SO THAT is Reverse?


New member

2012 BX25
Jan 18, 2013
That guy working that front winch could not be in a more dangerous spot. That thing comes loose it will cut him in half.


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bx2370, 60" mmm, FEL, 54" boxblade and r4 tires.
Sep 22, 2014
lowell, Mi
That guy working that front winch could not be in a more dangerous spot. That thing comes loose it will cut him in half.
Nah, myth busters did a show on that, it would hardly break skin let alone cut someone in half.

Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
Nah, myth busters did a show on that, it would hardly break skin let alone cut someone in half.
I wouldn't believe myth busters if they told me the sky was blue.
My best friend in high school was present at a decapitation caused by a winch cable letting go. It's pure physics... apply enough tension***8230; something breaks...
Myth busters said the famous "Saving Private Ryan" shot through the enemy's scope was impossible, even tho there are two documented cases on record.
Hell, my buddies & I did it in only 5 trys at 100yds.
Last edited:


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May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA
Mythbusters did a scope test with one of the era and found it was possible with the right kind of scope. It came down to model and how the glass in the optics was made. They do correct themselves when more data becomes available to them.

As for cables, it also depends on the kind and winding of the cable/rope. Chains just drop when they break as they do not store much 'strech' tension. High grade cables also part cleanly and drop as they don't stretch much. Lower quality cables with a lot of stretch can part and do nasty things. Most rope has the same tendency, however, you can watch Youtube tug videos with massive high tension howsers parting the they don't snap back much, but do throw a lot of shrapnel around, the force is like an explosion.

The cable industry covers it's tush by giving warnings as if all cables will misused and of low quality.


New member

bx2370, 60" mmm, FEL, 54" boxblade and r4 tires.
Sep 22, 2014
lowell, Mi
I wouldn't believe myth busters if they told me the sky was blue.
My best friend in high school was present at a decapitation caused by a winch cable letting go. It's pure physics... apply enough tension***8230; something breaks...
Myth busters said the famous "Saving Private Ryan" shot through the enemy's scope was impossible, even tho there are two documented cases on record.
Hell, my buddies & I did it in only 5 trys at 100yds.

Thats a lot of claims with nothing to back them up.

I have no idea about what they said about the shot through the scope, never seen that episode.

Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
dirtroad- It dawned on me after my last post that maybe you weren't being tongue in cheek, so let me first say I didn't intend this to become a pi**ing match. Mythbusters uses "junk science", apparently for ratings. I worked in R&D for 20+ years (yeah, I know, a claim with nothing to back it up) and repeatability of test data was paramount. To attempt to recreate the shot through the scope using a modern, multi-lense scope instead of the actual scope type from the incident borders on moronic. That's like saying VWs get poor gas mileage because we tested Cadillacs.
Do I have the scope or it's photograph from the Hathcock incident? No,
and I don't have the documentation of the WWII Russia vs Germany incident either. I guess they didn't happen***8230;.
Did my buddies & I set up cameras & film our re-creation of the scope incident that we duplicated? Nope, guess it didn't happen either.
Did I film the decapitation incident at Rocky Point Mexico 40 years ago? Nope, but I witnessed my buddy & his Dad go to a Psychologist/Psychiatrist before that was in vogue, then give up their 4 wheeling hobby. Guess it didn't happen***8230;.
I thought about getting a bunch of youtube vids together to show chains & cables breaking and damaging bodies, blowing out windows & the like, but frankly there are too many, and I'm about done with this subject.
I guess my point is, if my claims are worthless because there not backed up with sufficient proof for you, what is your claim worth when quoting a show that has been proven wrong and even admit themselves they don't know what they're doing?
Now, I hope we can agree to disagree, and part friends, or at least not enemies.
I'll duck now, & wait for your next salvo..


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May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA
Lil Foot-

I think you are mythunderstanding mythbusters...

Their purpose is not to unequivocally bust myths using all possible methodologies. They do have a budget and they have no capability of doing so, and they state regularly that it only holds up in the methods and processes THEY use to test. So 'Busted' only means busted as far as their tests are concerned.

For example, they have tried, and tried and tried to recreate Archimedes "Death Ray" many times, even under a 'suspect' Presidential order to do so. Not one of their tests has succeeded so they claim 'Busted'. However, the mathematics/physics of the science says it is possible to focus enough sunlight over a distance on a single point to ignite ships or their rigging. So, either the historical record 'myth' is a fallacy or we just haven't figured out how it was done. It's not like we can ask Archimedes.

It's the same with the rifle scope issue. They knew they didn't have a scope of that era and most folks with one are not going to subject it to destructive testing, so they did what they normally do, use a stand in. It isn't VW's and Cadillac's, it does prove that the feat would be remarkable, especially with modern optics. So they 'busted' it based on their tests with the caveats they stated. They did retest this after acquiring a historical scope and under tighter restrictions. They said it was plausible after that.

It is entertaining and while many times I could come up with more rigorous or better tests than they do, it is what it is, and it's fun to watch them make idiots of themselves while learning stuff in the process.

I laughed at their 'gunpowder' episode. They left the geek squad in charge of trying to make it. They failed miserably because the geeks didn't actually understand the process, they only understood the science of it. They also grabbed a process off the internet that was flawed so they are victims of this very medium we are communicating in.

I'm not defending them, only that it's a show and it does do valid tests and valid science, combined with entertainment. I suggest watching them. They are also open to your critiques, valid or not. They love viewer mail.


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May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA

I agree with Lil Foot that you need to take Mythbusters with a grain of salt, even Adam and Jaime say to do so.

On the cable issue, it only works for the cables they tested. I saw the episode and heard the historical data to the contrary. They just couldn't prove it to be true.

Recall they DID prove that a delaminating truck tire CAN decapitate you. That demonstration got reused in CSI Las Vegas and is part of the title montage for that show! So, none of this is worth making hay over.

Personally, the recovery method was fairly safely done, if inefficient.

Lil Foot

Well-known member
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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
I think you are mythunderstanding mythbusters...
Very punny!:D
I understand what you're saying, but what irks me is that so many people take their results as unimpeachable gospel… and maybe I should have more of an issue with those people, rather than the show.
I'd be a lot happier if they'd say something like "We can't duplicate the conditions of this test with any degree of accuracy, so our results are completely meaningless, totally worthless, and should not be used or quoted by anyone. Enjoy the show for it's entertainment value."
But I guess that's too much to ask for...:rolleyes:


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2012 Kubota 2920, 60MMM, FEL, BH65 48" Bush Hog, 60"Backblade, B2782B Snowblower
Dec 31, 2012
New Hampshire
Mythbusters did a scope test with one of the era and found it was possible with the right kind of scope. It came down to model and how the glass in the optics was made. They do correct themselves when more data becomes available to them.

As for cables, it also depends on the kind and winding of the cable/rope. Chains just drop when they break as they do not store much 'strech' tension. High grade cables also part cleanly and drop as they don't stretch much. Lower quality cables with a lot of stretch can part and do nasty things. Most rope has the same tendency, however, you can watch Youtube tug videos with massive high tension howsers parting the they don't snap back much, but do throw a lot of shrapnel around, the force is like an explosion.

The cable industry covers it's tush by giving warnings as if all cables will misused and of low quality.
I don't know anything about scopes and Mythbuster tests, but if you believe a chain breaking under tension will just drop or a cable under tension will just drop, I have a bridge I will sell you cheap. I have a hole in the side of my head from a chain breaking and coming flying threw the back window of the tractor and breaking my skull and knocking me out. There was an industrial accident a couple of towns over a few years ago where a cable broke and killed the guy. So I hate to bust your "Myth" but things do fly when breaking under tension.

Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
I don't know anything about scopes and Mythbuster tests, but if you believe a chain breaking under tension will just drop or a cable under tension will just drop, I have a bridge I will sell you cheap. I have a hole in the side of my head from a chain breaking and coming flying threw the back window of the tractor and breaking my skull and knocking me out. There was an industrial accident a couple of towns over a few years ago where a cable broke and killed the guy. So I hate to bust your "Myth" but things do fly when breaking under tension.
I have to agree, seen lots of this sort of thing when I was offroading a lot.
Most impressive (and thankfully no people got hurt) was when several (seven I think) vehicles all chained up in two lines in an attempt to pull out a submerged 1942 Dodge ambulance. (think MASH) A chain broke & blew a hole through the grille & radiator, mangled the fan, and even broke the water pump housing on a Jeep. Anybody on the receiving end of that would have been a hurtin' pup.


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May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA
Again, didn't say it couldn't happen, it takes certain circumstances to have it happen.

I too have had a chain break on me and it just dropped to the ground. It was under the pulling force of a tractor against a stuck tractor. The ends were less than 5 feet from each other, the distance it took for the operator to stop pulling. The broken link was severed cleanly.

It's all about how much tension the chain/cable/rope stores in itself. If it doesn't store much energy, it just drops. So the creation method, material and even the age of the item makes a difference.

I have heard all the horror stories as well. The US Military believes in it so much that their technique for pulling out a stuck vehicle with it's own winch looks like a cats cradle game. I'm not saying they are wrong, I'm not saying the Mythbusters are right, but their tests are on camera for you to see. They couch their conclusion based on their tests, that's all they can do. Your mileage may vary...


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May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA
I'd be a lot happier if they'd say something like "We can't duplicate the conditions of this test with any degree of accuracy, so our results are completely meaningless, totally worthless, and should not be used or quoted by anyone. Enjoy the show for it's entertainment value."
But I guess that's too much to ask for...:rolleyes:
They do say similar stuff in context to the tests, not to the negative implication against their show, but things fairly close. Frequently they are left with more questions than answers and they say so. I can't recall what they were testing but they couldn't fit the results cleanly into 'confirmed' 'plausible' or 'busted' so they just picked 'plausible' and shrugged.

The stuff they confirm is the best stuff. Water heaters being able to blow your house into little bits (that was a frightening episode), trucks on the road blowing tires and decapitating you, etc. They do good science in the process and try to explain it. Not everything they do is tested to the nines, but I give them a "B" for overall effect.


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L4330 w/FEL, RTV-XG850 and ZD326S
Jul 21, 2013
Nah, myth busters did a show on that, it would hardly break skin let alone cut someone in half.
I know for a fact that a winch cable can cut a person in half.

I saw it on a documentary narrated by John McClane.


Lil Foot

Well-known member
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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
I saw it on a documentary narrated by John McClane.
Just saw another "documentary" on TV, the opening scene of "Ghost Ship" (2002).
Probably too graphic for most folks, so google it yourself if interested. Warning, NSFW & graphic to the point of being ridiculous.