripper tooth I fabricated. It's pretty well built from scrap around the shop. It weighs 36 lbs so that's not to bad considering the bucket weighs around 40 lbs. As you can see I also added a replaceable tooth. I figured it was better to do that rather than wear out the bottom of the tooth. I had planned to add the ripper tooth to the bucket but changed my mind because if I did it that way I would get the benefit from my thumb plus the change over from bucket to tooth is less than 5 minutes.

I guess the pictures will tell the story. In one photo you'll see a small shaft I machined. I threaded each end to hold the pin keepers in place that way I wouldn't have to use a nut on the inside to fasten the bolt plus the solid 3/4 shaft will add some strength to the mount. I made the tooth out of 1 plate and cut it with the Miller plasma. I welded it with the Millermatic 350 P in pulse mode and I included some photo's of how the welds look. I should have taken a few more photo's but when I'm doing something like this I sometimes get so involved in it I loose track of time and forget about the camera
Anyway you'll get the idea. I figured I'll use this on some tough ground and aiding in pulling tree roots. A big thank you to my lovely wife for designing and cutting the graphics.
I add photo's of more mods as time will allow.



Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
Wildfire, it's pretty bad when your add-on's have better welds than the factory built stuff. I can't even spread peanut butter that smooth.

Very nice project, can't wait to hear how it does on the roots.


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MX5000DT LA852, BX1800D, B6000DT, B6200HSTD, B7100HSTD, L185, T1700HX, ZD1211
Mar 9, 2013
Very nice. Top notch work there. Maybe you should patent that idea and then sell it to Kubota for, oh lets say a quick 100K ;).
They could call it the Kubota Klaw.


Active member

Kubota L5740 HSTC3 and a Kubota ZG222Z, 2013 BX25D,Custom Toyota fork lift.
Very cool.
Thank you!

Wildfire, it's pretty bad when your add-on's have better welds than the factory built stuff. I can't even spread peanut butter that smooth.

Very nice project, can't wait to hear how it does on the roots.
Thanks my friend. Every now and then I manage to get a weld right ;) its really not all me but the equipment that does it.

Very nice. Top notch work there. Maybe you should patent that idea and then sell it to Kubota for, oh lets say a quick 100K ;).
They could call it the Kubota Klaw.
Now there's an idea. I need a business manager. You interested? ;) Thanks!

Pathetic, just plum pathetic. BG
Ya I know BUT at least its orange :D



Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Good Lord almighty,,, that is one fearsome looking thing.. looks like one of them dinosaur claws from Jurassic Park,,, ON STEROIDS,, you never fail to amaze me!;)


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
There comes a time when your equipment only takes you so far and then raw talent, skill and know how takes over. Wildfire my friend, you crossed the line where the equipment stops and the skill takes over long ago. Nice work as always.

Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
Fabulous, as usual!
You know, if you could figure a way flip the boom & dipper stick over, you'd have a badass orange scorpion.... maybe enter it in Robot Wars.


Active member

Kubota L5740 HSTC3 and a Kubota ZG222Z, 2013 BX25D,Custom Toyota fork lift.
Good Lord almighty,,, that is one fearsome looking thing.. looks like one of them dinosaur claws from Jurassic Park,,, ON STEROIDS,, you never fail to amaze me!;)
The wife said it reminded her of a lobster claw lol. Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed seeing it. :)

There comes a time when your equipment only takes you so far and then raw talent, skill and know how takes over. Wildfire my friend, you crossed the line where the equipment stops and the skill takes over long ago. Nice work as always.
Well I thank you for your kind words. They say everyone has a talent for something. Wish I could just figure out what mine is :confused:

Ah. The truth is this is just what I do but I'm happy to share it with you guys and I hope it might give someone an idea or two in the process. Stay tuned. There's much more custom mods to come. :D

Fabulous, as usual!
You know, if you could figure a way flip the boom & dipper stick over, you'd have a badass orange scorpion.... maybe enter it in Robot Wars.
Now your talking. I'll just add a few servos and I already got the transmitter then we'll enter it in the show. Cool idea! Thanks!




BX24, Rear blade, Front blade, Snowblower, 54" MMM, Box scraper, Landscape rake
Dec 25, 2010
Kellogg, Idaho
So how much does that weigh? The reason I'm asking is to try and figure out shipping one to Idaho. So how much would you charge me for one? All I can say that my friend is a work of art. Yes I want one. Maybe you could ship it with the seat ;)


Active member

Kubota L5740 HSTC3 and a Kubota ZG222Z, 2013 BX25D,Custom Toyota fork lift.
So how much does that weigh? The reason I'm asking is to try and figure out shipping one to Idaho. So how much would you charge me for one? All I can say that my friend is a work of art. Yes I want one. Maybe you could ship it with the seat ;)
Well I'm glad you like it. There's a Canadian company that sell ripper tooth's. they are called Bro-tec. The owners name is Richard. He's one of the nicest guys you could talk to. http://www.bro-tek.com/ripper_tooth/
As for me. Right now I'm flat out. I got weeks of trying to get this machine customized. Hey. Wait till this is done because I got some other cool stuff started then we could ship the full tractor ;)
I might entertain doing a few tractor accessories later on. I got a local tractor owner that wants one built now. :eek:



Feb 3, 2013
durango colo la plata co
Wow i must agree on all that was said you are trully gifted and skilled and those welds wow amazing thats all i can say is wow inpresive work


Active member

Kubota L5740 HSTC3 and a Kubota ZG222Z, 2013 BX25D,Custom Toyota fork lift.
Wow i must agree on all that was said you are trully gifted and skilled and those welds wow amazing thats all i can say is wow inpresive work
Thank you. Your to kind :eek:
Hey it's just what I do. I've never had a formal training in welding so who knows, I could be doing it all wrong :D
I do appreciate your kind words


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John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
Thanks my friend. Every now and then I manage to get a weld right its really not all me but the equipment that does it.

Baloney. A man can have all the tools in the world; if he doesn't know how to use and maximize them, they are just potential sitting around a shop. I know you are modest, but take credit when it's due- you have a gift of vision AND execution. You stand out in a crowd, whether you mean to or not.
The claw coupled with the thumb might be more effective than the bucket.


Active member

Kubota L5740 HSTC3 and a Kubota ZG222Z, 2013 BX25D,Custom Toyota fork lift.
Thanks my friend. Every now and then I manage to get a weld right its really not all me but the equipment that does it.

Baloney. A man can have all the tools in the world; if he doesn't know how to use and maximize them, they are just potential sitting around a shop. I know you are modest, but take credit when it's due- you have a gift of vision AND execution. You stand out in a crowd, whether you mean to or not.
The claw coupled with the thumb might be more effective than the bucket.
Hey I happen to love Baloney! We call it Newfie steak here :D

I appreciate your kind words BUT it's no different than a carpenter, musician.... We're all good at something or at least I hope we are.

I just look at it as a few scrap pieces of metal stuck together that add up to a ripper. It just seems so simple looking at it that way :D



Active member

Kubota L5740 HSTC3 and a Kubota ZG222Z, 2013 BX25D,Custom Toyota fork lift.
I’ll call these lot of photo’s a mini mod

The one thing I see a lot of in the shop are guys wearing out the lip of there bucket due to the lack of a cutting edge. It’s much cheaper to install a cutting edge than it is to repair a bucket and if installed properly you can reverse the cutting edge when the outer edge wears to the point of uselessness.

I couldn’t get the right length of cutting edge so I went with this one and cut it to fit. As you can see I used a horizontal and saw and kept the cutting fluid on while it was doing the cutting. it was the only way to save the blade. I could have used a cut off saw but I don’t find them to be very actuate and the band saw is dead on and clean as you can also see in the photo’s.

You’ll notice I put a rubber gasket on the bottom of the bucket before I installed the cutting edge. It really wasn't necessary to do that but I had the rubber in the shop plus It will keep any debris from getting between the edge and the bottom of the bucket. I also didn’t show drilling the holes in the bucket. I figure you’ve all done similar things to that before plus drilling is really “boring” lol.

This is just the start to the bucket mods and I'll be posting more in the coming week. At least now I won’t be wearing out my bucket.
Hope you enjoy the photo’s.