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  • Hi lugbolt - I recently came across your 9/9/2020 post on "BH92 Backhoe leaking on MX5400". I just took delivery yesterday of a L4760 with a BH92 and a third function valve for a grapple. I've got two hours on it and the backhoe is leaking hydraulic fluid from the top of the valves and pooling on the operator floor. I was digging up stumps and moving them with the grapple so I suspect the third function valve was not plumbed correctly, as you mentioned in your post.

    I'm wondering if you had any additional information you could share? You mentioned a publication on the Kubota dealer only page and I'd like to be able to point it out to the dealer.

    Thanks for your help!
    yeah they have to install the 3rd function hoses in the correct order. Basically if it's installed incorrectly, it back feeds pressure to the return circuit of the backhoe. When this happens, it knocks the o-rings out of the spool valves and of course leaks.

    You may be wise to ask the dealer to look into this-there was a bulletin on it about 2018 I think. I no longer have access to the stuff, maybe you can get North Idaho Wolfman to pull that bulletin up? I think he's still got access. Dealer I worked for cut my access to training and everything before I left-which they aren't' supposed to do...I could have reported that to Kubota and they'd probably get a talkin to by the reps but it was not really worth my time.
    Thanks! I haven't had a chance yet to check the order of the hydraulic circuit, but I also found a bulletin that says the same thing can happen if the 3pt lever is not in the forward most position or down position of 3pt arms. In PSB-2019-155-R1: L-Series; Leaking Backhoe Valves and Installing Non-Kubota 3rd Function Valves Description, it states "This same symptom of leaking backhoe O-rings can also result from a misadjusted 3pt feedback linkage or a 3pt lever that is not in the forward most position or down position of 3pt arms (also called the 3pt float position)."

    I have been running the backhoe with the 3pt lever in the rearward most position or up position of 3pt arms since that was just the position it was in when it was delivered on Monday.

    I stumbled across a post you replied to about a Kubota 8540 clutch pack. I see you replaced a lot of them, so I am wondering if you had any experience with the m120 clutch packs. Right now, I am in the process of splitting it but I'm not sure what to use to split it yet or what really I'm getting myself into so any information would be appreciated.
    No, I never did anything larger than the 9540. Shop wasn't big enough. Little tiny mom-and-pop dealership at the time. Sorry, I wish I could be of more help.
    Hello, sir. I'm new to the site. I have a G1800 that I want to upgrade to an alternator based system and read on here on a post that you did this in 2017 and am asking for your help. I've heard of two "kits" but am not sure if either of them would work (even with a little modding) on my D662 engine. The two kits I've heard of are B7311 and B7324. Would either of these work, or is there another that could be recommended for this application. I've also started a new post asking this same question. Any help would be appreciated greatly!
    I didn't use a kit

    I just orderd an alternator for a BX24, and the little spacer that goes on the pivoting mount. Installs right onto D662/D722 in the G series. The hard part is the wiring and it's not hard at all. U have to bypass the original regulator which isn't a big deal if you know anything about wiring.
    good morning sir.... I read that you have worked on and have experience with the L3800's. May I ask you a question? I am having trouble with the safety switch on the accelerator pedal. The switch sits in a bracket under the dash as you may remember. It's loose and is not seated firmly in the bracket and pushes up mostly all the time now. When it pushes up just that little bit, the tractor wont start. I constantly have to push down on it so the proper contact is made to allow the tractor to start. While the tractor starts fine when I do this, it is a pain in the ass. Any suggestions on how to get it to firmly sit in the bracket without loosening up? Not sure I explained that to be understandable, but perhaps.... Thanks for your time...
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