What I did last Summer in the warm weather


New member

L3700SU, box blade, 6 foot rhino blade, 1 bottom plow, 3 point receiver hitch.
Mar 24, 2012
Goldendale, WA USA
Redneck paint tray

For all those of you dealing with snow, ice and cold temperatures, here's a Summer picture of tractor use.

I had to paint a narrow eave on our house and a ladder would have been too dangerous either to climb or to attempt bringing paint up there. So, I fastened a 4X4 on the edge of the eave with clamps, put the L3700SU (L3800) bucket up just below the eave. I already had the paint tray and can, brushes and roller inside the tractor bucket. The adjustable ladder is fastened to the tractor at the bottom with good NAVY knots. I also secured it at the top with the same.

To paint, I climbed the ladder and got up onto the narrow eave. Below me, my wife got on the lower ladder and handed me either a roller or brush dipped into the paint. I had 2 colors to match.

It worked out perfectly and safely.

Stay warm. Remember good weather. It comes back.

