Borrow Your Tractor?



BX23S W/ Factory Deluxe Cab, 60" MMM, 60" BX-2612 Snow Blade & BX-2816 Blower
Nov 5, 2015
Edinboro, PA, USA
I let a co-worker use mine when he needed to do some backhoe work. The only reason i allowed him to take it is he has a tractor and he has helped me and my girlfriend quite a few times. Really solid and caring guy. Spent a few days at my house helping to design and build our chicken coop.

Other than him, if you need something done with my tractor, show me where we're going to work.

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Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
Nope. After several bad experiences loaning tools, I just say NO. If someone is persistent, I tell them they can borrow the tool as soon as they hand me enough cash to buy a brand new replacement tool. Conversation usually ends there.


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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
This was sort of covered a while back with "Who do you let use your tractor," or something like that.

Back then, I said I don't let anybody use mine, but have run into a quandary....people offer their tractors for me to use, or run at their place.....

Neighbor has a BX24 TLB. He always says the keys are in it if I need a backhoe (I don't have one). Real good guy.

Last year, he insisted I use his tractor at my place to pull stumps, as I didn't have my FEL on, and he figured 'hoe would be better. He left it at the end of his driveway so it was convenient for me. I did borrow it for 15 minutes, and took it back where it belonged...undamaged....whew!:cool::cool:

My co-worker's husband had surgery just last week. Their driveway needed plowing, and he was in NO shape to do it. He has the FEL-mounted plow.

He said only 2 people besides him are running his BX25D - his son-in-law and me. I felt flattered, but was so afraid of breaking something plowing a driveway I had never seen before....(maybe that's why I was one of the 2!:p)

I didn't do a great job, but all went well!:)
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New member

rotiller, box scraper,etc.
Feb 24, 2011
I agree with te "no" crowd, even relatives. That goes for a lot of things. What was really bothersome was when I was in the navy overseas. My sister got ahold of my accordion, since she is great on a piano. How's come when I wanted it she says she figured I gave it to her? Even lost the case it is carried in.

Trouble is with machines if something is gonna go bad when you have it anyhow, it surely will go bad when they have it. Makes for hard feelings, really not needed at any time.


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Hell went I went in the Navy I lost a 57 Ford 2 door like that too


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L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
Don't really have to worry about it living here, every yard has a fairly new tractor in it and a new Dodge Ram, I must have missed the sale but no if you need it I come with it the same with my chainsaws.


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Nope. After several bad experiences loaning tools, I just say NO. If someone is persistent, I tell them they can borrow the tool as soon as they hand me enough cash to buy a brand new replacement tool. Conversation usually ends there.
That's how the local auto parts stores handle rental tools. Leave your CC number for the amount of the tool and when returned it's deleted.

That might be a good response, "When I have to go to town to rent a tool I'm required to make a security deposit. If you go there they will do the same for you."


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M 7060
Jan 23, 2018
Jackson MS
This is tough.
In my part of the world most people that need a tractor have a tractor.
Those that do not have a tractor have never operated one and there is no way I would load mine out.
A friend of mine loaned out his to a friend to do a little loader work. When he next used it the clutch was burned out. The guy that borrowed it was running it in high and just rode the clutch all day.
That is how my luck runs as well. Even if they offer to pay for damage they want to use a shade tree mechanic and it takes forever to get it back.
so the answer is NO


Active member

May 23, 2017
Buffalo, Wyoming
If someone wanted to borrow my 8Ns no problem, those things were as old as me and I could actually work on them and they were tough as anvils and I didn't have that much in them. My Kubota, no way except for one neighbor that is experienced and honorable. If someone needs something I am more than willing to help, they get the tractor and me, lol. Learned the hard way about loaning valuable things, loaned a couple my .243 to hunt antelope because the gun he had was too big for his wife. They threw it in the back of their pickup and a propane bottle rolled around on it and dinged up the stock, not bad but that was my baby and I get mad every time I see those small impressions. And what really pissed me off they acted like oh well stuff happens, didn't even offer to have it fixed and not like they couldn't afford it, he was in banking and she was a friken lawyer. Needless to say there are things I do not loan.


New member
Jun 7, 2017
I do appreciate and honor the theme of "If you want my tractor I come with it and do the work." I've done that many times and am happy to do so. "Lemme try it" it a sentence that - like many others here - flies about the same as if those words were spoken about my Harley, my wife, or my weapons.

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L3901HST w/FEL, 3rd fnct. BH77 BH, 5' Bushhog, 6' BBL, 42" Forks, WoodMaxx WM-8H
Apr 19, 2017
South Central VT.
Got my new tractor and the first person to ask if they could borrow it was my little sister, she and her husband want to clear some land in Adirondacks, she says we'll help you break it in. I didn't even have 3 hours on it. I have watched him run a rental mini-excavator and the paces he put it thru I would not want on my equipment. Told her I do not have a trailer to get it there, she offered to rent a trailer. My next comment was Sis was do you really want to hear me say NO, end of conversation. They rented a mini excavator and beat the day lights out of it for 16 hours a day. Yes, we still speak, it's family and they understand, if they need it for a home project and I run it it's available, but I'm not clearing acres in the boonies.