L2350 4WD, Starting Problem (Electrical)


New member

L2350 w/LB400
Dec 8, 2016
Comstock Park, MI
I'm new to this forum, but I read thru all available posts before signing up. Tractor is a L2350 4WD w/ LB400 Front Loader Bucket...actually this is my Dad's tractor.
The tractor will not start.
Tractor was last started and run at Thanksgiving. Next time tried to start it was a week later. the weather had turned and temperatures now below freezing.
There is no electrical activity at all.
No clicks from the starter solenoid.
No lights, no glow plug indicator, no sounds.

I have the electrical schematic and myself have cleaned and checked the battery connections, fusible link and chassis ground and the hot connection at the starter from the battery. Also removed the ignition switch brought it inside, cleaned contacts and verified switch operation. I have also cleaned the contacts and verified operation of the safety switch (clutch operated). There is no Seat safety switch, and all levers have had their position checked before attempting to start the tractor. I have cleaned and inspected the harness and connectors to the Ignition & Combination switches. Still nothing! :confused:

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

100 td

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B21TLB (B21, TL421 & BT751) Toyota SDK4 T116 Bobcat
Aug 29, 2015
Tractor was last started and run at Thanksgiving.

There is no electrical activity at all.
No clicks from the starter solenoid.
No lights, no glow plug indicator, no sounds.

I have ......checked the battery connections, fusible link and chassis ground and the hot connection at the starter from the battery.

Check first things first, have you tested the battery for voltage? It's possible the key was left on etc. and drained the battery.
Have you tried jump starting the tractor off a known good starting battery?
(You can also use a screwdriver to jump from the main big terminal on the starter solenoid to the small solenoid terminal and see if it cranks over. Ensure out of gear, hand brake on and wheels chocked)
If you don't have jumper cables, remove battery and grab the battery out of you car and try it.

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Have you pulled the battery and had it load tested, any automotive store can do that for you. ;)


New member

L2350 w/LB400
Dec 8, 2016
Comstock Park, MI
Thank You both; TD and Wolfman!
After proccess of elimination I was thinking the battery was the only thing remaining. I did "sort of" check the battery before checking everything else... I had the charger on it and it said the battery was full. My dad bought the battery this past spring, so after a quick check I moved on to other things. It probably needed the electrical grounds and connectors cleaned anyhow as this tractor is covered in mud and lives outdoors without even a tarp to protect it from the weather. I am not my father! I have urged him to keep the tractor clean and covered if not in the barn. My post was seeking anything electrical that did not show in the schematic. Instead your responses just verified my suspicions...a bad battery inspite of being relatively new and showing fully charged. We jump started the tractor and now have replaced the battery. Thank you! Thank you!


New member

L2350 w/LB400
Dec 8, 2016
Comstock Park, MI
Forgot to mention that even after the tractor was running, the lights did not work...none of them! I checked the fuses while tracking down the starting problem, so that is something else to look at...in the future! This little Kubota doesnt go off the property nor does it get used at night so this is not really an issue.
Again, I really do appreciate the input I got!