Fuel prices


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B7510 hydro, yanmar ym146, cub cadet 1450, 582,782
Mar 15, 2022
My parents are down at their camp in MD this weekend. Gonna ask my old man what the prices are down there. Gotta be cheaper then PA prices. We have about the highest liquid fuel tax around.


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L2501 HST, BH77 Backhoe, SSQA Loader ZD1011 Mower
Jun 19, 2019
Decatur, AL
last year you were only paying $3 per gallon..what's $2 extra, really ?? just the cost of a cup of coffee....... :oops:
For me, fuel and gas prices are no big deal. I live close to work, have a small car and truck. However, high fuel prices affect the price of everything else, so that really hurts.


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Kubota B7100(sold), Kubota LX2610 Cab
Oct 15, 2021
I don't know what all the hub bub is about. Other than the fact that oil companies and the tyrannical governments are raping us daily based on lies and bogus reasons.

Life is good. It's not like they are throwing you to the gulag. Yet. Relax.

That's coming later. Be joyful.


Well-known member

May 3, 2021
Red Lion
My parents are down at their camp in MD this weekend. Gonna ask my old man what the prices are down there. Gotta be cheaper then PA prices. We have about the highest liquid fuel tax around.
Due to a PA tax increase I bought all of my fuel in MD for the past four years. A couple of months ago MD had a tax holiday removing all MD taxes from fuel which resulted in considerable savings for one month. When they resumed the tax not only did the price increase that amount, but they increased it to near PA levels. Now I have nowhere to run. At least for June I can use my Sam's club card and get 10% off of their gasoline each Saturday.
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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
87 octane up to $4.99.

Diesel down to $6.09 from 6.49 or so.
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Well-known member

B7510 hydro, yanmar ym146, cub cadet 1450, 582,782
Mar 15, 2022
Driving into work this afternoon, turkey hill in hershey, PA $4.99 regular.


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May 3, 2022
Deep East Texas
Driving into work this afternoon, turkey hill in hershey, PA $4.99 regular.
A bit over $5.00 a gallon for regular in Deep East Texas. And we have oil out the wazooo!

Of course, 'crude oil' isn't GAS. All of it must be transported and refined. Then transported again and sold.

Even though Fuel (Gas and Diesel) are at the forefront of the public's awareness. Crude Oil is also used to manufacture so many everyday things we need/purchase.

The average person would be absolutely floored to see a list of things that are produced wholly or partly from petroleum. ALL of this has increased in price.

Not as dramatically as fuel prices but it all adds to the cost of living.

I hope people remember this in November and again in 2024!
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Well-known member

B7510 hydro, yanmar ym146, cub cadet 1450, 582,782
Mar 15, 2022
A bit over $5.00 a gallon for regular in Deep East Texas. And we have oil out the wazooo!

Of course, 'crude oil' isn't GAS. All of it must be transported and refined. Then transported again and sold.

Even though Fuel (Gas and Diesel) are at the forefront of the public's awareness. Crude Oil is also used to manufacture so many everyday things we need/purchase.

The average person would be absolutely floored to see a list of things that are produced wholly or partly from petroleum. ALL of this has increased in price.

Not as dramatically as fuel prices but it all adds to the cost of living.

I hope people remember this in November and again in 2024!
I am aware of a lot of what crude oil is refined into. It actually effects a lot of parts we use here at work to maintain the rides. Sadly here in PA we're sitting on huge deposits od natural gas and that has basically stopped. I made a lot of money working on engines that powered those franking pumps, mixers, cleaners, generators and equipment. Now it darn near like it never happened.
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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Information that's hard to believe.

Pay attention to this one...

Excellent comment...
Melissa Jewell
2 weeks ago
I'm a 20 year veteran Trucker. Something happened to me last week that hasn't happened in my 2 decades of being on the road. I was stuck in Dallas, TX without a load, any load, for 6 straight days. Only then did I get a local run that was a whole 3hrs long. I'm from Detroit & have been trying to get a load home for 3 weeks. My entire paycheck for that local run that paid unprecedented low rates was $220 after fuel surcharge & company percentage split. I paid out more in living expenses & parking fees than I earned, and to add insult to injury I was 1,300 miles from home! I wasn't the only one sitting there either. The lot was filled to capacity with 80% of the same trucks as when I pulled in. If you understand how much freight moves throughout Texas due to it being on the border of Mexico/South America AND being a coastal port, You'd understand the odds of this situation is unheard of. I work for a national expedite company that doesn't rely on load boards & acquiring loads by winning a bid against hundreds or thousands of competitive bids, This is customer direct & only after threatening to take my truck to the nearest terminal & fly home did the company go against their business model & find me another crap paying load bit at least it's going to Chicago. So I'm not even earning anything or even breaking even bit at least I'll be 6hrs from home & I can deadhead that. At least if I'm home I can reduce my outgoing expenses compared to incoming wages, Or lack there of. Many of us are earning less than minimum wage but we're still out here & away from our families. Away from our homes. I I'm not one to act like Chicken Little or a fear monger but I know I can't pay bills on $220 a week, Less than that truthfully because that is 1099 so it doesn't include what is taxable on that amount. I don't know anyone who could survive let alone live on that pay. This is all just the beginning because if the shortages, fuel prices or predatory freight rates don't shut the trucks down, established companies regardless if they're small independent or mega fleets going bankrupt because they're creditors begin calling in their debits certainly will. It's about to go from bad to worse. We are in a freight depression & no one will accept it, let alone say it. Right now is emergency preparation time & if you don't over prepare then you better have wilderness skills mastered or your not going to eat.



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Grand L3560 with LA805 loader, EA 55" Wicked Grapple, SBX72 BB, LP 1272 mower
May 27, 2019
Southern Illinois
Well, to add more issues to the fire, I was in a meeting with our HVAC division last Friday.

The short story, as we all know getting supplies is almost impossible. Supplies/vendors have told our HVAC department to start rigging up workarounds because they have no parts to send them.

We all that this was bad, until the HVAC director explained that the EPA has R410 phase out that will go into effect at the end of this year.

This has led to shorts along with the supply chain issue.

In addition, currently there is nothing readily available that is backwards compatible with R410 cooling systems. So basically, next year they have multiple stores we service that they will not be able to get coolant/refringent for and that these systems will have to be replaced by the stores with systems that no one can currently get. These systems keep cool/frozen the food and most use them for the entire store.

They have talked to stores, some can't afford the proposed system and currently, the supply of the systems are months to years off before they will be arriving.

Sadly, it appears it will get a lot worst before it gets better especially, if our government doesn't make some changes.
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