B3350 DPF issues



Jun 23, 2012
bastrop, tx
first region after purchase@4.8 hrs had the throttle a 2k during the prior 4 hrs. then the regen light started blinking. i shut the engine down and got the book out... after reading the procedure, i got back to mowing @2k rpm. light alternated between flashing and solid. i returned to the driveway and started to check out instructions. indicator just kept flashing. i started working on sharpening mower blades, lawn tractor blades, not the b3350's blades...
... while checking on the regen. after 20 min's the tractor slowed down, thinking the regen might be over. i walked over to the tractor, before i got to it, it shut down. it wouldn't restart, not even a click, so i called the dealership. the service tech came right over, when he tried, the tractor started right up. (it must of needed to cool off, before a restart)... anyway, the technician put it into a parked regen. after about 35 min's it finished. i now run the engine at a higher rpm. about 2100-2200. and when i get the flashing light next time, i'm raising the rpm, to keep the regen light on and not flashing...
operator error, not reading the book good enough... only 9 hrs on it after two partial days... had to quit, due to soggy ground. nice having a cab to keep dry in...
they are going to order a replacement engine speed sensor, as the computer had a soft code on it, prior to delivery...
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New member
Apr 12, 2015
Mims, Florida
I originally ordered the 3350 and got cold feet because of the dpf on it. I got the 2650 instead and have never regretted it. If they are having some issues new I can't imagine what they will be like in 10 years. Besides the 2650 is the exact same tractor with 7 less hp. I run out of weight on the 2650 long before I run out of power and the 3350 is the same weight. Just didn't make sense for me and my dealer couldn't have been nicer about me changing my order.

I bet my 26 is worth more in ten years than the 33 :)


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Jul 11, 2014
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Until we abolish the U.N. and everybody unbolts all that DPF stuff. and replaces the exhaust with an aftermarket. :)
Oct 8, 2014
The hardware is readily available. Whether or not the customer base is big enough to justify writing the software is the question. One nice thing about the monitor/tuner is you can run one screen (PID) that shows the grams per liter of the DPF. You will know when to run a manual regen or bump the RPM's if working it.



Jun 23, 2012
bastrop, tx
i figure that when this tractor needs major epa equipment repairs. it will be out of warranty. the particulate filter uses a frequency sensor to start a regen... if it doesn't see the correct conditions. it won't regen. i'm positive someone will make a sensor replacement device to fool the computer. thus allow the owner to straight pipe the exhaust or install a low restriction muffler..


New member
Nov 28, 2015
Kubota must still have some issues.
I was speaking with my dealer this week about the 3350s. I was told that he has 3 new units and 2 used units on his lot, but Kubota will not allow him to sell any of them. So for now it's 2650 only.



Jun 23, 2012
bastrop, tx
update on my B3350, it's still at my dealers repair shop. waiting on parts from kubota. over a month now. my salesman is trying to get kubota to pay for the use of another unit. say a B2650 or a L. while waiting for my new tractor to be repaired. another option i'm considering is a buyback of my tractor, if the issue isn't resolved soon. i'm already late for working the ground for my spring planting. and my work list, which needs done before hot weather arrives.
very disappointed that the government sought to put particulate filters on such a small engine, which can barely make enough heat to clean the filter.
will post an update when the problem is resolved or the tractor is replaced..
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BX23S, 60" MMM
Nov 5, 2014
New York
Thats a bummer. Im going to guess around a month ago all the B3350s magically vanished from the lot. They're all hiding out back. I have to imagine Kubota wants a permanent fix/solution before they sell more to the masses. I really like the cab on the B3350, but I will never own a Tier 4 offroad machine.

I should add, I enjoy bush-hogging at 2000 rpms. Quiet enough for hours of work and just enough power to grind whatever I drive over.
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Jun 23, 2012
bastrop, tx
shop has had my B3350 for two months. frustrating to make payments on it and not being able to see it in the yard.
the factory rep came by the repair shop last week to help out, also the mechanic went for a training workshop for the B3350 issues.
the correct replacement computer arrived, along with some sensors. now they have ordered a new wiring harness and and a larger capacity alternator.
the alternator and wiring harness are part of a service bulletin or recall.
so it'll be at least another week... :-( .....


Jan 30, 2015
Sherman, TX
shop has had my B3350 for two months. frustrating to make payments on it and not being able to see it in the yard.
the factory rep came by the repair shop last week to help out, also the mechanic went for a training workshop for the B3350 issues.
the correct replacement computer arrived, along with some sensors. now they have ordered a new wiring harness and and a larger capacity alternator.
the alternator and wiring harness are part of a service bulletin or recall.
so it'll be at least another week... :-( .....
they should be comping a 2650 to use during that much downtime while under warranty. imagine if it was one of their big tractors being used by a commercial farm. they use their machines every single day for their livelyhood. I feel for you. for that reason I don't want to buy a B series.....and really hate the idea of emissions crap as well.


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B2650HSDC, Spacers, FEL, BH, Snowblower, Snowplow, PBar, Forks
Nov 28, 2015
shop has had my B3350 for two months. frustrating to make payments on it and not being able to see it in the yard.
the factory rep came by the repair shop last week to help out, also the mechanic went for a training workshop for the B3350 issues.
the correct replacement computer arrived, along with some sensors. now they have ordered a new wiring harness and and a larger capacity alternator.
the alternator and wiring harness are part of a service bulletin or recall.
so it'll be at least another week... :-( .....
I'm in the same boat. Waited over 2 months to get replacement parts on mandatory recall, upgraded alternator, now in shop over 3 weeks after they said 3 days. I'm working with bota rep as well, similar replacement items to yours, with new relays for glo plugs as well due to hard starts. Waiting to get ecu replaced as it wouldnt take new programming. It's a mess. Ridiculous wait times on parts. No ETA's available. Will follow up with full list of exactly what was done to attempt remedy regen/stalling issues when appropriate.


Lifetime Member

B2650HSDC, Spacers, FEL, BH, Snowblower, Snowplow, PBar, Forks
Nov 28, 2015
Hey NEPA guy, where did you buy yours. I just ordered a b2650 and I live in Shavertown.
I live in poconos. I originally bought it local, but the dealer here is horrible. Now I have it being serviced in Allentown. I thought to bring it to a larger institution with more money, hence better mechanics/training/facilities.



Jun 23, 2012
bastrop, tx
received good news today. the mechanic is finishing up, installing a new alternator and engine wiring harness. tractor has a appointment to have a/c charged tomorrow. (shop's a/c equipment needs fixed)...
they will test the hydraulic pressure and finish up things, when the a/c is charged. i should get my tractor back later this week.. we'll see how many hours it has been run, when i get it back... hopefully enough to put it through a regen cycle..



Jun 23, 2012
bastrop, tx
i put over 15 hrs on the tractor in the last two days. regen's are completing as they should.. i do think they take too long and are too frequent. but would rather it have a short cycle than have a need to have the particulate filter removed to be cleaned or replaced.
having the hydraulic pressures maxed, made a huge difference roto-tilling, using the FEL and using the back hoe.
had a chance to test out the work lights, they are nice...
until i started becoming lunch for a few million insects.


Lifetime Member

B2650HSDC, Spacers, FEL, BH, Snowblower, Snowplow, PBar, Forks
Nov 28, 2015
i put over 15 hrs on the tractor in the last two days. regen's are completing as they should.. i do think they take too long and are too frequent. but would rather it have a short cycle than have a need to have the particulate filter removed to be cleaned or replaced.
having the hydraulic pressures maxed, made a huge difference roto-tilling, using the FEL and using the back hoe.
had a chance to test out the work lights, they are nice...
until i started becoming lunch for a few million insects.
How many regens did you complete in the 15 hours? Should just be one according to my brief experience. I'll assume you didn't have to do a parked regen. I was averaging a failed one every 18-20 hours which forced me into parked regen. Did you increase the rpm when the light started flashing? What was your average rpm when going through the regen cycle? Did you notice any loss of power? How long did it take? Mine is still in the shop, it's killing me!


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Love, VA
My concern would be the maintenance and reliability 10, 15, 20 years from now. I believe that these new tractors are going to be a real problem, and at some point, not worth repairing. If I were buying, I would definitely look at clean/used or new old stock. That's what my dad did when he was shopping. We are both eternally grateful that he did- him because of the aggravation, and me because I am the one who maintains his stuff.

There are an awful lot of used, clean, low hour tractors out there for sale- that's the route that I would go.


Lifetime Member

B2650HSDC, Spacers, FEL, BH, Snowblower, Snowplow, PBar, Forks
Nov 28, 2015
My concern would be the maintenance and reliability 10, 15, 20 years from now. I believe that these new tractors are going to be a real problem, and at some point, not worth repairing. If I were buying, I would definitely look at clean/used or new old stock. That's what my dad did when he was shopping. We are both eternally grateful that he did- him because of the aggravation, and me because I am the one who maintains his stuff.

There are an awful lot of used, clean, low hour tractors out there for sale- that's the route that I would go.
If I could turn back time I would have gotten a 2650. My own fault for not doing more thorough research. I never would have dreamed a manufacturer selling such an expensive piece of machinery to not have it up to specs or to even offer an exchange after finding such problems. Its ridiculous. This is my first diesel, but I've gone through about 4 gas trucks. Each one lasted me many years, with barely a hiccup. I blame the dealer for not being more forthwith. I do hope that you're wrong and these issues will in time be ironed out and this will be nothing but a bad memory. Such is life. There are no guarantees. Well, except when you buy a toyota! ;)



Jun 23, 2012
bastrop, tx
i average between 1900 and 2200 rpm when running the tractor. i used to keep my 'L' around 1800, unless under a large load to boost the hydraulic pressure, i was moving logs with it.. with ballasted tires, moving large logs. i had to extend the backhoe to keep from tipping..

non of that with the 'B'.
the regen took 25 min's the first time after just 8 hours. (i had to shut down during the regen, due to a phone call).. the second regen took about 17 min's after another 9 hours of use..
i was plowing and tilling during the first cycle, digging a ditch during the second cycle.. so we'll see what the future brings.