Glock G40 10mm


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MX5800, LA1065, BH92, BB72X, RT72.40, EA 60 in grapple, county line auger
Mar 9, 2018
Dalton, Ga
I’m thinking of getting a new pistol. Wanting one I can use for deer hunting not just for shooting and this ones not gonna be for ccw. Does anyone on here have any experience with a g40 in 10mm? I already have a 44 Blackhawk I’ve used last 20 years or so. Just wanting a new toy and opinions of functionality for purpose stated. Plan is to top it with a Leupold delta point pro or trijicon rmr. Input on those optics from anyone that’s used them as well. Thanks in advance, Seth


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ

I have carried and shot .40 cal in both H&K and Glock for decades. (10mm and .40 are virtually identical.) The Glock gets a lot of hits for its looks but no one can complain about its functionality, especially for the price.

I am not a hunter though. The 10mm cartridge is not going to carry very far for a large animal like a deer. And regardless of what sight you put on it, I am not sure, at the distances you plan to shoot, that even the longest Glock barrel would give you stopping power and accuracy for hunting game.

A few years back, I was training with the local posse and part of our scope was school defense. In that our target environment was mostly indoors and might include a lot of friendlies, I wanted the highest accuracy possible, so I bought a Glock 24. With indoor shots less than 30 yds, I thought it the best option. The 24 has a huge barrel.

But for game, I am not sure you are going to have what you need to take down a deer unless your deer stand is a quad full of gas and you are "vewy-vewy" patient.

I am sure our deer hunters will comment soon...
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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
MHO yes the 10 is like the 40 both good for what they were designed for, but very snappy recoil, and I cant shoot a Glock worth a darn, the grip is the wrong angle for me, thats why I favor a 1911.
All that aside, like I said in MHO and that of course is subjective, if you want to hunt medium sized game deer or hogs with a handgun stay with a 44, or 455 or 357, or one of the big 50s in a wheel gun. Would the 10 work Im sure it would, just it does not have much a record in the hunting world that I am aware of.



B2650 Loader,LX 2980-64 Blower ,60”MMM , Land Pride 60”Box Blade.
Oct 17, 2018
Bessemer, Western U.P.
The 10mm uses a bit longer brass than the 40. Fun to shoot makes more noise than the 40, but finding ammo isn’t as easy the 40. For hunting large game check the laws, in Michigan you have to have at least a 30 cal for deer hunting. If your hunting swine the 10mm is great.


New member
Mar 12, 2018
Interesting choice for hunting.

Personally I'd stick with a revolver and longer barrel. I had to put down a deer once with a Glock, but it was only 9mm. Wasn't as efficient as I'd have liked.

I'm more interested in the Trij RMR.

Are you going to have your slide inletted for it or no?

I'm really close to doing one for my 19, but I'm wanting another suppressor more lol.

Shot a buddy's FN 45 with an RMR and I'm really liking the idea.


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L6060, Erskine hydraulic snow blower, back hoe
Feb 16, 2018
Central, ME,USA
I have a Glock 17. It's a 9MM not a10MM. While not the prettiest or the most comfortable gun I have. It will fire every time no matter what kind of shell I put in it. I like the gun now that I am comfortable with the safety or lack of. I do appreciate the gun for what it is. Durable, dependable and accurate. I prefer the molded holsters they seem to protect the trigger better (IMO). I have a tac rail mounted light with a laser (Streamlight TLR-4), good for in the night stand peace of mind.


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Brother Skeets,

Lock or nearly lock that shooting arm no matter which gun you fire. I know you weigh under 200 lbs (!!!) but, let your whole body mass take the recoil. Semi-autos need a solid mount to function.

As for snappy, forget what the gun is doing: The bullet is long gone before recoil would mess up the shot. And stay away from that slide. Some hit 300 mph and they will go right through red meat.
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M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
I carry a reworked Kimber 1911 Full size Crimson Carry Ultra in a DiSantis holster (when I carry which is infrequently) or my little Bond Snakeslayer 45LC-410 derringer in my pocket.

I'm a S&W wheelgun person for handgun hunting. Model 29 44 RM long barrel that was my dad's or a Smith 460 XVR Performance Center 5 shot wheelgun in a cross draw chest holster for hunting (anything) under 200 yards.

Never been a fan of a Glock, no asthetics to speak of. I like to own and use rifles and handguns that look nice. Glock's look clunky.

My personal taste.
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M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Tridgicon is basically overpriced junk btw. It's a local to me company but I'd never buy any of their stuff. Like I said, way overpriced. They need a reality check on price versus quality.
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BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
I’m thinking of getting a new pistol. Wanting one I can use for deer hunting not just for shooting and this ones not gonna be for ccw. Does anyone on here have any experience with a g40 in 10mm? I already have a 44 Blackhawk I’ve used last 20 years or so. Just wanting a new toy and opinions of functionality for purpose stated. Plan is to top it with a Leupold delta point pro or trijicon rmr. Input on those optics from anyone that’s used them as well. Thanks in advance, Seth
Having shot several 40 cals (as mentioned 40 cal is a toned down 10mm) on polymer frames - I will tell you, shooting a 10 mm on the polymer frame will take some time to tame and get bullet on target unless you practice quite a bit. If target is outside 50 yards, it will be a great challenge.

If you are just hunting and not CCW as you mentioned.....a would think it would be all about getting the bullet on the target as opposed to looks or ability to carry easily.

As mentioned - the .40 is a bit snappy when staying on point, the 10 mm will be that much harder to do on top of that, especially on the second shot, assuming you need a second shot. A .357 mag with a heavy frame will send the bullet equally as well, but the accuracy should increase due to the weight of the gun being held on target.

here are some write ups on the G40, in one of these the shooter is using a rested two handed position to get bullets inside 3" at 50 yards - I would like to see a hunter do that while standing and un-rested with heart racing and adrenaline pumping as the deer comes into view:D:)

Many police departments in the past went to the 10 mm gun, they soon found out that most of the staff COULD NOT hit the intended target much less get the needed second round on target. So the FBI wanted the bang on the 10 mm but the recoil of a 45, thus the .40 was invented in the 90's.

However the .40 was still too much for most - many police agencies have gone back to the 9mm, simply to get their people to place the bullet on target at a higher %.

As long winded as this is, the 10 mm is a good bullet, the glock is a good gun. But it would not be a my choice for hunting "game" - it would be a challenge I would think.

I would go to my local dealer and shoot one and see what you think it will be like in the 50, 75, 100 yards.


New member

Nov 20, 2018
I have a G20 (10mm) with a 6” barrel & slide mounted mini RDS that I’ve used for hunting & plinking. It’s a great gun & the 10mm is a great cartridge.

The 10mm is a “reloaders caliber” as your options really open up for it if you reload. Full power 10mm loads is where it really shines. Factory bought 10mm isn’t that impressive so you’ll either have to reload or look to manufacturers such as Underwood, Buffalo Bore, and Double Tap to procure full power loads.
Good 10mm ammo has nearly twice the muzzle energy of factory .40 loads. As with any hunting (or SD) ammo, shot placement & bullet selection is key. Know your limitations.

One thing to note on the 10mm Glocks, case support case be an issue (unless they recently changed their design) when shooting full power loads. There’s not much support in the area of the feed ramp & can cause bulging in the case in this area.
Glock opens up the chamber for reliable feeding but this is at the expense of case support. Factory Glock barrel on the right.

I wanted a 6” barrel for hunting so I installed an aftermarket barrel to provide better case support. You may have to do some polishing to aid in better feeding.
Another mod is swapping out the OEM recoil spring with a heavier one. This will help with felt recoil & reduce stress on the polymer frame when shooting full power 10mm.

Again, the case support & recoil spring are only issues if you regularly shoot full power 10mm loads. If buying standard factory loaded 10mm, this won’t be an issue.

With regards to your choices of mini RDS, your choices are just fine & should serve you well. I use a cheaper Burris Fast Fire on my G20 & it has held up to thousands of full power loads.
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L1500DT, 6' king kutter back blade, boom, dirt scoop ford disk JD212
Jun 13, 2016
Beau I haven't hunted with a glock. I probably won't. For hunting I want a trigger that is light and breaks clean. You just can't get that with a double action trigger. If You have your heart set on a 10mm in a semi auto I believe that there are a couple of companies making it on the 1911 platform.

Ray while the 40 and the 10mm are the same diameter the 10mm has a lot more mustard on it.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Wow. I have a couple trijicon optics and they are all top quality imo. I will agree they are pricey, but junk?, lol, not really.
May be top quality but so is the price. Here's the deal. Tridge started out as a government supplier and charged accordingly and when they entered the retail market, they never adjusted their pricing to reflect that so you are paying high buck government contract prices for their offerings and, like Leupold, the source their components worldwide and just assemble them in their plant off I94.

Your money not mine, spend it accordingly.

I don't get into the Tacticool stuff anyway so they are of no consequence to me. I buy high end long range optics. I happen to buy US Optics, Schmidt and Bender and Swarovski with Swaro being my preferred choice because they not only cast their own glass, but polish it too, in Austria.

Only 3 optical glass makes left. Swarovski, Austria, LOE, Japan and Zeiss. Thats it so whatever you buy, it will have glass from those three suppliers unless it's a cheapo optic and then it has Chinese glass of questionable quality.

Been playing this game for over 40 years.

I learned long ago that all the bells and whistles don't mean squat if the glass is crap.

Guess that is why my bino's cost 2
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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
I know you weigh under 200 lbs (!!!) but, let your whole body mass take the recoil. Semi-autos need a solid mount to function.

You are one funny fellow, yes Sir I do understand, I just dont like the Glock angle, are they bulletproof damn near. I was raised with a Mdl29 and load 185 HPs and they will walk the dog, and the 6 inch makes sighting a bit easier.
I am in no way downing the 40 or the 10 both are killers,, literally! I'll just stick with my 29 and 27, besides Im getting old and beginning to think old school is the best school,,,,,,,, NOPE I'M LYING,,,,,LOL


New member

Nov 20, 2018
Look at the ballistics on the .40 cal vs the 10mm. Not a lot of difference out of a short semi barrel...

Comparing two factory loads hardly constitutes good data. Saying there’s “not a lot of difference” is simply misleading as the majority of factory produced 10mm loads are low to medium power. Few manufacturers load 10mm to its full potential and Federal isn’t one of them.
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L1500DT, 6' king kutter back blade, boom, dirt scoop ford disk JD212
Jun 13, 2016
Comparing two factory loads hardly constitutes good data. Saying there’s “not a lot of difference” is simply misleading as the majority of factory produced 10mm loads are low to medium power. Few manufacturers load 10mm to its full potential and Federal isn’t one of them.
Depends on whether the person asking reloads or not I guess. I wouldn't get a 10mm if I didn't reload but that's just me.


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Apples to apples please. Otherwise, comparisons are irrelevant. Like comparing a Porsche to a jet powered Honda.

You can buy hot factory loads (+P+) that border on your frames ability to handle the load. I am old enough to remember when I bought my K-frame S&W .357 the cops all switched back to heavy J-frames because firing .357 all the time bent the lighter K-frames! And those were by shooting LEO FACTORY LOADS!

Same with semi-autos. No manufacturer I know of will warranty damage cause by home loads. Sure, you can gen up some ultra-hot home loads but why? Most people buy ammo because its safer -and more reliable. And, it doesn't void your warranty.

When I was teaching, we had a visual aid: One of our instructors dad was at the range with his S&W 44 Mag and a friend borrowed it to try some "home loads." The cylinder detonated. We passed that hunk of scrap around so people could hold it in their hand. We had photos of another 44 mag that suffered the same fate.

Home reloading is fine but, only a very few understand the risks involved. Putting ultra-hot loads into a semi-auto risks detonating the barrel and a portion of the slide. I have seen them and no, GLOCK did not warranty them.

Whether you are out plinking or carrying for CCW, a reliable firearm is absolutely paramount. The gun you practice with today may be relied upon to save your life or the life of a future owner. Metal has a memory and it will eventually fail if over stressed. The loudest noise in a gunfight is "CLICK." The dumbest move in a gun fight is taking yourself out because your gun malfunctioned. That makes you an easy target. This is why ALL law enforcement agencies I know of and many ranges now no longer allow home loads. In our NRA-sanctioned training, they specifically prohibited anything but factory loads.

If you are an experienced loader and you read the data on ballistics and case pressures and stay under anything that would risk damage to you or your gun, GREAT! I have many friends who have several loaders and shoot almost exclusively home loads. But just buying a nice Dillon does not make you a qualified reloader and that is where a lot of people get into trouble. Its not about how much high pressure powder you can get in the casing. The two junked 44 mags I mentioned earlier are perfect examples. And they nearly injured others on the range. Sorry. Didn't mean to rant.

Just sayin'.
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