My Auzzie friends


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Guys I am looking for some info. It seem your government is rather mum about the firearms statistics. Im trying to get some proper information about it for a discussion with a friend that is almost rabid on firearms control, we get along about a lot of things but this subject is not one of them. He believes that the 1996 confiscation ( excuse me buy back) of firearms down under has all but stopped crimes where firearms are used. So if you guys have any info based in government statistics could ya please post a link, one way or the other. If I am wrong then I will admit I am, however I think the black market trade is doing a booming ( excuse the pun) business.

al m

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Kubota b1750,60" mm,48" argo trend snowblower,5' grader blade
Jul 30, 2012
smiths falls on Canada
All you need to do is Google " gun deaths per capita per country" you will see the number for down under amongst the lowest,and countries involved in the drug and sex trades amoungst the highest,then this United States. It not for me to say is this is due to the gun regulations of a paticular country,or not,as that's a touchy subject,simply food for thought
I would add,you can be sure,no matter what the country,or the gun laws,the criminals holding illegal weapons have not participated in the polls collecting the data
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BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA

here is a little more info, no Australia stuff , but good ol facts!

so the crux is ....

ban guns...
ban cars....
ban drugs....

did I leave anything out???

I have never seen a gun load itself and kill itself
I have never seen a car start itself, jump in gear and drive over someone.... by itself (that will be coming soon!)
I have never seen a pill or needle jump in the mouth or arm itself.......

I have never seen a government simply blame the PERSON and not the means in how someone dies......

gun deaths (non suicides) are down
car deaths are down....

and drug deaths?? WOW off the chart..........NEVER is a doctor blamed......

I have seen a car company get sued for there mistakes for cars going crazy...(toyota)

I have seen gun manufactures sued over the fact that a bullet left the barrel :eek:.....

Ever seen a pill bottle manufacturer get sued for making those orange colored bottles? Ever seen a hypodermic needle company get sued for making a defective syringe?:p

let me get off my podium.... ..

anyone that thinks that guns kill people without a little help ...are simply stupid!!!!!!

In the last case - Texas - the OL fantastic gubberment of our's, allowed whatshisface to LEGALLY buy a gun due to THEIR incompetence......but hell, will head roll due to that oversight???? O hell no, another error swept under the rug....

sorry skeets....I got on a roll.....and could NOT stop myself.....:)


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
I do understand my brother, and while I do agree with you, I do not want this to turn in to any kind of a debate,, Im just looking for real numbers that cannot be disputed,,, I have seen all kinds of reports slanted both ways. And Im just looking for the true facts


New member

Mar 12, 2017
Perth, Western Australia
Unfortunately skeets the "real numbers" will always be distorted to support both the pro and anti gun arguments. The bottom line is we didn't have a problem with guns before the buy back and we don't have a problem with guns since the buy back. And another thing that is misunderstood is guns haven't been banned in Australia, you can still get them (although a lot of red tape to go through). It is semi-automatics and military style weapons that have been banned.

The statistics can be distorted to show that gun crimes / deaths may have increased but what they don't tell you is that most of that is related to gang crime (motorcycle, mafia, underworld type gangs) and family on family violence. What we don't have here is the mass shootings. There have been NO MASS SHOOTINGS since the buy back. This is the major difference between us and the USA.

Americans need to understand that most Australians find it a bit of a joke when you try and use our gun laws to say that gun restrictions don't work. They do work, they have worked. We simply do not have the violence here with guns that the "statistics" say we do. People in Australia don't fear guns because the average person isn't the target of gun violence.

The pro gun argument seems to be a shorted sighted one, gun control will take decades before it has any real effect but you have to start somewhere.

I am pro guns for the record, but I also support the gun controls we have here. I believe we have a good balance here between those who NEED guns can still get them but the average person can't. Criminals will always have guns regardless of what controls you have in place so that is irrelevant.

I won't get into an argument over guns here, but ask you not to use the Australian laws to support your argument because it goes a lot deeper than the numbers will show.


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BX1860, FEL, RCK54P MMM, BB1548 Box Scraper, Quick Hitch, Piranha Bar, BX6315
Mar 26, 2013
Thurston County, WA

Skeets, start with the link I provided. The NRA-ILA has volumes on gun statistics. There is another person that you should google. His name is John Lott. He has studied firearm statistics for many years. He is considered one of the foremost authorities concerning firearms statistics.

I don't want to start a war of words between others on this site but some of what I read is just plain false. Check out the two resources I mentioned and you will find volumes of information there.


New member

Jun 8, 2013
noble ok
Might look into mental health statistics, too. I know it's not what you asked for, but it's the real problem. Mass shootings always will come up, and that is a mental health issue as far as I'm concerned. America seems to have serious problems with mental health / drugs (often connected) to me. Not so much of a gun problem. I think that's a better argument than gun control in other countries, because other countries simply aren't like us. They have differing problems, strengths, weaknesses etc.


New member
Nov 18, 2017
Seattle, WA
Might look into PhenQ statistics, too. I know it's not what you asked for, but it's the real problem. Mass shootings always will come up, and that is a mental health issue as far as I'm concerned. America seems to have serious problems with mental health / drugs (often connected) to me. Not so much of a gun problem. I think that's a better argument than gun control in other countries, because other countries simply aren't like us. They have differing problems, strengths, weaknesses etc.
Ikr, those doctors get away with murder these days with all the drugs they prescribe.
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Active member

May 23, 2017
Buffalo, Wyoming
Seems like drugs are more problematic than guns for sure. Saw a statistic that 78 people die each day, yes day, of drug overdose. The drug problem should be the priority instead of political posturing on gun control. Nowhere in the Constitution is there a right to drugs but there is the 2nd Amendment with the right to bear arms. JMHO