Good day I am not sure how your forestry plan works down there, but maybe also check in with either your local extension agent and /or USDA/NRCS if interested…if you haven’t already done that. There may be some options for adding a pollinator habitat for example, if that is something interested in. Good luck.The several years fallow field in front of our house that is part of the land we just took title to a month ago was bothering me with its light smattering of saplings and more homogenous 4’ to 7’ dried remains of a variety of stuff that grew there last year. Being in my face daily, its grossly neglected disarray was mocking me constantly. That and I preferred to mow it pretty high to knock down the saplings and old crap from last year before the new growth really takes off, which meant I had about a week to get it done.
It was still rowed up for tobacco so I wasn’t sure how bush hogging was going to go. It went. Had to follow the rows and turn around at the ends like I was discing it instead of mowing, but it worked. Unlocking the brakes and spinning it like a zero turn at the end of the rows without slowing down did bring back the many hours of doing the same with a pick up style 3 point disc harrow when I was a kid.
Then cut a short path through a blackberry patch with some small trees in it to make reasonable access to the old well that needs closing. Got the chance to see if the ragged old Howse 500 was still up to cutting 1.5” trees. It was.
Found a washed place about 30’ long in the middle of the field shallow enough I could creep across carefully in 4WD but deep enough if one side was in the wash and one side out, the tractor would roll; or if it was hit at full normal mowing speed it would likely bust something off the front end. Filled that in right after mowing was finished.
Longer term, I definitely want to flatten it and put a diagonal swash through it for drainage. Right now, we’re waiting on a visit from the NC Forest Service, who did the forestry plan on the rest of the place a few years ago. We will likely add the new acreage to the forestry plan and they’ve already told us we can likely leave it in native grasses, or something other than planting trees, but I don’t really want to do anything else to it until we know what our options are.
Flattening it isn’t really a big deal. I have a 3/4 worn out single gang disc buried in the back of the shed that would get it done if I chained some weight on it and ran over it a half dozen times. There’s an old double share moldboard plow back there as well, but doubt that’s needed. Alternatively, my brother has a double gang disc a couple years old with maybe 30 hours on it. It’s green, but otherwise way nicer than the one in my shed. It would be a good excuse to pay him a visit anyway. View attachment 125530
I like it better a little trimmed up. View attachment 125531
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