BX2660 losing power


New member

Jan 30, 2016
Torbay, nl, canada
Worked great clearing snow for an hour, hour and a half. Then it was like the snow was to heavy to push. It wasn't, but the tractor seemed logy. Engine sounded good, idles great. Drive it or work it and the power wasn't there. Except, it began to work just fine for about 3 to 5 minutes. Then got logy again. I drained the fuel tank. Fuel filters of & air filter removed waiting for the dealer to open on Monday. After all that I got a question. How do you blow out the lines? Or what else to do?


New member

L2202 tractor, L185f tractor
Oct 31, 2013
Gambrills, MD USA
Welcome to the forum, Why would you think that the lines need blowing out? See any dirt in the tank or filter? You likely will need to bleed the injector and lines, If you go to the videos, here, or just youtube search bleeding kubota 2660(forgive me if I got the model wrong), anf you will get a better education, than I can give...:D:D


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Lifetime Member

BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
Can you connect this lag with the engine or the hydraulics? You say the engine seemed fine, fuel starvation would show up in performance and I would think in sound also.


New member

2009 BX2360TV60, RCK60B-23BX
Aug 8, 2014
Parker, SD
Had a similar problem on my BX2360 this week. Hydraulics were fine, engine ran fine at all speeds, but the more I used it, the slower it would go forward and backward. Then I noticed there was excess play in the forward/reverse pedal. Turns out there is a roll pin that pins the pedal to the shaft that had worked its way up and nearly out. There is a little curved bracket that's supposed to keep it from backing out (I think), but it looked like it may have been bent out of the way. Pushed the pin back in, and I was back in business. The pin is visible if you pull up the black rubber mat on the floor around the pedal where it pivots around the shaft that controls the direction/speed. Don't know if this is the same thing on yours, but it would be worth the 15 seconds it takes to check. Good luck.


New member

Jan 30, 2016
Torbay, nl, canada
Thanks for the reply. Several weeks ago I had a problem with what seemed like water in the filter(s) freezing. (after fueling there was a piece of ice in the funnel. how much got into the tank, I don't know)I changed the filters & put a heat line on the fuel line & filters. Never bled the lines before but tried. Asked the dealer about this & was told it wasn't necessary. Was told all I had to do was turn the key for about a minuet & the fuel pump would circulate any air back to the tank. All seemed good & it did work great. Sooo a week later another fall of snow. Prior to starting the tractor I put in Methanol, just in case of water in tank. Tractor worked great for an hour or so. Thats when the loss of power. Go figure. Thinking about the the ice in the funnel, and after removing the filters. I decided to drain the fuel tank, put on new filters. And what to hell, gone this far may as well blow the lines out. Not sure how to do this. Do I remove the injector lines then blow back from the fuel pump. (not through the fuel pump?) Any other thoughts? Thanks again for the reply...it gives hope.
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New member
Feb 20, 2013
St Adolphe Manitoba Canada
Worked great clearing snow for an hour, hour and a half. Then it was like the snow was to heavy to push. It wasn't, but the tractor seemed logy. Engine sounded good, idles great. Drive it or work it and the power wasn't there. Except, it began to work just fine for about 3 to 5 minutes. Then got logy again. I drained the fuel tank. Fuel filters of & air filter removed waiting for the dealer to open on Monday. After all that I got a question. How do you blow out the lines? Or what else to do?
Just a thought, is it possible your using summer fuel and it's gelling up?


New member

bx2350, loader, woods 52" rear snowblower
Aug 17, 2015
Manchester, MD
I have similar problems with my BX2350, first I would try diesel 911 and if that work I would check fuel sensor in tank. I had a problem for several months and kept changing fuel filters and I finally took fuel tank out and removed sensor and it had rusted. replaced sensor and had no problem since,