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  • You posted a link to you moving some snow back when your L5740 was new. Can you tell me about the snowblower you were using? I now have a "new" 5740 and am thinking I'll want to downsize from my IH-80 (7 ft.) blower. I'd like to get a solid 6-ft. blower if the tractor can handle it.
    I appreciate any advice you can send my way--thanks.
    Hi Wildfire. I saw some posts you made about wiring the Kubota OEM work lights.

    Can you please tell me where in the world I can get those OEM connectors?

    I have looked far and wide with no luck.

    I need 4 sets of the connectors and I am replacing the front and rear Kubota OEM Work lights.

    I don't want to have to cut the original wiring connectors off, just do a plug and play.

    Than you for any assistance with this.

    Hello from Kentucky! I've got a B2650 ROPS on order that should be here next week. I'm very excited! I'm "orange" with envy with what you can do. Do you have a list of all products you use somewhere online? Maybe an Amazon wishlist? I'm wanting to install some LED lights to the ROPS for looking forward and rear, and maybe some that point left and right. Can you recommend some to me, please? I'm also wanting a place to securely carry my STIHL chainsaw. Lastly, I'm needing to put a plug on the rear to power a 3 point hitched sprayer with a dashboard switch to turn it off and on. Thanks!
    Mr. Short, I enjoy your videos and like your mods for your tractors! Keep up the good work sir!
    Paul, Thanks for all the insight you provide. Infinity no longer sells the speaker you upgraded your system with. Do you happen to recall the depth of the speakers and how much room is actually available? I could figure this out myself....but, my new tractor is in transit from Kubota and I am advance buying initial upgrades. Thanks in advance for any insight.
    Hello Paul,
    I love your videos & am convinced you are the man to bring this to. I am new to this site and unsure of the protocols so please forgive. I have an idea for a project but am not great at design & fab I am hoping to spark your interest to get a project started. The idea is for a yard tool cart that is on casters, spots for shovels, rakes, chains, chainsaw etc. Has top for working on. Can straddle the box blade/ ballast that i keep attached. Possibly picked up by indexing a vertical facing receiver hitch. Any thoughts?
    Hi Paul,
    I have watched MANY of your videos on You Tube and found them to be great. My guess is that you are very busy so I will be short and to the point. I have a Kubota L5030HSTC, and often use your experiences to help guide me in my projects. Have you ever thought about building an indexed series of videos and putting them on a DVD and then selling them? I for one would be interested in buying one if you ever do that. Right now I am adding some lights. I know you did a great video on that. If only I could plug in your DVD and pull up that video instead of hunting around on youtube. That would be great. Anyway - just a thought - keep up the great videos.
    Some of your older post the pictures aren't found. Is there anyway you can fix these posts?
    Hello. I hope you don't find it to boring trying to figure out what I'm about. To make it a little easier for you I've added two links to show you my little world of some of my work. My greatest accomplishment in life isn't what you'll see in these links though, nope. My greatest accomplishment in life was having the good fortune of marrying a wonderful lady and bringing two fine sons into the world that are now both proud members of the Canadian Armed Forces.
    Hope you enjoy looking at the links:

    Here's a video of the upgrades I've made to our tractor.

    2011 Kubota Grand L 5740 HSTC3
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