Freeking amazon


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Well another Xmas screw up by AMOZON ,, the one grand daughter really wanted a tread mill for Xmas , well the OL ordered it off AMAZON, all well and good everybody is happy.
NOT !!!!
2 days before Xmas UPS pulls up and drops off 3 more tread mills,, WTF? Called AMAZON and have gotten nothing but a run around, they will not remove the charges from our bank account, which she did not use!!! ,,
Yes she had used this bank card on AMOZON before,,,,

Now these 3 were not ordered, and they refuse to do anything about it.. One more reason, I don't like doing anything on line.
And if half these people spoke English it might make it easier to make them understand they fucked up,, BUT NOOOO most you cannot even understand, from the inner getto talk to some other freekin dialect, and then when you try to explain what happened they hang up,, And people wonder why I hate doing anything on line, and dealing with people that have my money in their grasp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Skeets, I feel your pain. My wife usually ends up with something like that happening to her a couple times a year.

First, go to the bank on monday. Take the reciept for the one treadmill, and confirmation. Cancel your wifes debit card and have them issue a new one. Then dispute the charges for the other three. Amazon will be a little more forthright with sending a pick up for the other treadmills if the bank pulls the money back from them. My banks been pretty good and very patient with my wifes fiascos :rolleyes:

If you happened to be home when the treadmills were delivered, you could have refused delivery and made them send them back


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Daren, when UPS showed up and dropped them off I asked her how many of these things she ordered, and she went tilt,, the drone was unloading the last one and she said I don't want them we didn't order them and to just load them back up and send them back,, he shrugged his shoulders, said I cant do that and walked away got in the truck and left I know they can,, just one more ethnic minority that wants to do nothing more than to get his money and ,,,,,, well I ll just leave it at that

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
just one more ethnic minority
You do know the Caucasians are now the minority, thanks to the lack of proper boarder protection, illegal immigration, and our great welfare system of "have more kids and we'll give you more money"! ;)

Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
You do know the Caucasians are now the minority, thanks to the lack of proper boarder protection, illegal immigration, and our great welfare system of "have more kids and we'll give you more money"! ;)
And working, self-supporting, and law abiding people are the minority in any group.
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New member

B7100D, MMM, B205 Dozer Blade, woods m48, b2910
Jul 13, 2014
Western, MA
Skeets, I'm surprised Amazon won't work with you..... Last Xmass my wife bought me a BBQ/smoker from Amazon. When I went to put it together...tore the box all to hell and removed all of the pieces. To my surprise the BBQ was smashed to all hell. She called Amazon and they sent a new one right out no questions asked. After I put it together and packed the damaged one back in a new box they sent UPS back to pick it up... Like Darren said... I would too dispute it with the bank or credit card company if Amazon won't work with ya


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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Jeezus!!! Skeets, I hope you guys can get it fixed!!:eek:

I'm like you - VERY seldom do I buy stuff online, but many people do all the time. I also don't use credit or debit cards, unless I ABSOLUTELY have to.

I do have to get some clothes and gun stuff over the internet, 'cuz can't get them in any store. Pants my size and left-handed holsters are not to be found in my local stores.

Talked to a buddy the other day - he complained about the credit card machine at the gas pump.

Told him in my 35 years driving, had NEVER bought gas with anything other than cash.

He looked at me like I has 2 heads!!:confused:

If it makes you feel better, my twin girls talked me into new cell phones for them years ago. One of them "coached" me through the process on the internet. But she left before the deal was done.

I didn't know you aren't supposed to use the "BACK" button when doing that stuff - ended up buying 8 of them!!:eek:

Thankfully - that was easily fixed - hope you have the same luck!


New member

B7100D, MMM, B205 Dozer Blade, woods m48, b2910
Jul 13, 2014
Western, MA
Do all of the Wellies wear their PJ pants out in public where you guys live, or is it just a fashion trend in my area? I was grabbing a coffee about noon the other day.... Some white kid in his 20's in line in front of me with his sweet jack Daniels pj pants on getting change for a $20. I'll take a wild guess and say he needed change for his drug dealing business or purchase. Why else would he need change for a $20? I know he came out of a apartment complex that is full of scum across the street.

A few months ago...My town approved a sale and renovation of an old mill into a $40 million dollar "Afforable Housing" project. It's a typical 1800's style brick and post/beam Mill that are works of art to say the least. I live in an old Mill town that has too many multi family homes to begin with. Back in the day, they needed housing like that for all of the mill workers, but the mills and jobs are long gone now. Like a lot of families back then, my ancestors had to quit school at a young age and go to work in those mills to help put food on the table. Now they just hand out tax dollars to them and give them a reason not to work.

So with this new 150 unit welfare housing, that will add at least 300, if not more, kids to our school system that is already strapped for funds. A good majority of the people of this town don't realize that "Affordable Housing" is a fancy way of saying section 8 welfare housing. The rents will be $1000+ and your household income can be no more than roughly $40k. In no way is that "Affordable" in any way when your making $40k or less! Although it is affordable when your rent is getting paid for by the taxpayers and the owner is making a killing.

This crap makes me sick and is going to drive me out of a house I love that I will be lucky to break even on if I sell it. Sadly, I can't stand it anymore and it's going to make me move to the mountains where there is no welfare housing.


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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Pants my size and left-handed holsters are not to be found in my local stores.
Had to quote myself to clarify......

I'm quite TALL and NOT real slim anymore!!!!

Thought you guys might think I was a 900 pounder!!

I'm still shy of a 1/3 of it!

Left handed....well any of you guys that are, you know how that goes....

I have never owned a truly left-handed gun. My choices for a LH holster to fit Springfield XDS .45 at Bass Pro Shop was 1, and it was garbage.


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May 25, 2011

I do not know how you deal with CSR's. but this article will give you some pointers that can and do work though it is a little long winded. I do not follow this exact procedure but developed a similer stratigy when dealing with a non responsive CSR. I do allot of business online and with Amazon and have had my share of complications but have come out on top of all of them.


Well-known member
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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Do all of the Wellies wear their PJ pants out in public where you guys live, or is it just a fashion trend in my area? I was grabbing a coffee about noon the other day.....
The Right to Entitlement Era is here, and the attitude of it is spiraling upwards.

It is no longer a welfare or safety net; it is a culture. It is likely not the culture of many here, but it is out there and growing.

Coupled with the free time it affords are the other social problems, like drugs, domestic violence, poor health choices, medical costs, etc. Here in NYS, 25% of the cost of Medicaid is put up by the County taxpayer. Biggest single cost in our County budget.

Welfare is a cultural issue, and we are working on our 3 or 4th generation living off it since the changes put in by LBJ.


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Freeking UPDATE,, it just cost me 407.53 to ship 3 freekin tread mills back that I did not order and AMAZON /I SHOP USA wouldn't lift a finger to help. Every call, even when I told them I wanted to speak to a supervisor and an Americana in America,, all we got was ohh no I help you so very sorry what you problem,, apply a differ dialect with each call and NOT ONE OF THESE CLOWNS WOULD LET ME TALK TO A SUPERVISOR OR CONNECT ME TO SOMEONE WHO SPEAKS ENGLISH OR IS IN AMERICA !!!!!!! I am out a little over a grand for shit I never ordered and the bank account it totally screwed up. I guess the next step is to get a lawyer small claims or something,,,

PS if I have offended any one I apologize but I am soooo pisssed

Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Have you checked with the better buisiness bureau? They can handle complaints and disputes even when the vendor isn't a member. It wouldn't hurt to give them a shout and see what they can do.

I'm not offended in the least by your posts ;) My wifes the queen of finding shady companys that seem legit:rolleyes: I was working last year up in your neck of the woods, stopped at an atm since the rural store was cash only, and found our account was over drawn and missing 400$ :mad: and being 800 miles from home :mad::mad: Was able to pull the bank info up on my phone, found the withdrawl, called the company and raised holy hell. Then called the bank and had them start the process. Had to have my wife leave early from work to go to the bank to finish the dispute. But we had our money back within a few days. Luckily I had a credit card with me or I would have been screwed. The bank also made them cough up the over draft fees as well :D


New member

L2202 tractor, L185f tractor
Oct 31, 2013
Gambrills, MD USA
What racist remarks? All I read is about people who work for an english speaking (supposedly) company, yet can't (or won't) understand plain english...:confused:


New member

B7100D, MMM, B205 Dozer Blade, woods m48, b2910
Jul 13, 2014
Western, MA
Skeets, I don't know how you originally paid for the one tread mill but dispute it with the bank/credit card company. I would also dispute it with the shipping company and tell them how you refused the shipment but the delivery driver would not take it back! It seems like the problem is pretty cut and clear, who the hell orders 3 tread mills at the same time?!?!? If they do it would be most likely a business purchase of some sort! Don't pay anyone a dime, that's what they want you to do so that they don't have to pay for the shipping/restocking BS. That way they can fight you to the death and it didn't cost them a dime, not so much for you!


New member

B7100D, MMM, B205 Dozer Blade, woods m48, b2910
Jul 13, 2014
Western, MA
What racist remarks? All I read is about people who work for an english speaking (supposedly) company, yet can't (or won't) understand plain english...:confused:
I don't know the nationality of the people you were speaking with.....Most, if not all, customer support within Big Cat Businesses like Amazon, Apple, Dell, EBay, etc.....(so called American companies) is outsourced to India today. My sister used to be a hot shot within a big health insurance company and regularly traveled to India to learn their ways of conducting business. I kid you not, she told me they are over 100% more efficient in production than we are and cost a small fraction what an American would. That's why your not speaking to an American. I'm sure India isn't the only country business is outsourced to, but a lot of tech support I've had to deal with is of middle eastern decent.

Not saying an English speaking American can do a better job than anyone else. Anyone of any nationality could understand skeets' frustration with wanting answers to a problem, but can't get past trying to understand the person on the other end of the line. Especially when your dealing with a company that was born in your own native speaking country. It's not like he called China and ordered them straight from the sweat shop.

Long ago, different countries used to take pride in their home grown/built business and would often compete to be the best. Now it's all about who can do it/build it cheaper. Very sad.... Too many jobs lost....:(


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May 13, 2014
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The bank should step up and recover all the money paid until this matter is settled, partially because it is fraud. One item purchased,charged for three.


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Kuno B1-15 (B1502DT)
May 24, 2009
Germany, Oyten
Don't go for the cheapest price and convenient order-system.

I don't buy at amazon since nearly two years now. The reason is, they do not pay tax. They are the reason why the streets are worth, the schools are broke and the middle class get smaller and smaller. Same with starbucks and IKEA.

Even if it is so convenient to deal with them, in the end you shoot your self in the foot. Cheaper is cheap and you get what you have paid for.

Support the alternatives to amazon, othervise amazon will tell you in the future what you are allowed to buy...

Don't let the big greedy companies rule your life or your country.

BR carl