Snow blower interchangabillity BX24 vs BX 25


New member

B3030 HSTC,B2781 51" front mounted snowblower,60" MMM
Jan 21, 2010
northern lower Michigan
By the way,if anyone else has a suggestion on how to change the angle
of how the blower digs in because it "dives" straight in at a downward
angle causing the cutting edge to plow or dig in,please let me know.

Adjusted the shoes all the way up and there doesn't appear to have more than one bolt hole on the bottom otherwise I could loosen it up pull the
lower bolt,then re-install it in a hole further back towards the tractor.

I'm going to try putting a slot in a piece of pipe to slip over the cutting edge
so that at least it won't have the tendency to gouge in when blowing snow.
If it were set up like the 3 point is,all I'd have to do is change the top link
to roll it back more.


Nov 23, 2009
3rd Rock From The Sun
Adjusted the shoes all the way up

I'm guessing you just mis-typed and what you really meant to say is I have adjusted my skid shoes all the way down. With the skid shoes down, your cutting edge should not even touch the ground, unless you are blowing over some pretty uneven ground. Occasionally when I open up some walkways around here where I need to blow snow off the lawn, I need to raise the blower a little bit and not let it float, or it will dig into the uneven areas of the lawn.

As far as splitting a pipe length ways and sliding it over the cutter edge. I have done that on a couple of my front mounted blades I use to have. It worked well on the front blades. It might work for your blower as well.


New member

B3030 HSTC,B2781 51" front mounted snowblower,60" MMM
Jan 21, 2010
northern lower Michigan
Indeed it was a typo because I have the clearance with the shoes keeping
the blower at the maximum height I can raise it.

I've got a pipe on my back blade which works really slick,so I use that for
smoothing/plowing over the rough or steep spots to minimize the tendency
for the blower to nose dive in.The blower on level ground sits canted forward
at the top the same as if you rolled a loader bucket forward instead of allowing it to float down flat.So even on flat level areas like the road for instance,it's still tipped enough to be at the wrong angle.I orobably have close to a half inch clearance under the "cutting edge" portion of the bottom
of the blower sitting on the garage floor.But going forward downhill in my gravel driveway it bites in if I leave it in float mode,so I figured the pipe would help stop the hassle of me trying to feather it up all the time.

Or I might just loosen it up and see if I can't pull the bottom bolts out of the side bracket and be able to tip the top back more.If I can all I'd have to do is drill some new holes and put the bolts back in them.

I sure like this forum and all the varied experience we all have to share.


New member

BX 25
Nov 7, 2010
New York State
would a piece of square tubing be better than pipe? The round shape would seem to want to ride up over everything, ice, hard snow etc. i would think maybe a square tube front would sort of act to scrape high spots but not dig and dive.???


Well-known member

BX2230D - RCK60-22BX - BX5450
May 18, 2010
Hayward Wi
You can adjust the angle/cant on your blower. There are 4 blots (2 on each side) in the back that allow you to do this. The owner manual explains it.