What will it take?

David Page

Active member

1974 L260, 6" bush hog, subsoiler, spring tooth harrow, boom pole, 2 bottom plow
Jun 25, 2013
Dexter, ME
Yep the 60s and early 70s were good times. I helped Mom can stuff for the winter and make jelly, being the oldest you did what you were told when you were told. What I learned I tried to pass along to my girls. Taught them to hunt and shoot fish and trap, and caught hell from everyone,, you know they are little girls,,, and all that. Both know so much more about how to survive that almost all of their friends, but each generation looses something from the one before untill they no longer remember or know. And then suddenly they have to learn it all over again, more than likely the hard way
You did right, my wife and daughter can shoot a deer and bring it home to freeze or can it.
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Well-known member

L3301, bucket, backhoe, grader, plow, harrow, cultivator
Nov 2, 2020
I find a significant lack of perspective and disconnection from reality pervades the US. Perhaps other countries as well. The proverbial "first world problems" have blinded us to how harsh life can be without all the luxuries we take for granted. A smack in the face by a tree trunk of reality might help. But sometimes I'm not so sure.

Hard times create strong men.
Strong men create good times.
Good times create weak men.

<- we are here
And, weak men create hard times.

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Active member

Jul 10, 2017
To add to the quote posted by random

"The son's of greatness FAIL"

It might be noted, that during the depression, greater than 70% of the US population was considered "Agrarian" in a way of selfsuffiency. Today, that number is less than 3%.

"What is the difference between a liberal and a conservative?"

"Nine missed meals" .
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