B2601 Treadle Pedal hard to use


Well-known member

B2620, RTV-X1100C
Jan 21, 2014
Thye must have changed something when it went from the 2620 to the 2601 because my pedals are very easy to use and mine has three grease zerks under it for the linkages.

Orange man hero

Active member

Mar 12, 2021
Wasilla, Alaska
My 2610 is not hard to use if I don't wear a large boot and the heel gets stuck or rather rubs on the tractor seat body as I go into reverse. Maybe I just got used to it also.

Low Cal

New member

B2601 (2022)
Oct 4, 2022
Hi guys - thanks for this thread, helped me figure out the stiff peddle on my brand new 2022 2601.
To give back to the forum I thought I would post up what I found with my tractor: although not obvious the three springs all work in parallel, acting on the same mechanical linkage. I simply removed two of the three, now the peddle works very smooth and easy! I removed the one by the interlock switch, and the one just ahead of it - so one spring remaining. Btw, the interlock still works! I used a motorcycle spring hook tool to get them off, was very easy.
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Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
For decades I've used 'small paracord' or similar to get springs off and on...
whatever you use ,just be sure to protect flesh from being sliced off !
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Low Cal

New member

B2601 (2022)
Oct 4, 2022
For decades I've used 'small paracord' or similar to get springs off and on...
whatever you use ,just be sure to protect flesh from being sliced off !
Exactly! Paracord or wire works. I used a tool like this - its sold for removing exhaust springs from motorcycles.


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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2020
I removed the belly mower yesterday and got under the tractor for a look and as stated on here there is only one zerk for break peddles and nothing for the treadle. I took some lube spray and shot a bit into the tubes where I thought there would be some drag. I still have hopes there will be some relief as time goes on and the tractor sees some wear.
I also squirted silicone lube around those parts and any other parts that move underneath the seat. At least you can get to them on the B. All 3 JDs had like vanity plates in there that shielded everything from access.

It has gotten easier but is still my main dislike of the B. I can get my toe underneath the front tab and heal on the rear part. That makes it easier but tends to present a delay somehow in getting out of reverse.

LOTS more ways the B is MUCH better than the 3 JDs but I long for the separate reverse pedal on the B.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2020
Hello gentlemen, this is my first post, but I've often read the forum. I joined in hope's that this might help somebody who has been through this same problem. My b2601 had the same horrible reverse pedal issue and after much research I was going to replace the 2 vertical springs when I found a simple solution. Just remove the horizontal spring located near the switch below and behind the 2 vertical springs. It takes less than a minute. Costs nothing. And has dropped the force needed to reverse by about 50%. The pedal still quickly returns to middle stop position. And it now feels like every other kubota I've operated. No pedal mods or other things are necessary. This linkage has 3 springs but works much much better with 2. I hope this helps somebody who is searching the net like I was. Have a good evening.
Printed this out. Gonna try it.
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Well-known member

May 3, 2021
Red Lion
The shaft for the treadle pedal passes thru a tube from one side to the other. There is no provision for lubricant so I drilled a very small hole in the middle of that tube in to the shaft so that a needle point on a grease gun will work. To cover the hole, I added a hose clamp that can be loosened and slid aside while greasing. I use a small grease gun that takes the small cartridges of marine grease since there are no seals and that grease seems to be thinner.
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Joe Grant

New member

Kubota B2601
Oct 22, 2022
Dover, New Jersey
Hello gentlemen, this is my first post, but I've often read the forum. I joined in hope's that this might help somebody who has been through this same problem. My b2601 had the same horrible reverse pedal issue and after much research I was going to replace the 2 vertical springs when I found a simple solution. Just remove the horizontal spring located near the switch below and behind the 2 vertical springs. It takes less than a minute. Costs nothing. And has dropped the force needed to reverse by about 50%. The pedal still quickly returns to middle stop position. And it now feels like every other kubota I've operated. No pedal mods or other things are necessary. This linkage has 3 springs but works much much better with 2. I hope this helps somebody who is searching the net like I was. Have a good evening.


New member

Jan 28, 2022
newport wa
Check to see if there is a ZERK fitting - if so (I would hope so) HAS it been greased? If not grease it and see if that makes any difference.
U-Tube has a video on changing out the reverse spring on the 2610 to a less stiff spring. I am going to try this tomorrow as my reverse is very, very hard to apply. Has anyone else done this change and did it work. If so, it's really worth the 3/4 bucks for a lighter spring.


New member

Jan 28, 2022
newport wa
Do you know the number or what type of spring it is to get me in the ball park? The dealer said they cannot recommend a different type of spring for safety and legal reasons and I do completely understand that reasoning. What I do to my tractor is on me and not the dealership.
I bought a sp-9609 from Ace


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2020
Mowed an area requiring lots of backing yesterday. No problem now with about 70 hours on it. Still have that note about that one horizontal spring among 2 other vertical ones. May yet remove it.


New member

Jan 28, 2022
newport wa
Hello gentlemen, this is my first post, but I've often read the forum. I joined in hope's that this might help somebody who has been through this same problem. My b2601 had the same horrible reverse pedal issue and after much research I was going to replace the 2 vertical springs when I found a simple solution. Just remove the horizontal spring located near the switch below and behind the 2 vertical springs. It takes less than a minute. Costs nothing. And has dropped the force needed to reverse by about 50%. The pedal still quickly returns to middle stop position. And it now feels like every other kubota I've operated. No pedal mods or other things are necessary. This linkage has 3 springs but works much much better with 2. I hope this helps somebody who is searching the net like I was. Have a good evening.
J just did this same thing to my 2601 and it feels so much better. What is this switch for? Whatever but it still works and this is a tough spring. Will take it out after rainstorm and try it. Hope it is the ticket. Did Kubota just get a real good deal on springs and had to find a use for them??
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Well-known member

May 3, 2021
Red Lion
J just did this same thing to my 2601 and it feels so much better. What is this switch for? Whatever but it still works and this is a tough spring. Will take it out after rainstorm and try it. Hope it is the ticket. Did Kubota just get a real good deal on springs and had to find a use for them??
I removed the horizontal spring and there was a considerable improvement. I might replace one of the others with a lighter one since it still is just a bit stiff. Maybe a lightweight spring as one of the vertical and another lightweight on the horizontal would be the ticket.

My opinion is that those stiff springs are a result of the legal department trying to justify their jobs.