Govt. Office employees..... global warming and wives

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L4240HSTC with FEL, Ford 1210
Jan 19, 2013
Near Lancaster, PA, USA
Re: I wonder about new Kubota tractors...

.......................................As for climate change it is the overwhelming consensus of science. We are free to deny it or politicize it of course but it doesn't change the science.
Most of the climate change talk is just a way for people to make money, campaign for office and redistribute wealth. Absolutely no doubt there IS climate change. The Great Lakes were scooped out by glacial activity and they've been melting for thousands of years*. Who says earth needs to stay exactly as it is at present?

Could it be that warming is happening at a greater pace? Sure. Could it be that scientists don't know what will happen next? Sure. Just last week, there was a story in the news that scientists were very concerned about a new mini ice age.

* Fred Flintstone's car was NOT foot-powered as in the cartoon! It had a pre-tier IV diesel engine spewing black clouds of smoke.


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L3800 and Z411
Jan 6, 2014
Rockley, NS
Re: I wonder about new Kubota tractors...

Like I said, it isn't political for me. If NASA and every other scientific organization in the world has stated a conclusion then I believe it whether I like their conclusions or not. In this case I do not like their conclusions. I won't question the science when they send a person to Mars either. They are qualified and I am not so I accept the science and move on.
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L4240HSTC with FEL, Ford 1210
Jan 19, 2013
Near Lancaster, PA, USA
Re: I wonder about new Kubota tractors...

Like I said, it isn't political for me. If NASA and every other scientific organization in the world has stated a conclusion then I believe it whether I like their conclusions or not. In this case I do not like their conclusions. I won't question the science when they send a person to Mars either. They are qualified and I am not so I accept the science and move on.
Don't sell yourself short. We don't know everything and some of what we think we know is wrong. Just because a bunch of people may have more "book learnin" than you doesn't mean that you can't have thoughts of your own, quazz. Just remember that today's scientists are "scientists of the day" of this day, just as those scientists of the day in centuries past figured ol' Chris would fall of the edge of the earth when he went sailing. Or the ones who thought a horse's hair would turn into a snake, etc.

There are still a lot of things that some take for granted that will change as we learn more. Just last year (to the embarrassment of the scientists who predicted otherwise) the ozone hole nearly closed up. Keep an open mind:)


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L3800 and Z411
Jan 6, 2014
Rockley, NS
Re: I wonder about new Kubota tractors...

Don't sell yourself short. We don't know everything and some of what we think we know is wrong. Just because a bunch of people may have more "book learnin" than you doesn't mean that you can't have thoughts of your own, quazz. Just remember that today's scientists are "scientists of the day" of this day, just as those scientists of the day in centuries past figured ol' Chris would fall of the edge of the earth when he went sailing. Or the ones who thought a horse's hair would turn into a snake, etc.

There are still a lot of things that some take for granted that will change as we learn more. Just last year (to the embarrassment of the scientists who predicted otherwise) the ozone hole nearly closed up. Keep an open mind:)
Thanks but my mind is open and I am skeptical of just about everything. However data is data and the scientific method is unassailable and has brought us out of the dark ages. The method wasn't applied by the flat earthers of the day. Science itself is skeptical, it is always testing theories and conclusions are very hard to come by in science.
As for selling myself short I know I lack the tools, training, expertise and experience to refute NASA (among thousands of other scientific orgs) or the conclusions of the worldwide scientific community. I have read about this extensively to try to educate myself on this as well but it is incredibly complex with more data than any single human could hope to ever analyse.
I give as much credence to the thought the whole thing is a plot or a scam as I would to someone saying that frequent oil changes are a scam by oil companies.
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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Re: I wonder about new Kubota tractors...

I always remember, "Facts change, truth does not."

Facts frequently are determined by who pays the bill for the research. And the results change from time to time, as different enterprises offer funds to others to re-study the previous fact.


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M4900 Utility Special 4WD e/w FEL & 1530 John Deere "Traveling Man"
Oct 8, 2019
Brookhaven, MS
Re: I wonder about new Kubota tractors...

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein

All men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes. Winston Churchill

If you aren't making any mistakes, you aren't innovating. If you're making the same mistakes, you aren't learning.
Rick Warren
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M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Re: I wonder about new Kubota tractors...

I just want one of those things like the Jetsons had where you could push a button and it would spit out a cooked meal.

I push my wife's buttons all the time but I think hers are set on fight instead of cook.
After years of marriage, I'd think you know better, I know I do....:eek:
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M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Re: I wonder about new Kubota tractors...

It is far more efficient to use one huge power generation station, whether nuclear, hydro or oil or other, versus millions of inefficient tiny power sources, the ICE in your car. It takes the same energy to run your car from point A to B regardless of the energy source. The difference is in the source itself and efficiency of the engine. Gas or diesel engines are very inefficient in converting the energy potential of fuel with the best around 25%. Electric motors are much more efficient and a large plant generating electricity is far more efficient than a million little power plants.

Anyway getting back to the topic I am sure the new tractors are great and it seems their owners love them but none of us with earlier versions will be adding the new system. I doubt there is much of an after market demand.
There is no aftermarket demand as you cannot retrofit an engine to meet T4 final specifications. One, the components are not available to the general public and two, a person would have to be insane and have a 'yuge' wallet to do it.

Not feasible.


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multiple and various
Apr 15, 2018
Re: I wonder about new Kubota tractors...

It is far more efficient to use one huge power generation station, whether nuclear, hydro or oil or other, versus millions of inefficient tiny power sources, the ICE in your car. It takes the same energy to run your car from point A to B regardless of the energy source. The difference is in the source itself and efficiency of the engine. Gas or diesel engines are very inefficient in converting the energy potential of fuel with the best around 25%. Electric motors are much more efficient and a large plant generating electricity is far more efficient than a million little power plants.

Anyway getting back to the topic I am sure the new tractors are great and it seems their owners love them but none of us with earlier versions will be adding the new system. I doubt there is much of an after market demand.
Though true, the problem is energy density.

The other problem is the elephant in the living room mentioned above that no one seems to want to recognize. This problem would immediately become overwhelming if someone invented the long awaited and long predicted miracle battery yet to be developed.




Jan 21, 2020
Leonard, TX, USA
Re: I wonder about new Kubota tractors...

It is far more efficient to use one huge power generation station, whether nuclear, hydro or oil or other, versus millions of inefficient tiny power sources, the ICE in your car. It takes the same energy to run your car from point A to B regardless of the energy source. The difference is in the source itself and efficiency of the engine. Gas or diesel engines are very inefficient in converting the energy potential of fuel with the best around 25%. Electric motors are much more efficient and a large plant generating electricity is far more efficient than a million little power plants.

Anyway getting back to the topic I am sure the new tractors are great and it seems their owners love them but none of us with earlier versions will be adding the new system. I doubt there is much of an after market demand.

You are partially correct. Most power in the US is generated by fossil fuels though. Once the power plant generates the electricity and then delivers it to the consumer, the efficiency is somewhere ~35%. Hydro is the most efficient until they run the power through 1000s of miles of transmission lines to bring the cost back up. It would actually be far more efficient to produce power more locally, but this is currently cost prohibitive. This thread was mainly about tier 4 emissions mandates though which has nothing to do with efficiency. In fact, probably helps tip the scales more in favor of what you are saying. The IEEE did a study a few years back that suggested doing things like making traffic lights work more smartly would have a far greater impact on emissions than recycling everyone’s SUV into a Prius. Or, like someone else suggested, sick them on China to get them up to where we were in the 80s first before messing with my tractor.


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multiple and various
Apr 15, 2018
Re: I wonder about new Kubota tractors...

You are partially correct. Most power in the US is generated by fossil fuels though. Once the power plant generates the electricity and then delivers it to the consumer, the efficiency is somewhere ~35%. Hydro is the most efficient until they run the power through 1000s of miles of transmission lines to bring the cost back up. It would actually be far more efficient to produce power more locally, but this is currently cost prohibitive. This thread was mainly about tier 4 emissions mandates though which has nothing to do with efficiency. In fact, probably helps tip the scales more in favor of what you are saying. The IEEE did a study a few years back that suggested doing things like making traffic lights work more smartly would have a far greater impact on emissions than recycling everyone’s SUV into a Prius. Or, like someone else suggested, sick them on China to get them up to where we were in the 80s first before messing with my tractor.



Active member

L4701HST, FEL and other stuff.
Jul 28, 2018
Re: I wonder about new Kubota tractors...

A humorous way of presenting facts to the vegan global warming activist's in this link: CLICK HERE

Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Re: I wonder about new Kubota tractors...

The point is that govenment agencies and employees do good work too. Are they inefficient? Probably any large organization is inefficient. If you have ever worked in a very large company you will see lots of examples. But they get it done.
My grandfather and a couple friends were all postal workers. They would get together and gripe and gripe about the mismanagement and waste [emoji14]

All were hard workers and very passionate about their jobs.

My beef is the elected officials. And I'm a huge supporter of term limits.

As far as the regular government employees. They are just like the rest of us, and just doing a job ;)

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
I just truly wish, that we got all these wonderful things everyone things we get/got, I wish my medical was paid for like people think, and the huge wages, and the short hours they think we work. All the bennies people think we got, a car to drive around in and credit cards to use at our whim. And the limited amount of education people think we have. Are there some that used the system to get a head and lived of the back of others be cause they were affirmative action damn right!
No one thinks about how some of us risked our lives enforcing laws saving lives and sometimes recovering victims and finding one of our own in the carnage.

No most people don't or ever will come in contact with those that make things run. They meet the slugs that are there because
1, it was an easy job
2, and got hired for so many different reasons that have nothing to do with qualification's
Until ya been there , lived it and under stand, it is best to just keep your opinions to your self until you know for sure


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L245DT with Kubota (Arps Model 22) FEL and Kubota B/L4520B (Woods 650) BH
Apr 23, 2018
British Columbia
I have worked for several different levels of government and serve in the military. You have a spectrum: good, bad, and ugly. The ugly tend to be management - not leaders. In the army I learned the difference between management and leadership, and in the civil service I have worked for very few leaders, but plenty of managers. The ugly also include the "protected species" at all levels who are the stereotype; officious, out of control, rude, and run to the shop steward or HR rep the minute their feelings are hurt - they tend not to be millennials, surprisingly, but often have 15+ years in. The bad: usually just lazy; they know the job, but they don't care. They work to pay for their travel/hobbies and are generally Gen Y/millennials.
The good: these are good and very good. They care, they work hard, and they know their stuff. They span all generations. They usually don't maintain very good for long periods because a) its not worth it because you end up carrying the load of the bad and the ugly, and b) they get cynical because they do all the work but have usually been passed over for opportunities and promotions in favour of one of the "protected species" who is better at working the system.

At least in the army, there is a merit process, boards, reviews, and transparency. In the civil service there is supposed to be, but the nepotism, ageism, and exaggerated political correctness chase the better ones into the private sector.


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M4700DT, LA1002FEL, Ferguson5-8B Compactor-Roller, 10KDumpTrailer, RTV-X900
May 18, 2018
Hearing your opinions on government employees is very interesting. I have always had a pretty bad opinion of most government employees. Of course, I understand that some risk their lives to save others and I have always respected those. But I have always seen all the others as the ones who brag about their salary and lack of work. Now I understand that those aren’t the majority, just the ones who scream the loudest and are the ones we see the most. You guys have really changed my mind and opened my eyes, thank you. I have no experience with a government job. I work as a software engineer and my biggest struggles are the fact that I am forced to work from home even though I have already found this solution lol. After reading some of your posts, I have come to respect government workers so much more!
I think you are full of sheit. I‘ve never ever heard a ”gov’t employee “brag about their salary and lack of work”. I‘ve worked at a gov’t job and was damn impressed by the professionalsim and expertise and the dedication of my fellow employees who worked overtime and without further compensation under the criticism of those who didn’t now sheit about the details fo the situation.
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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
I think you are full of sheit. I‘ve never ever heard a ”gov’t employee “brag about their salary and lack of work”. I‘ve worked at a gov’t job and was damn impressed by the professionalsim and expertise and the dedication of my fellow employees who worked overtime and without further compensation under the criticism of those who didn’t now sheit about the details fo the situation.
I have and it's disgusting! And the more it's repeated the more repulsive it is.


Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
I have worked in government in the past

I saw with mine own eyes how stupid, lazy, dumb, government workers can be

Sat alongside a high profile pair of women while they were discussing ways to make a bunch of money on property "deals" of them went to prison, the other should be but isn't because of, simply put she is better known. Not giving any names, but I was there in person listening to these two people make illegal decisions. About 30 some years ago mind you. I have seen decisions made by these hard working people that would make most cringe. Illegal, no. Frowned upon absolutely.

Lets look at something a different way. For an example, I worked 30 years at a Kubota dealer. Made about $50k/yr when I left including bonuses. Every single day was a huge challenge, who am I gonna make mad today because people don't walk in the door happy and as someone who worked in a shop with no air conditioning, in the summer (busy) months, I was always hot, sweaty, and generally in a poor mood. My pay was enough to pay my bills. The benefits left a lot to be desired, I had a boss who at any given time could unpredictably fire anyone for any reason (and yes I was fired twice in the last 2 years or so). In this state you can get fired for whatever reason they want, or no reason at all. Now compare that to the job I did at the capital. There were people working at the capital that were do-nothings. They would run letters back and forth between the governor's mansion and the capital. There were people who did nothing but answer the phone. There were people who, basically didn't do anything, even though they had official job titles that sounded "important". Take into consideration that these folks got paid as well as I did, and they had MUCH better benefits, and didn't have the nervousness of having a boss that would terminate them at any given moment for any particular (or no) reason. They were, government employees. One of'll like this....had one of those important sounding official job titles. Well that job really didn't amount to much, was only required to be at 'work' one day out of 5 every week. The other 4 days? On the lake. He got good at fishing and with the job he did came good consultation with higher-up's in government, so he learned the in's and out's of how to get what he wanted. So he bought a $84,000 "bass" boat (brand new) and he uses it 4 days a week, every week, 12 months out of the year while he's "on call". He is a crappie guide and tournament angler locally. I know him well. Mind you his 'job' pays him for 40 hours plus any overtime he might get from a phone consulation while on the water. So while he's out there fishing he might get a call from someone who needs to know where to buy 2x4 studs (or whatever). 2 min phone call, the rest of the day catching slabs. Your (or our) government is paying for it. And by the way, this gentleman, I know him well. We grew up together.

Also government employees get all these days off that most of the rest of us don't. Paid vacation for MLK day, columbus day, every weekend off, this holiday that holiday....and the rest of us pay for it, while we are working on those same days.

An old girlfriend of mine whom I stay in contact with is an assistant to the governor. She is home every day. Running errands, doing things for herself like getting the hair done, nails, sit around the house a lot, she's even been fishing a bunch of times with my friend. Government job. Must be nice; I'll never know because I don't work for the government and don't have plans to. But to her, it's cute "hey look at me I'm fishing on government payroll".....

When I said if the gov would spend my tax dollars wisely, I'd have no problem with a tax increase, this is the kind of wasteful spending that I was referring to. It might not happen everywhere, but unless you actually know what's happening, you just don't.

Another kind of wasteful spending. When gov't buys somethign they usually buy on bids. Same for paving roads, which I will use for an example. They submit requests, then get bids whoever gets the lowest bid gets the contract. The lowest bid means the cheapest work, cheapest materials. I live out in the county (thank goodness) and they've been doing some pavement work on the highway up the road from the house. The work consists of filling in some holes. Filling in the holes means let's grab a pickup truck from the impound lot, toss some asphault in the bed and take a couple guys out with shovels and fill in the holes. And that's exactly what they do. The repair is piss poor! Toss some asphault in, run it over with the truck a couple times, and then call it "done"--while collecting a good bit of money for doing it. In less than 24 hours the "repair" is falling apart again. Wasteful spending. Just a couple examples of many.
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