I recently bought a hitch reciever for the 3 point hitch on the back of my B7100hst. I slid a ball mount into the reciever with a 2" ball. I have a 16 foot dovetail car hauler that was empty and I needed to move it. I backed up under the hitch and the hydraulics wouldn't lift the trailer tongue. I was just idling. So I opened the throttle some and it still wouldn't lift it. I then revved it up to about 2400 rpm and it relucantly jerked and lifted the trailer. I moved about 5 feet forward and the trailer jack was already dragging the ground. So I raised it again and within seconds it was leaking back off again. Was I asking too much of it to lift the trailer tongue? Shouldn't it hold it off the ground and not leak off? Only thing the 3 point hitch does is lift the RC60 belly mower. I would guess the tongue weight of the empty trailer to be no more than 300lbs. It is heavy enough though to lighten up the steering on the B7100. I plan on buying a box blade this summer but I have my doubts the tractor will be able to lift it.