Fuel prices


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Grand L3560 with LA805 loader, EA 55" Wicked Grapple, SBX72 BB, LP 1272 mower
May 27, 2019
Southern Illinois
$53 to fill my Kubota last weekend

Wonder what it cost to fill a real tractor 🤔
We fueled up the MF275, MF383, and L3560, which none of them were empty, but it cost us right at $140 to fill up all three of them. (I believe it was 25 or 26 gallons total for all of them).
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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
As of this afternoon ther was only a buck difference from reg and diesel


Well-known member

MX6000 HST open station, FEL, 6’ cutter, forks, 8’ rear blade, 7’ cultivator
Jan 14, 2019
Edgewood, New Mexico
When the past administration was in office (for most of it), in my area....I could buy a gallon of gas for less than a bag of ice, no kidding. Now I can't even completely fill my tank for $100.00

View attachment 81182
View attachment 81183

And NO....it's not 'Putin's' fault.
It is congress’s fault for legalizing exports of oil and fuel. Yes it was cheap in 2020 where I live also. Ya think crashing fuel demand due to Covid had any impact on that? It’s not valid to compare current prices to that period.
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May 3, 2022
Deep East Texas
It is congress’s fault for legalizing exports of oil and fuel. Yes it was cheap in 2020 where I live also. Ya think crashing fuel demand due to Covid had any impact on that? It’s not valid to compare current prices to that period.
According to the 'prez' it is Putin's fault (not congress), better have that talk with him. The trouble is...as a Nation we are no longer energy independent or anywhere near it. Wonder why that is? Covid....? NOPE!

It is because of policy changes. With respect to Covid having an impact on ALL things (including the petroleum industry) the 'crashing fuel demand" initially LOWERED prices. The free market operates off of supply and demand with respect to pricing for the most part. I suppose it is also not 'valid' to compare today's INFLATION to that 2020 and earlier. Or shall be blame all of that on Covid too?
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Grand L3560 with LA805 loader, EA 55" Wicked Grapple, SBX72 BB, LP 1272 mower
May 27, 2019
Southern Illinois
It is interesting how two large nations (population), China and India are still both buying Russian oil. Both nations are being reported to have greatly increase their purchasing of oil from Russia since it is being sold at bargain rates to them.

Just another reason to start pulling more of industrial market back to the US and start focusing on our HOME instead of everyone elses. China and India doesn't care about us, only what they can get from us.

The reality, even EU is still importing Russia's oil. They are set to stop import of oil by ship by the end of the year, but will still allow oil by pipeline.

"The EU will continue to allow 800,000 bpd of oil imports brought in by pipeline, as a "temporary measure""

So, all this oil that is supposedly not being sold is still being sold.
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L4400HST, Bush Hog 276, RDTH60, Speeco PHD, etc
Oct 9, 2019
Snowdoun, AL
So if “he did that”, who did that in the other countries around the world? Think about this. High fuel prices are now worldwide.
Other countries were/are reliant on foreign, imported oil. We WERE oil independent until "he did that". See, when you are literally sitting on oil, but chose to bring it from somewhere else, you cannot control the production, others do, and they set the price.

Hope that helps.
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Lots incl. B and L kubotas
Dec 2, 2019
I would love to be sitting in the Board rooms of oil/gas companies discussing the high prices and "asks" to pump more oil and/or lower prices (make less money).

So lets recap says Bob the executive, were are being asked to lower prices / pump more oil which means we will make less money so lets recap history says the executive speaking...

- they hate us.
- they keep putting huge regulations on us that increase our costs
- they keep adding taxes / fees / etc... on us that increase our costs.
- they won't let us build pipelines to move our products to consumers.
- they keep increasing regulations, costs and fees for using railways

- they hate us so much they are subsidizing our competitors
- always more money to solar energy producers
- always more money for wind producers
- always more money for electric cars makers
- etc...

- we are being asked to make huge changes while others are not doing their part

Bob knows GHG / Global warming is real but THEY seem to only want US locals to pay the price. Bob says don't seem they want to want to address out of control population growth, and the "others" who are not doing much to address problem.. contributors to the problem. We are expected to bear the costs for the solution but others get to go on without.



so now they are asking us to pump more and lower prices... Bob says let me think about this for a while???? hmmm... wonder how will I vote to decrease our share after so many years of being sh@t on.....

Bob says he believes global warming is real threat and very damaging but should he make less money and bear a larger share of the costs while still not solving the problem??? (versus others) when the problem is population growth and others maybe not doing their share? lets see we are supposed to vote he says on our companies are to give up our profits after years of taking huge hits and continually being sh@t on when "others" who are also contributing to problem get away without??? hmm... lets vote on what we should do he says.....

Bob thinks the problem is not solvable unless "others" also make similar sacrifices so I am going to suggest we vote to ?????

Personally I feel very sad for our world as so few are being expected to make a solution to this huge problem. Population Canada and US (about 370 million) or only 4.6% of the world total of 8 billion.
95% of the world is not here.
solutions need to be global not by a state or provincial legislator who pump up their chests and waste so much time when impact is a big realistic 0.... and our leaders just have not been capable of getting the job done. Number don't lie what we have been doing doesn't work and yet thats all our leaders seem to be able to get done. SO SAD.

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2023 BX2380 loader/mower. Land Pride snow pusher, Kapteyn pallet forks
Nov 21, 2020
Southern Worcester County, MA
Not sure how true this is, but makes sense. Why is it overseas where oil is being produced its pennies on the dollar. But not here?... :unsure:

Written by BP Oil Executive
Brice Cromwell.
This explains it all:
I’ve been in oil and gas for a decade and sometimes forget how the average person may not know what I see everyday.
We, the American people, have enough oil and gas under our feet to supply our demand and also export our products for years to come.
No matter your political opinion, we can all agree the gas prices we see now are upsetting.
What everyone needs to understand is that the high gas prices are not because of some conflict overseas - prices were high well before that. The prices are not high because our American supply simply vanished.
The prices are high because the people who run our country have decided to import oil from another country instead of using our very own American made product.
Using our own product creates lower prices, puts hard working American people to work with very good paying jobs and makes us as a country energy independent - Not dependent on another country to survive.
We all saw that not long ago.
Not only have the people in power decided to kill American jobs and create high prices, but they’ve also passed legislation to make it harder for an American oil and gas company to produce & transport our very own product.
Forget for one second who was President when our prices at the pump were low and our economy was booming and realize that that person was simply “For the people”. If you take away your dislike for DJT, you’ll admit that you miss those times and enjoyed them. Your 401K was higher, gas prices were lower and we were booming as a country.
Now after a year of our current admin, you’ll realize that these people are “not for the people”. They are for themselves and their foreign business deals.
The high gas prices should be enough for you to see that.
The supply is still here, the hard-working Americans to produce it are still here.
Having a booming economy is still possible.
So no matter what you’re told by the news, realize that if we had people in power who were for us Americans, it could be as good it was before.
Nothing has changed as far as oil and gas from 2016-2020 to the last year.
It didn’t just dry up.
It’s here, we are here to produce it.
We can go back to lower prices at the pump.
All we need is the people in power to want that.
Lastly, since we all got to witness someone running our country for four years who truly wanted the best “for the people” as we can clearly see the “then & now” comparison as we speak. Remember every media outlet and political person wanted you to hate him, wanted to impeach him and did everything they could do be against him.
They were against the man who wanted things to be good for US, the American people.
Those same people are not against the current leadership.
Makes you wonder who’s side they’re all on….
BP Oil Executive
Brice Cromwell
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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
It all goes beyond fuel.

In case you were too distracted by the latest distraction to notice what they are trying to distract you from in the first place. Food plants are being destroyed daily now. It’s not a mere 16-18 plants….

Feb 5th: Wisconsin River Meats processing facility destroyed by fire in Mauston, Wisconsin.
Feb 15th: Bonanza Meat Company goes up in flames in El Paso, Texas
Feb 22nd: Shearer's Foods Food processing plant explodes in Hermiston, Oregon.
Feb 22nd: Fire destroys Deli Star Meat Plant in Fayetteville, Illinois.
March 17th: Nestle Food Plant extensively damaged in fire and new production destroyed Jonesboro, Arkansas.
March 19th: Walmart Food Distribution center catches fire in Plainfield, Indiana.
March 24th: Major Fire at McCrum Potato Plant in Belfast, Maine.
March 29th: Maricopa Food Pantry burns down 50,000 pounds of Food destroyed in Maricopa, Arizona.
March 31st: Rio Fresh Onion factory damaged by fire in San Juan, Texas.
April 13th: Fire destroys East Conway Beef & Pork Meat Market in Conway, New Hampshire.
April 14th: Taylor Farms Food Processing plant burns down Salinas, California.
April 19th: Azure Standard nation’s premier independent distributor of organic and healthy food, was destroyed by fire in Dufur, Oregon
April 21st: Plane crashes into and destroys General Mills Factory near Atlanta, Georgia
4/30/21: Monmouth Smithfield Foods pork processing plant
725/21: Memphis Kellogg plant
8/13/21: JBS beef plant
8/24/21: Patak Meat Company
7/30/21: Tyson River Valley ingredient plant
10/21/21: Darigold plant
11/15/21: Garrard County food plant
11/29/21: Maid-Rite Steak Company
12/13/21: San Antonio food processing, West side Foods
1/7/22: Hamilton Mountain poultry processing Plant
1/13/22: Cargill-Nutrene feed mill. Lacombe, La
1/31/22: Winston-Salem fertilizer plant
2/3/22: Wisconsin River Meats
2/3/22: Percy dairy farm
2/15/22: Bonanza Meat Company
2/16/22: Indiana Louis-Dreyfus soy processing plant
2/18/22: Bess View Farms
2/19/22: Lincoln premiere poultry
2/22/22: Shearer's Foods potato chip plant
2/28/22: nutrient AG Solutions
2/28/22: Shadow Brook Farm & Dutch girl Creamery
3/14/22: Wayne Hoover dairy farm
3/16/22: Walmart Distribution Center
3/16/22: Nestle hotpockets
3/28/22: Maricopa AZ food plant
3/30/22: Maine Pentecost McCrum potato chip plant
4/1/22: Rio onion processing plant
4/13/22: East Conway Beef & Pork
4/13/22: Taylor Foods processing plant
4/13/22: Gem State Processing
4/14/22: Salinas food processing plant
4/18/22: Azure standard organic foods
4/21/22: General Mills plant

Food shortages are happening because they are planned. It seems we are already at war but most don't realize it yet...
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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
NYS waived their share of sales taxes on gasoline 6/1-12/31/2022.

16 cents per gallon savings….coff, coff…..

5/30 I paid $4.89. 6/5 I paid $4.89…..

I felt so friggin blessed that the State of New York was looking out for me…..coff, coff, gag, gag….:rolleyes:
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Well-known member

MX6000 HST open station, FEL, 6’ cutter, forks, 8’ rear blade, 7’ cultivator
Jan 14, 2019
Edgewood, New Mexico
According to the 'prez' it is Putin's fault (not congress), better have that talk with him. The trouble is...as a Nation we are no longer energy independent or anywhere near it. Wonder why that is? Covid....? NOPE!

It is because of policy changes. With respect to Covid having an impact on ALL things (including the petroleum industry) the 'crashing fuel demand" initially LOWERED prices. The free market operates off of supply and demand with respect to pricing for the most part. I suppose it is also not 'valid' to compare today's INFLATION to that 2020 and earlier. Or shall be blame all of that on Covid too?
We were never energy independent. Where did you hear that? And since we are producing about the same oil today as in 2019, why do you think that is? In fact, even though we are producing the same amount of crude, we are exporting much more due to the European shortage of Russian oil, leading to insufficient supply to meet worldwide demand. If we didn’t export oil and fuel, demand and supply would be more in line.


Well-known member

MX6000 HST open station, FEL, 6’ cutter, forks, 8’ rear blade, 7’ cultivator
Jan 14, 2019
Edgewood, New Mexico
Other countries were/are reliant on foreign, imported oil. We WERE oil independent until "he did that". See, when you are literally sitting on oil, but chose to bring it from somewhere else, you cannot control the production, others do, and they set the price.

Hope that helps.
We were never oil independent. And we are producing the same now as the record levels in 2019. In 2023, a new record of production is planned. And oil companies will also continue to see to the highest worldwide purchaser, so we will continue to not be oil independent and will be subject to worldwide prices. Unless we quit exporting, we will never be independent.


Well-known member

May 3, 2021
Red Lion
The past 4 years, I crossed the Mason-Dixon line to buy lower taxed fuel in MD. MD recently had a month long tax holiday and that made it way cheaper than the over taxed fuel in PA. Then the holiday ended and the MD stations not only added the tax back in but also increased the price where it is about the same as PA, it should be 21 cents cheaper. Now that is playing games.