

Well-known member

B2620, RTV-X1100C
Jan 21, 2014
Now that I have mowed quite a few times, figured I would post this in case it may help someone in their purchase decision.
I quite often see on another forum, lots of advice to buy bigger than what the person is going to buy. Well I have to say, I am really glad I did not go any bigger than this tractor (B2620) and also glad I did not get a cab tractor even though that might be nice in the winter. Now granted I don't take the loader off, but this is about as heavy as I would want on a lawn (and my yard is sand and pretty hard.) It will make tire marks if there is any moisture at all.
I also prefer the mm mower for all the trees and stumps I have to maneuver around.
The cut quality is very good, it is a lot quieter and rides better than a lawn tractor, and will cut what a 21 h.p. lawn tractor had to go over twice.

If I ever felt the need for a bigger tractor, I think I would buy a dedicated mower. But so far the little B has accomplished all my road building and every other task. Just takes a bit longer than a big tractor.

I also haven't experienced any problems with the height-of-cut adjuster that I have seen mentioned. Everything is great so far at just over 90 hours.

My neighbours new BX2370 is almost ready for delivery. I can't wait to try it and see how it does.



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BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
Now that I have mowed quite a few times, figured I would post this in case it may help someone in their purchase decision.
I quite often see on another forum, lots of advice to buy bigger than what the person is going to buy. Well I have to say, I am really glad I did not go any bigger than this tractor (B2620) and also glad I did not get a cab tractor even though that might be nice in the winter. Now granted I don't take the loader off, but this is about as heavy as I would want on a lawn (and my yard is sand and pretty hard.) It will make tire marks if there is any moisture at all.
I also prefer the mm mower for all the trees and stumps I have to maneuver around.
The cut quality is very good, it is a lot quieter and rides better than a lawn tractor, and will cut what a 21 h.p. lawn tractor had to go over twice.

If I ever felt the need for a bigger tractor, I think I would buy a dedicated mower. But so far the little B has accomplished all my road building and every other task. Just takes a bit longer than a big tractor.

I also haven't experienced any problems with the height-of-cut adjuster that I have seen mentioned. Everything is great so far at just over 90 hours.

My neighbours new BX2370 is almost ready for delivery. I can't wait to try it and see how it does.
His Bx and your B will feel a lot the same, you might be a bit higher up and you might have a smoother ride on those bumps...larger tires will take up the bumps a bit. I wish I had a large enough yard to use my BX 60 mmm, I have so many hills and trees and stuff it is hard to cut ( with loader and back hoe on! )

both are excellent for the applications
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May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA
I was looking at purchasing a B2620 but was 'talked into' an L3200. I'm glad I was. My 6 acres mow at about an hour per acre with the L3200, the B2620 would've been slower. It depends on the weed/grass height (emphasis on 'weeds') but the larger tractor helps with more than just mowing. There are a lot of things to consider when purchasing a tractor and while some might advocate that the L3800 is a better deal, you are always spending X amount more for certain features. I haven't bogged down the L3200 enough to feel like I got undersold but I'm pretty sure I would've bogged down the B2620 had I gotten it instead as I give the box scraper a workout!



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BX2200, BX2660, L5740 HSTC, M8540HDC and some other tractors and equipment
Sep 16, 2011
SE Missouri
I'm curious as to why you never remove your FEL or did I read wrong?


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
A dedicated mower makes it so nice your S.O. will be out mowing!

We have (I should say my wife has) a 29HP Kubota powered Grasshopper. She mows frequently. It's way cheaper then therapy.:D


Well-known member

B2620, RTV-X1100C
Jan 21, 2014
Triple R......I just don't remove it because the mowing is something that is done in between my other work. I'm doing my firewood right now, so the loader is used every time I have the tractor out. And I'm just too lazy to mess with it, lol.

The area I mow is only about 2 acres of my property and it has all kinds of obstacles. A dedicated mower and a bigger cab tractor would be nice, but I wanted to downsize to one machine and engine to maintain. It's already bad enough with atv and vehicles that never get used enough and you're always replacing batteries and such. Sometimes sitting is harder on stuff than working it hard.


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BX22, FEL, BH, 40" pto tiller, 42" Bushog Squealer, pto hole digger, B7300 w/60"
Mar 25, 2014
Canton, MS
If I had it to do over, the only thing I would do different from my B7300 is get something with power steering. Otherwise.....I'm satisfied.
The tractor has 1993 hours on it and has done nothing but mow our sparsley wooded 22 acres since it was bought new in 1999. Have a BX22 with hoe and FEL for the rest of the chores.

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BX2200, BX2660, L5740 HSTC, M8540HDC and some other tractors and equipment
Sep 16, 2011
SE Missouri
Triple R......I just don't remove it because the mowing is something that is done in between my other work. I'm doing my firewood right now, so the loader is used every time I have the tractor out. And I'm just too lazy to mess with it, lol.

The area I mow is only about 2 acres of my property and it has all kinds of obstacles. A dedicated mower and a bigger cab tractor would be nice, but I wanted to downsize to one machine and engine to maintain. It's already bad enough with atv and vehicles that never get used enough and you're always replacing batteries and such. Sometimes sitting is harder on stuff than working it hard.
Makes sense, I jut find our tractors much more maneuverable without the FEL even our BX and I can remove the FEL in well under five minutes.

I know what you mean about a machine sitting around. I had a 72HP MF I really liked but seldom used, so I moved it to another farm where my brother lives and he uses it, much better on it and fewer repairs.


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May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA
If she's like my wife, she likes running vehicles around the property. Mine wants to buy a Kubota RTV900, she fell in love with the critter while I was buying the tractor... so I promised her once the L3200 was paid off, she could have her fully loaded RTV900. :rolleyes: I guess we each get our toys...


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BX22, FEL, BH, 40" pto tiller, 42" Bushog Squealer, pto hole digger, B7300 w/60"
Mar 25, 2014
Canton, MS
Well, I guess she took pity on me. She hasnt been doing it long only a few years and still thinks its fun. I firmly believe she will change her mind in due time or when she stirs up a nest of those Big Black Ground Dwelling Bumblers that put Pop-Knots on ya when they hit ya or Yellow'll be over then. The youngun was in charge of grass when he was living at home.


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BX2200, BX2660, L5740 HSTC, M8540HDC and some other tractors and equipment
Sep 16, 2011
SE Missouri
My wife likes to mow the yard, I haven't mowed it since she retired. We have several hundred acres though, so I have plenty of other things to occupy my time.


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
How you get your wife to do the mowing????
First off, she needs to be the kind of person who like to be outside in the summer and likes the results of a nice looking yard. She also needs a piece of mowing equipment she feels comfortable with and proud of.

My wife started with a B6200 and belly mower. That was 1980! I changed the oil and greased the tractor. She checked the water, oil and air in tires before every start. Also she gave the three spindle bearings a pump of grease every other mowing. I made sure fuel was available and have a 300 gal tank on stand for diesel so there is no challenge filling the tank. She named that tractor "Yoda". It was her tractor!!!!

About 9 years ago we sold Yoda and bought a Grasshopper. When the guy delivered it he started telling me how to operate this and ...... I said, wait a minute you need to talk to her. We traded that one for a bigger one. She's does all the mowing.

So that's what works here. I haven't set on a Grasshopper mower for more then a total of 30 mins. in all that time.

It's pride of ownership and pride in the results.


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L3750DT Shuttle, L3800DT FEL both
Jan 11, 2012
Success Missouri
Triple R......I just don't remove it because the mowing is something that is done in between my other work. I'm doing my firewood right now, so the loader is used every time I have the tractor out. And I'm just too lazy to mess with it, lol.

The area I mow is only about 2 acres of my property and it has all kinds of obstacles. A dedicated mower and a bigger cab tractor would be nice, but I wanted to downsize to one machine and engine to maintain. It's already bad enough with atv and vehicles that never get used enough and you're always replacing batteries and such. Sometimes sitting is harder on stuff than working it hard.
If you ever tried mowing with the FEL off, you would be surprised.:cool:


Well-known member

B2620, RTV-X1100C
Jan 21, 2014
If you ever tried mowing with the FEL off, you would be surprised.:cool:
No doubt. Once I get caught up on some work I will likely start to take it off. Will sure be easier to get around all my trees and stuff.


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L3800DT, 1964 Allice Chalmers D15
May 10, 2014
I mowed my pastures for years with my 64 AC, D15 plus FEL. I have the AC hitch so I needed a three pt adapter on my 5" Kodiak bush hog. Mowing with my new L3800 without the FEL and adapter is a real pleasure.