What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
I replaced the rear axle seals on my B7100 this weekend- very easy job, took longer to clean the axle housing than to replace the seals. Punched a hole in the face of the seal with an awl & hammer, then used a seal puller* to pop 'em out.... new ones were tapped back in with a wood block & mallet. I didn't drain the oil, (just had a recent oil change) and I only lost about 2 gallons when I pulled the seals.
Seal Puller*http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_...P&srccode=cii_17588969&cpncode=31-119690122-2
Handy item.


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L4240HSTC with FEL, Ford 1210
Jan 19, 2013
Near Lancaster, PA, USA
(Yesterday) Mowed the neighbor lady's 1/2 acre then our 2+. Dug a hole and buried the ashes from a trash burn, hauled fallen and cut branches, loaded piece of steel pipe on pickup - 30" diameter schedule 40 x 40" long. Great day to be outdoors.


New member

B7001, Big B 4ft topper
Sep 17, 2012
Gloucestershire UK
Yesterday, started her for the first time since September! Weather's been so crap here for so long there was no way I could travel on our orchards. Kept the battery charged up over winter, finally decided to do some light trailer work (log hauling) so had a go. The little beauty started on the button! :D

Wild and Free

New member

B2150 HSD w/Case L340 fel 68" quicktach bkt, 60" jinma snowblower, box scraper
Oct 25, 2012
North Dakota
We are in the middle of a spring blizzard here in south central ND, just went out and blew out the first half of the storms droppings, about 8 inches of super heavy wet snow since about 2 a.m. , and looking to be another 12 hours of snow coming which looks to be about another 6 inches at the pace its dropping. Got to try out the new tires and they made a huge difference for traction especially the extra 450ish lbs of chloride in the rear tires.


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L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
We are in the middle of a spring blizzard here in south central ND, just went out and blew out the first half of the storms droppings, about 8 inches of super heavy wet snow since about 2 a.m. , and looking to be another 12 hours of snow coming which looks to be about another 6 inches at the pace its dropping. Got to try out the new tires and they made a huge difference for traction especially the extra 450ish lbs of chloride in the rear tires.
Man that sucks. Been snowing here for the last couple days but nothing sticking. I just want to put the tractor away and have some fun on the motorcycle. It's gotta happen soon.


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Got the front of the mower deck welded yesterday pressure washed EVERYTHING I couldn't do in the fall because of the knee,, and painted the underside of the deck and sharpened blades,,, I have got to get new blades:mad:

Wild and Free

New member

B2150 HSD w/Case L340 fel 68" quicktach bkt, 60" jinma snowblower, box scraper
Oct 25, 2012
North Dakota
Man that sucks. Been snowing here for the last couple days but nothing sticking. I just want to put the tractor away and have some fun on the motorcycle. It's gotta happen soon.
Well we are about 18 hours into the storm and already over a foot and radar looks like about 6 more hours of heavy stuff coming, looking to be an 18 inch dump of heavy wet stuff in a 24 hour period but we were on the verge of a bad dry spell and almost drought conditions, we had no snow left and were already in full prairie fire mode the last couple of weeks so this came at a good time.


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L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
Well we are about 18 hours into the storm and already over a foot and radar looks like about 6 more hours of heavy stuff coming, looking to be an 18 inch dump of heavy wet stuff in a 24 hour period but we were on the verge of a bad dry spell and almost drought conditions, we had no snow left and were already in full prairie fire mode the last couple of weeks so this came at a good time.
In that case it's a good thing. Just be carefull out there.


New member

Aug 4, 2011
Lake Wales, Florida
Saturday I changed out a leaky PTO output shaft seal, made a gasket for the output shaft bearing and seal housing, cleaned the strainer, and put in fresh fluid. The strainer kept clogging up because a bunch of weeds wrapped around the PTO shaft tight enough that it actually purged through the seal and got inside. All good now. This evening I used it to pull up some chain link fence and posts. Cool little tractor. L175. :)

In Utopia

Active member

L175 FEL
Apr 21, 2013
Hello to all.

Just bought one!

Picked up this L175 with FEL and almost new bush hog. It's a 1972 model. First items to take care of. Pull fuel tank to remove trash and replace injectors, they are the originals and have never been replaced.
Gave $750 for it.

Known issues:

Broken headlight
Glow plug switch doesn't work
Something in fuel tank that shuts off supply occasionally
Tach doesn't work
Missing some parts on dash
Seat has gone south
Sticking left brake
No over running clutch
Turf tires


Engine sounds strong and doesn't smoke at all
No oil leaks except for an drip every now and then from a quick coupling
New radiator
New clutch and pressure plate
New battery
Fairly new hydraulic pump
New starter

Bought it mostly for the FEL since I already have a 640 Ford.
Probably going to sell the bush hog since I already have a 5' on my Ford.

Plan is to work it (already moved about 21 loads of caliche), make any necessary repairs, and a backyard paint job.


New member

Lawn mowing
Apr 26, 2013
Fort Worth, TX
Today I rebuild the dynamo, I purchased the tractor used with a seized up gearbox on the mower deck, fixed that and the dynamo seized up.....well....after taking it apart I wonder how long it has been out of commision. This is an old B7200HST that has not been taken care of very well but it runs strong and drives strong and so far I have been able to handle all the repairs and the PM issues. Fun stuff I love working on it but I have to cut my grass too so I can't be down longer than a week.


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John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
Today I rebuild the dynamo, I purchased the tractor used with a seized up gearbox on the mower deck, fixed that and the dynamo seized up.....well....after taking it apart I wonder how long it has been out of commision. This is an old B7200HST that has not been taken care of very well but it runs strong and drives strong and so far I have been able to handle all the repairs and the PM issues. Fun stuff I love working on it but I have to cut my grass too so I can't be down longer than a week.
Welcome to OTT!


New member

Lawn mowing
Apr 26, 2013
Fort Worth, TX
Thanks Hodge I feel welcome and BTW I love our God too and am not ashamed of it.

I installed the dynamo last night and put on all new hoses and changed the oil. The tractor fired right up and away I went to cut my 1.25 acres of grass(hay). It ran great and did an awesome job but when I shut it off just for grins I cranked it over again and it labored cranking so bad it would not start. I just left because it was late. I will try it again tonight after it cools down but it is bugging me. Will keep you all informed.



L3800DT/FEL/BH77 and others
Dec 16, 2012
Latah County, ID
The l3800 took a trip to the dealer for the 50 hours service today and they had it ready for pickup in 6 hours. Then back on the trailer for hometo back fill some holes in the pasture and then use clamp on bucket forks for unloading a pallet of concrete pavers for a hearth.

in regards to the clamp on bucket forks, I spent a lot if time thinking about forks v a dedicated QA pallet fork assembly. The weight of the pallet fork assembly is at least 500# and the capacity of the loader is about 1200#. The clamp on forks and stabilizer have allowed me to lift more than I think that I could with a QA pallet fork assembly. The cost didn't hurt either $169ish on eBay v $500ish.


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John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
It is so dry here I took the L3400 HST and rototilled some Deer plots. I plan to plant them today . Did my graden last week.

David Pidgeon
New Haven, Vermont
We've gotten 5+ inches of rain the last two days. I have been building stabilizers, but the cool weather and damp air sure makes the paint cure slow.


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Kubota M7040 4x4/ BX2230 4x4/ JD MX 8/ Ford 101 Moldboard 3 bottom Plows -
Well I did get my Deer plots planted this morning. Used the JD Gator to spin the seed on. Then took the BX2230 out with my new stabilizers by Hodge. Took the double roller "Kubota" cultipacker and press in the seed . Here are the photo's.

David Pidgeon
New Haven, Vermont



New member

L2550, B5200d, G4200
May 10, 2013
Saratoga Springs NY
Earlier this week I retrieved my grandfathers B5200d and moved it to my mothers house. It had not been run in years so I bought all new filters, oil and fan belt and changed them. I wound up saving the air filter and the oil filter that I pulled off as they appear to be brand new. The fuel filter I left in as it was apparent when I opened it up that it was also new. My grandmother apparently had the tractor serviced a couple of years ago and then it never got used.
When I picked it up the battery was missing, so I also bought a battery for it and installed it. Pre-heated the glow plugs and it fired up after a few revolutions.
I am going to change the gear oil tomorrow as when I checked it today it was milky white. Full but obviously water got in there somehow. The only place I found where it could get in was the rubber boot on the shift handle. Dry rotted and the tractor did sit outside for about two years.
So tomorrow I will drain it all, then run some fresh stuff through it and drain that as well and then see how it looks.



B7200 4WD w/FEL, 4' disc, 4' Brush Hog, 14" Plow, 4' Blade, JD 246 2 row Planter
Mar 28, 2012
Rainsville, Al
I spent all day Friday working on my food plots. I had to mow two half acre plots of waist high oat's, wheat, and clover mix. Then I turn those same two plots under with a single bottom plow. I also disc harrowed another half acre plot and a 30' x 60' plot that I turned last month. If the rain will hold off till this coming Friday, then maybe I can get my RR beans and corn in the ground. and I've got to get a power steering upgrade, My shoulder is killing me.


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