Newbie here needs advice between a L185DT & B2150


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L3200DT w/FEL, K650 Backhoe, 5' Rotary, 40" Howard Rotavator, 6' Rhino blade
Oct 9, 2011
Spokane, WA
I had an L185DT for about 35 years, and was forever amazed by it. I believe it has slightly larger diameter rear tires, making theoverall traction be about the same. I ran a 42" Howard Rotovator tiller, and never felt I was lacking horsepower. When I put the PTO in 3rd (about 1000 rpm) it could turn field into flour in a pass. I used a 6' Rhino rear blade for snow removal. It also cut a thousand feet of driveway into rotten granite, and dug several hundred feet of ditches. I had a 5' brush hog, and in really heavy brush and swamp grass I had to drop down to low gear or it would stall. I give the tractor really high marks.
When I finally got traded it, it was because Kubota no longer supported it for parts, and I'd always felt I needed more horsepower for mowing, and just driving down the dirt road.
For your case, like many others I'd recommend the newer B2150, with more horses.
I personally think both of your choices are high priced. For that $$ on either tractor I think you can get a FEL or a couple of other implements in a package deal.


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BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
I had an L185DT for about 35 years, and was forever amazed by it. I believe it has slightly larger diameter rear tires, making theoverall traction be about the same. I ran a 42" Howard Rotovator tiller, and never felt I was lacking horsepower. When I put the PTO in 3rd (about 1000 rpm) it could turn field into flour in a pass. I used a 6' Rhino rear blade for snow removal. It also cut a thousand feet of driveway into rotten granite, and dug several hundred feet of ditches. I had a 5' brush hog, and in really heavy brush and swamp grass I had to drop down to low gear or it would stall. I give the tractor really high marks.
When I finally got traded it, it was because Kubota no longer supported it for parts, and I'd always felt I needed more horsepower for mowing, and just driving down the dirt road.
For your case, like many others I'd recommend the newer B2150, with more horses.
I personally think both of your choices are high priced. For that $$ on either tractor I think you can get a FEL or a couple of other implements in a package deal.

"get a FEL or a couple of other implements" <--- good advice

I think it TOO is a little overpriced , but then again it is a dealer too. I would bring cash and make the drive - if he cant come down a good bit - enjoy the trip and search craigslist.


New member

Mar 14, 2010
SW Ont. Canada
Thats almost 900 hours diff. For that reason alone i'd be leaning towards the B.
I used to have the 17 hp with FEL version of it and i was very happy with it, since it done everything i asked of it.
Personally, i'd be looking for something with even less hours on the clock. They're out there.....


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L4600, LA764, LP Blade,
Dec 26, 2014
Southern Indiana
If you do drive up to look, drop your trailer and lock it close by, and don't identify yourself as the guy on the phone from far away, dealers will always smell blood in the water and will not give the same deal as if he thinks you are nearby as opposed to traveled a good distance to buy. First thing out of his mouth when you leave is ...

" I wasn't about to come off any more he, drove to far to leave empty handed "

I got friends in the car business and it is all the time. You very well might be willing to walk but he will not think so, law of averages is on his side.

Look at the B6000 in the classifieds here, it is about 40 minutes from me and I think closer to you also for only $2100. might be worth looking at..