Ok....... crazy pet story.
First... you got to know what the Dump Bump is:
There are times; Like Easter Jeep Safari, where for HOURSSS different folk will try to climb it. Most fail. Dozens will attempt.
Well there was a time my travels, esp. offroad ones; were all done with Jake my yellow mix lab. Now Jake...... was a bit ripped and big. If he was hunkard down in some weeds and you spied him from corner of your eye..... you would swear a lioness was about to have you for dinner.
Anyway.... he my compatriot in all things; was by my side as I photographed and took notes while standing at about the spot the video above was shot. I'd say I had already done got up the rock facmyself.... but I would be lieing. Was there writing a weeks worth of daily articles for a E-Magazine Rockcrawler .com. (a site no longer around

) Jake and I, he would stay by my side pretty much at all times; watched sooooo, so many try to climb it. A storm was brewing in the background. Finaly it was obvious the Ominous Black clouds and lightening were about the end the specticle so all were now walking away. Not sure why I and Jake was still standing in the same spot and not leaving yet ...... but we were. I looked down at Jake who had this strange look on his face. He looked at Dump Bump.... back at me.... and back at the rock face. Off he went.
scratch scratch...... claw. scratch.. I swore his nails were going to rip off as he worked that rock.... like the Yeeps, Yota's... Pro and Amatures who spent last couple hours spinning tires trying to scale that rock. He went inch by inch.. AND CLIMBED IT. Funny thing he POSED like Naila the lion from Lion King movie at the top. HE WAS KING OF BUMP DUMP. It was a surreal moment... That no one saw. But I got the shot of a life time. It was amazing... Somehow he understood that a challenge, Man-vs-Machine was taken by so many..... and failed by so many. He understood/breathed the emotion of taking on that challenge like all human around that evening. Damn it was such an interesting connection. He was a damn smart dog. Unfortunately with the E-Mag now defunct; I only have been able to resurrect a small clip of it from Google Archives. My big shot of it died in a Hard Drive crash.
Jake will always be close to my heart. I truly miss him.