BX1870 First Photo Attempt


New member

BX1870D w/FEL, Land Pride FDR1648 Mower, Land Pride RBO560 Scrape Blade
I was able to mow the meadow beside our house today as we have gone now for 24 hours without rain. My first attempt at attaching an image of me on my BX1870.



New member

BX1870D w/FEL, Land Pride FDR1648 Mower, Land Pride RBO560 Scrape Blade
Re: BX1870 Next Photo Attempt

That first photo didn't hurt too bad so I'm going for another one. This meadow (as well as the frontage off our driveway) is one of the reasons I bought this little work horse. It used to take me the greater part of a long day to mow just this meadow on my Snapper riding mower. Where I am here is just a little under half of the full meadow, which extends (in this picture) around to my right back behind those trees. I can now do this job in about an hour if I do it leisurely. If I press it, I can get it done in less than an hour. The frontage takes me another two hours... however, on the Snapper that was at least one more long day.



New member

rotiller, box scraper,etc.
Feb 24, 2011
Interesting shots. Why the wheel weights? I'd be interested in your experience with fuel and filters. My Bx1860 seems to be plagued with filters plugging some; possibly it was the fuel pump not doing the job. Now with new filters and a new fuel pump I will run it and see if it still quits at about half a tank. Dump in fuel and away she goes. Fuel is filtered as it goes in thru a funnel filter that will filter out water. Only 150 hours on this one. It is quite interesting to see it run without the fuel pump electric hooked up, as long as more than half a tank of fuel is present. To facilitate fuel filter changes I added a shut-off in the hose before the first filter. Otherwise a great little machine.

Lil Foot

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Lifetime Member

1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
Interesting shots. Why the wheel weights? I'd be interested in your experience with fuel and filters. My Bx1860 seems to be plagued with filters plugging some; possibly it was the fuel pump not doing the job. Now with new filters and a new fuel pump I will run it and see if it still quits at about half a tank. Dump in fuel and away she goes. Fuel is filtered as it goes in thru a funnel filter that will filter out water. Only 150 hours on this one. It is quite interesting to see it run without the fuel pump electric hooked up, as long as more than half a tank of fuel is present. To facilitate fuel filter changes I added a shut-off in the hose before the first filter. Otherwise a great little machine.
Does the fuel pickup draw from the top or bottom of the tank? The reason I ask is that early on, some Yamaha Rhinos exhibited the same symptoms- they would shut down at about 1/2 tank of fuel, and then run fine with a full tank. Turns out the fuel pickup (from the top of the tank) was cracked & would draw air once the fuel level got lower than the crack.... refill, cover the cracked pickup, and off it went. Maybe....


New member

BX1870D w/FEL, Land Pride FDR1648 Mower, Land Pride RBO560 Scrape Blade
Thanks for your positive comments. I hope to post more pictures as I'm able. A couple of weeks ago I spent considerable time using the FEL and scrape blade to clean up the mess left by the local power company when they cleared overgrowth within a power line cut (as it's called here in N.C.). I wish I had gotten some photos then, as that was a lot of fun.

cerlawson - The rear wheel weights were provided at no cost from the dealership. I had originally requested that they fill the tires with liquid; when the dealer compared the weight acquired by liquid and the weight acquired by wheel weights, he suggested the wheel weights as a better solution. They're quite easy to remove; I've had them off to check tire pressure and the lug nuts.

To date I've had no issues with the fuel or fuel filters. I'm running "off road diesel" here. As I understand it, there is no difference in off road or "road" diesel except in the dye used to color the fuel. The fuel meets the standard required by Kubota, according to the data posted on the fuel pump at the gas station. On only two occasions have I run the machine to less than half a tank of fuel. As a habit when I put the machine to rest for the day, after cleaning it with compressed air, I fill the tank to its brim. (A habit from my military days - leave things "clean, dry, and serviceable".)

I haven't changed the fuel filters yet. I recently did my 50 hour service (actually did the service at 42.7 hours) and changed engine oil, engine oil filter and the transmission filter. I used Kubota brand filters and Kubota brand engine oil; I topped up the transmission with Kubota brand Super UDT2.

Wildfire - thanks for your comment on the property. By the way, I sure enjoy your website and your videos. I have an old (1983) Honda C70 that I rebuilt for my youngest daughter. However, she was 13 at the time and is now 25 so she no longer rides it. That little bike runs like a sewing machine and I frequently take my four year old grandson for rides on it.

My bike is a 1999 Honda Valkyrie Interstate that I was able to bring back to life after it sat for three years. The previous and original owner became too ill to ride it anymore, hence it sat in his garage. My wife and I enjoy short trips on it; I've also done what is called the "Super Valk" conversion on it and I will on occasion go for solo drives seeking Harleys that I might blow into the weeds. (Just kidding there... I actually ride quite a bit with other guys on Harleys.)



Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Ben Ben Ben,,, you hurt me to the quick,,,LOL,, I ride LIl Red cause I like the way she feels,, like me low slow and old,,, You look around there's a few other ahhhhuummmmm Non Harley riders,,:rolleyes: One duck that I know of and Im sure a bunch of others, and I have a Bud that has an OLD CL1000 Honda, sits in his barn has a galzillon miles on it and in the spring he puts the battery back in changes what needs to be changed gas and off he goes,, Remember my friend ,, Its all about the wind,, ride like you were invisible


New member

BX1870D w/FEL, Land Pride FDR1648 Mower, Land Pride RBO560 Scrape Blade
Skeets, you're absolutely right. My older brother has a 2000 Road Glide with all the fixings. In 2010 he and I rode out west and traveled through a whole bunch of states; we visited a dozen national parks in Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, New Mexico, Texas etc.. Ate a lot of good steaks and saw some incredible scenery. My only regret is that we traveled too fast; I would have preferred to take our time but he wanted to cover as many states as possible in three weeks.

I'm not adverse to Harleys, they're a well-built machine. I just prefer something smoother and quieter... and very very powerful.



New member

B7100D TL and B2150D TLB
Jun 5, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
I'm not adverse to Harleys, they're a well-built machine.
And here I thought you knew motorcycles... <snicker> :p

"That was a joke son, a joke I tell ya"
F. Leghorn

Me, I ride a loaded Suzi adventure touring. A good friend pilots a loaded Wing.
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B2620 w/LA364 FEL ,BH65, ssqa , 1982 B8200E w/BF300FEL
May 19, 2013
Middle of DELMARVA
"I've had them off to check tire pressure and the lug nuts."

You have to remove the weights to check tire pressure?

I would be on the Camping world website and getting extension hoses PDQ


New member

BX1870D w/FEL, Land Pride FDR1648 Mower, Land Pride RBO560 Scrape Blade
"I've had them off to check tire pressure and the lug nuts."

You have to remove the weights to check tire pressure?

I would be on the Camping world website and getting extension hoses PDQ
bandaidmd - I phrased that poorly. I had the wheel weights off to check the lug nuts. While they were off I checked tire pressure.

The weights are made so that tire pressure can be checked without removing them.



New member

BX1870D w/FEL, Land Pride FDR1648 Mower, Land Pride RBO560 Scrape Blade
And here I thought you knew motorcycles... <snicker> :p

"That was a joke son, a joke I tell ya"
F. Leghorn

Me, I ride a loaded Suzi adventure touring. A good friend pilots a loaded Wing.
BadDog - LOL! My brother has had me do some installs on his Harley, one of which required me to disassemble the handlebar throttle housing/switch assembly. I was anticipating a kluge of wiring but all in all it was a very simple install.

I won't say anything about the old technology though.



New member

Bx1800, 60 inch mower, front snowblower and bucket.
Aug 8, 2013
Gorham, Maine

Used to take me about 2.5 hours to mow with my 42 inch deck on my riding mower. With the BX1800 and 60 inch deck it takes me just over an hour. Not to mention the BX is better on fuel.

I ride a 95 Virago 1100, knick-named The Porn Bike. :cool: