Just out of curiosity! How many gals on this forum?


New member

Kubota B8200 HST
Jun 29, 2013
Summerstown Ontario
Aha, I see the gloves are off and this forum is no holds barred! Well... let the ribbing begin.

I have seen this book before. It is one of two volumes. It's been passed down for centuries in the man kingdom. It's more of a dictionary, with the meaning of words such as romantic, spelt ROW MAN TICK. Kinda like HOOKED ON PHONICS. Hence, the grand size of the Volume. The second half of the book is geared towards visual explanations, because the woman kingdom understands how visual their counterpart is. Its not in colour, merely Black and White but, and aren't you boys lucky, it comes with Crayola crayons.

The other volume is but 100 pages long, sits in the library still, collecting dust and long forgotten.

At this point, being the only known female entity on this forum, I am we'll aware that I am far out numbered and my chances of surviving this topic are slim to none. BUT, I shall hold my head high, suck in as much oxygen as I can, while you drown me with your ribbing!


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Lifetime Member

John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
Aha, I see the gloves are off and this forum is no holds barred! Well... let the ribbing begin.

I have seen this book before. It is one of two volumes. It's been passed down for centuries in the man kingdom. It's more of a dictionary, with the meaning of words such as romantic, spelt ROW MAN TICK. Kinda like HOOKED ON PHONICS. Hence, the grand size of the Volume. The second half of the book is geared towards visual explanations, because the woman kingdom understands how visual their counterpart is. Its not in colour, merely Black and White but, and aren't you boys lucky, it comes with Crayola crayons.

The other volume is but 100 pages long, sits in the library still, collecting dust and long forgotten.

At this point, being the only known female entity on this forum, I am we'll aware that I am far out numbered and my chances of surviving this topic are slim to none. BUT, I shall hold my head high, suck in as much oxygen as I can, while you drown me with your ribbing!
All jokes aside, it is good to have you. Everyone brings something to the table on here, and it is fun to see what each person contributes.


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
And youz guys wonders why we keep commmin back if it wasn't for the abuse Im not sure I could face the day with a smile,,:D
And Shauney remember this a shot not taken is a shot missed:rolleyes:,,,, Really welcome and I hope you hang around a long time and enjoy the people and learn and teach,, And the only thing sexier than a gal in a hopped up 4WD is a gal on a tractor


Active member

L235, bx2670
May 30, 2009
chickamauga ga usa
An elderly pastor was praying and the Lord spoke to him. "Pastor, you've been a faithful servant for many years, but your time is almost up. Is there anything I can do for you before you come home?"
The old gentleman thought for a moment ,, " Lord, I've allways wanted to see Hawaii but I'm terrified of flying. Could you build me a road across the ocean to Hawaii?? The Lord replied, " Do you know how many miles it is to Hawaii and how deep the ocean is?
The pastor replied, " You're right, that's just too much to ask. Maybe you could just help me inderstand my wife of 50 years a little better?
There was silence for a moment and then the Lord spoke. " Do you want that road a 2 lane or a 4 lane??



L3800HST, 4x4, LA524
Apr 25, 2013
I was searching some old posts yesterday and know I read several by women.....maybe it was another forum though....

Anyways, welcome :D
