4 wheel drive or not?

Eric McCarthy

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Lifetime Member

Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
I've been sort of confused for years about FWD on tractors. I hear all the time that with 4 wheel drive the tractor has a greater draw bar horsepower and can pull down a house, but over use of the 4 wheel drive can break the front axle in half. A few years ago I used to drive trucks for a local dealership hauling the blue tractors. { Don't shoot me, it was a job and a paycheck at the end of the week } I was sent out with the rollback to pick up a 30HP tractor that the front axle had been broken. I think the repair bill was close to seven thousand dollars to fix it. All because the owner constantly used the tractor in 4 wheel drive to aerate yards with. So I guess my question is does a 4 wheel drive really make that much of a difference? I can see it being useful if your stuck in snow or mud. I dont think I would want to drag a cultivator and plow fields all day long with the tractor in 4 wheel.


New member

B7100 HST-D 4x4 with FEL, PTO and 3 pt hitch
Dec 7, 2009
Putnam County, NY
Just like my Tacoma pick up truck, I will only put my tractor into 4 wheel drive when I need it. And maybe just once in a while if I haven't used it, to simply get everything turned and lubed a bit.

But... Like in my truck, I'm sure I will be happy that I have it.


New member

B7510DT, 4' Snow blower, 4' Loader, 6' Blade, 6' 3PH Finish mower, 6' box blade,
Aug 16, 2009
Durham Ontario Canada
Yeah, I love 4x4 feature too.
I used to have Zetor 70 hp tractor. but it didn't have 4x4.
Every time I get stuck in my parking lot... I had to get a big help.
But with this Kubota 4x4 and Loader bucket helps me to get out every time.:D

And I'm using snow blade that modified to attached on the bucket every time.
don't need snow blower much any more. Along with 4x4, Snow blade~!
Perfect combination.

And now, I have to pray hard that not to break down...:eek::eek::eek:




1976 Kubota L225DT
Nov 16, 2009
Salt Lake City, Utah
The thing that paople who break their 4WD front axle forget is that a tractor's front and rear axles are not equal in size and strength. All you have to do is look at the casings of both to notice this difference. My dad over worked our tractor and finally exploded the front diff.
Basically, just be smart about using 4WD and know when you "might"be over working it. The tractor will let you know. They're tough but not indestructible After 25 plus years of not having the 4wd functional in my tractor and getting into tricky spots where having 4wd would have made all the diff, its nice to have it working again believe me! Just the comfort of knowing its there if you need it makes it all worth paying for it up front.


Well-known member

BX24, A1000 Kubota Generator
May 27, 2009
Hardisty, Alberta
Of course a little common sense goes a long way here. I just rebuilt the front axle on a M120 because the customer constantly moves big bales around with his tractor in four wheel drive AND the front diff lock on!:eek:
That being said though, most of my customers drive their tractors around daily on the front wheels with such a load on their loaders that the rear wheels are almost in the air! They wouldn't move if not in 4WD! AND I repair very few front ends. The Kubota 4WD is VERY tough!


New member
Feb 17, 2009
Mountforest Ontario
I am probably one of the worst offenders as far as leaving the tractor in 4x4. With any kind of weight on the loader, there is no way I can climb any kind of a hill in two wheel drive. I know the solution, load the tires and build a ballast box. In the mean time I keep either the tiller or blower on the back. With the snow the tractor very seldom see's 2 wheel drive. The 4x4 just makes it so much quicker and easier moving snow. I plow snow with the blade in high range. If I left it in 2 wd all I would do is spin.:D Dusty


Lifetime Member

B7001 with loader & tiller, 3 point hitch and 4' rear blade
Aug 9, 2009
Aldergrove, BC, Canada
I think the term 'draw bar horsepower' may be misleading. The key here is pounds of tractive force or more simply 'pulling power'. Given the same conditions, you will likely get more tractive force in 4wd, simple because of greater total tire to ground friction. On soft dirt & snow that makes a huge difference. On hard dirt or grass, probably don't need it.
Other comments about weight and weight distribution are important.

Also consider the lack of a front-to-rear differential. On any kind of hard surface there would be tremendous stress on both axle differentials as they seek to turn at slightly different speeds. I think this may be where the premature failure of front axles would arise.

Eric McCarthy

New member
Lifetime Member

Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
My thinking is like 4 wheel drive on a vehicle. You have 4hi and 4lo and each one is suited for a certain speed. I would assume you'd have to run a tractor in a lower range as to not destroy the front axle. I have never owned a tractor that has the luxury of 4 wheel drive, and as of yet never really had a need for 4x4. I'm not saying I've never had it stuck, if the differential lock doesn't get me out, for me its usually buried so deep I need a truck to pull me out.


New member

BX2660, FEL, tiller, disc cultivator, tine cultivator, rear blade, MMM, & more!!
Jan 7, 2010
McCutchenville, Ohio, USA
I love 4WD on my BX because it is smaller. It gives me a little more "umf" when I pull my 12" plow through the garden or when I am plowing/pushing snow around. When I do have my BX in 4WD, I am concious about taking wider turns with it. It may just be me, but I don't want to cause any issues with the front axle. When it is not in 4WD, then I take sharper turns.


New member

Sep 7, 2009
Four wheel drive does not increase your drawbar power it only helps you apply that power to the ground. If you have your tractor in 4x4 you should be fine as long as you are not on pavement. I dont know if anyone remembers the old muscle cars with real positraction rearends but when they turned a corner you could hear the tires squeal because in a turn one is trying to turn faster than the other. I believe most Kubotas front ends are locked so in a turn on a surface with really good traction they are going to fight one another. Almost all trucks manufactured today that are 4x4 only have 1 wheel on each axle that has power to it.


New member

B7510DT, 4' Snow blower, 4' Loader, 6' Blade, 6' 3PH Finish mower, 6' box blade,
Aug 16, 2009
Durham Ontario Canada
Is that the why my B7510DT jerks a lot when I try to make a sharp turn~~???
When 4x4 is engaged and try to make sharp turn... it gives me a lot of jerk move...:cool:

but no 4x4, it is okay though~! :rolleyes:
