We have only encountered problems on a small percentage of b3350 units and this problem is only found on the b3350. That being said it's still not okay and we are putting a lot of man hours into not only finding a solution but implementing that solution correctly. The problem has a lot to do with the application of the unit and how the unit is run. Most of the regeneration issues are found on machines that are run for long periods of time at low rpms and with little to no load. We are confident in the new machines coming from the factory and we have found that old machines after the repair is done properly are fixed. We have got some reports of b3350s having issues after the repair was done and so far we have yet to find a case where the repair was done properly and the unit failed. We are still working on collecting enough data prove or disprove this. Like I said I speak for myself on this account and not for kubota as a company I can't promise you anything but as kubota employee this is what I see.
"Most of the regeneration issues are found on machines that are run for long periods of time at low rpms and with little to no load."
I ran my B3350 full open @2500 RPM for blowing snow, for short periods of time 30-45 minutes. Failures.
"We have got some reports of b3350s having issues after the repair was done"
"so far we have yet to find a case where the repair was done properly and the unit failed."
Either you just contradicted yourself, or what you're saying is that the repairs weren't implemented properly.
Attempts were made for MONTHS on end to repair my B3350. Was my Kubota service rep or the mechanics at fault? He came down personally to oversee the repair process. No resolution could be found.
"We are still working on collecting enough data prove or disprove this."
My service rep admitted there was nothing else that could be done. I have his email if you want to exchange notes.
"Like I said I speak for myself on this account and not for kubota as a company I can't promise you anything but as kubota employee this is what I see."
Lucky for Kubota Corp. you're speaking for yourself.
Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining outside.