We haven't had much snow here in southeast Iowa and I had the week off from work so I have been cutting brush around the edge of my property. The BX 2370 was a big help in doing that. It's like a little bulldozer. I would pile the brush out where I drive then when I had about 50 feet worth I would take the tractor and push it into a pile. Had a 2 foot walnut tree that died and the BX didn't have any trouble moving the trunk around.. I bought the tractor new back in May. Had a little trouble with the mower deck at first but the dealer seems to have got it fixed. Other than that I haven't had any trouble in the 90 some hours I have put on it. I really like the tractor and it has saved this oldman a lot of back breaking work. The only regret I have is that I didn't buy it sooner.