Alternator and Air Filter Sensor

Black Mud Farm

New member

1995 L2950,Wallenstine 4" Chipper, 2 bottom land plow, 5' bushhog,Cordwood saw.
Sep 30, 2015
Hartland Maine
Hi everyone hope all are having a productive summer. I have 2 questions for you.
The first question is when I started the tractor today (1995 L2950) it had 2 lights come on and one of them I had never seen. The first light I will ask about is the charging system symbol the lighting bolt symbol. I know the battery in the tractor is old,.. 15 years to be exact but it works well and I have never had it fail to start the tractor be it -25* or + 90*. So that did not surprise me but for the heck of it I used a multi meter and checked the Alternator and idling it read 12.65 . The battery reads the same.

So from what I have read it looks like the alt is on her way out. Can I just go to a auto parts store and get one? I have not checked with the dealer but I am sure they will be about as high in price as anyone. The alt number is 16705 - 64011 the next number I see is a date on manufacture I think 10 02 11 and 4640 behind that. I plan on a new alt and a new battery this one is a "Champion" yea a Champion mea 7 x 11 with 850 cca I will buy the same size or larger if I buy...

Next question is the other light that came on weird symbol I means "Air Restriction Alert" I checked the filter it had a few pine needles on it and some dust but I used compressed air and cleaned it up real good. Then I wiped down the inside of the canister and vacuumed it out. Then I disconnected the air lines the one to the engine air intake and the other that seems to be a dead end dump behind the first line. I took them both off and cleaned them inside and out and re-installed them.

The light was still on so I figured the air sensor must be bad so I un-plugged the wires and cleaned the connections but the light is still on. So I called the dealer, he said yes the sensor is most likely bad. I asked about a new one he said they were $ 95.00 and most folks just make sure the air filter is clean and just ignore the light. My question is there a source for this sensor some place cheaper than $95 bucks ?

Thanks for your time and opinions have a nice Saturday evening, Jeff
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Black Mud Farm

New member

1995 L2950,Wallenstine 4" Chipper, 2 bottom land plow, 5' bushhog,Cordwood saw.
Sep 30, 2015
Hartland Maine
Thanks, I will take that number with me and do some looking around. I had already found one made by denso on e-bay for $ 64? 65 dollars? But now with your part number I can search with that too. You were a big help and fast too but I have one more question. If I go to napa and tell them what I am looking for and give them that number will that be enough? Or will they also need to know who the manufacturer is? do they look up parts with just the number or do they also need the maker? if so who do I tell them like ac/delco for example.


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L1500DT Too many implements, or is there such a thing?
Mar 17, 2015
Florissant CO USA 8213'
I think they can cross the ND number, they may also be able to look it up by make and model of the tractor. I don't think Kubota ever used any one other than Nippon Denso for alternators?

Bill Rigsby
Florissant CO

1972(?) KUBOTA L-1500-DT
Great Bend M10 48" Front End Loader
Brush Hog 48" "Squealer Mower"
Atlas 48" Landscape Box
Rhino 60" Rear Blade
Draw Bar with 2" Ball
28" Fork Lift Forks
36" Sears Snow Blower (still to be mounted to the front PTO)

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S7 using Tapatalk
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Black Mud Farm

New member

1995 L2950,Wallenstine 4" Chipper, 2 bottom land plow, 5' bushhog,Cordwood saw.
Sep 30, 2015
Hartland Maine
ok great thanks you a bunch the one on e-bay is also a Denso I will look around too though. Thanks again Jeff


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L1501,home built carry all, mini plow blade.
May 13, 2014
Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba,Canada
If both lights came on at the same time, i would be suspicious of an engine ground or loose connector in the harness. Battery is a no brainer, getting that much time out of it is almost unheard of. Alternator could be bad, so having it tested would be a good idea. I would leave air filter sensor until voltage issue is solved. It may take care of itself.


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Kubota B2620 TLB, JD X495
Jun 23, 2016
Latrobe PA
I would start with just replacing that 15 year old battery. It could be your only problem.

Black Mud Farm

New member

1995 L2950,Wallenstine 4" Chipper, 2 bottom land plow, 5' bushhog,Cordwood saw.
Sep 30, 2015
Hartland Maine
Yes I have been waiting for the battery to give up it is long over due. I suppose it is a testament to a good alternator that is was a good one. I may take it off and see if I can get it tested my son said Auto Zone will test them he thinks. I thought the same as in two lights at the same time,.. I guess it could be a coincidence but what are the odds. I know she should have a new battery but if the alternator is putting out 12.63 doesn't that mean she is done? everything I have seen says 13.8 to 14 volts means a good alternator anything less is either a slipping belt, bad voltage regulator or bad alternator ? or am I wrong that could easily be the case . When it comes to electricity to me that stuff is all voodoo I don't understand much of it to be quite honest ha ha.

North Idaho Wolfman

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Sandpoint, ID
Both lights coming on is for a simple word a design flaw, most likely your only problem is the alternator / battery.

There is not a cheap replacement for the air sensor, I've tried to find one for years. :(

Black Mud Farm

New member

1995 L2950,Wallenstine 4" Chipper, 2 bottom land plow, 5' bushhog,Cordwood saw.
Sep 30, 2015
Hartland Maine

Do you all think this one will work? I have not even looked at shipping costs yet just wondering.
My son asked if I had sent you all the link to the one on e-bay and of course I had to say nope don't know how. Well a copy and paste later and here we are.

So it seems to me this one will fit it says L2950 so what do you think ?, I missing something? I plan on a new battery but to be honest if I charge it ( the new battery )fully and the light goes off... does that really prove it is just the battery? I think as soon as the battery gets below the 12.65? or what ever I said before and the alt cannot keep up I am back to needing an alternator right?

Black Mud Farm

New member

1995 L2950,Wallenstine 4" Chipper, 2 bottom land plow, 5' bushhog,Cordwood saw.
Sep 30, 2015
Hartland Maine
Thanks for all the help I have to work long hours this week a ways from home so I am not sure when I will get back to it . I have however just ordered one will arrive between the 26 and the 2nd ,..and I will pick up a new battery as well before winter. Thanks for the advice Jeff


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L1501,home built carry all, mini plow blade.
May 13, 2014
Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba,Canada
Battery and alternator test as i would do-
Engine off, battery voltage test. Should be 12 volts or better. A brand spanking factory fresh battery is typically 13.2 volts.

Set up voltmeter so you can watch voltage while cranking. Should never go below 10 volts. If it does,weak battery or starter drawing too many amps.

Once tractor is running,it should be minimum 1 volt above battery voltage as tested earlier.

Most charging systems run 14.2 to 14.6. Mine charges very little at idle, maybe .5 volts above battery at idle, but a few rpms and it charges fine.

I have sold too many batteries and alternators to count, as well as testing, diagnosis and installing.

A 15 year old battery has got to be a record in my book.
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Sep 27, 2015
Central FL
Too late now - but I would not buy an alternator, or any electronics part, off E-bay. Too hard to return/exchange if it is bad. You're buying a rebuilt alternator for that price and who know what junk they might have used in the rebuild.
At least if you buy it locally you can walk it into the store for an exchange if it craps out in the next 12 months (or whatever warranty you got).
Good luck.

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Too late now - but I would not buy an alternator, or any electronics part, off E-bay. Too hard to return/exchange if it is bad. You're buying a rebuilt alternator for that price and who know what junk they might have used in the rebuild.
At least if you buy it locally you can walk it into the store for an exchange if it craps out in the next 12 months (or whatever warranty you got).
Good luck.

I'm sorry but I totally disagree with you.
I have bought quite a few alternators, generators, and starters in just the last few years, in fact I buy 95% of my parts off of EBay or Amazon and have excellent luck.
#1 read the reviews (hint: all sellers will get bad reviews from the guy/gay that feels they got cheated), #2 read their return policy, #3 read their score.
I've had one bad alternator and one bad starter and both were super easy to exchange in fact the one seller didn't even require me to send back the bad one to get a new one.

Black Mud Farm

New member

1995 L2950,Wallenstine 4" Chipper, 2 bottom land plow, 5' bushhog,Cordwood saw.
Sep 30, 2015
Hartland Maine
Well last night I wrote to the company with 2 questions 1,.. is this new or re-built and ,2... do I have a 1 year warranty.
The guy answered me today yes on both, it is new and I have a 1 year warranty and I had also said that several people told me that for the price it must be a remanufactured. He says nope its new and they specialize in starters and alternators and there fore the low price he thanked me for my questions he signed it Bubba.
I thanked him and now I guess time will tell

Black Mud Farm

New member

1995 L2950,Wallenstine 4" Chipper, 2 bottom land plow, 5' bushhog,Cordwood saw.
Sep 30, 2015
Hartland Maine
Yesterday I installed the new alternator and tested the voltage. The new one tested 14.7-14.9 at about 1200 rpms. The old one tested 12.65 I think?
Both the alt and the air filter restriction warning lights are now off. I took the battery terminal clamps off and cleaned some corrosion away. I am going to leave the old 15 year old battery in there for now,.. if she fails me I know where the store is. I want to test it while turning the engine over but need two people for that.
While I had the side covers off I noticed the coolant tank was empty so I filled that to the correct level with so 50/50 antifreeze and water. She should be good to go for awhile now.

I have the woods backhoe on it now as I have been ditching a long term project wood road. So I went out and cleaned a couple of ditches yesterday and she runs great. I also wanted to move a double tree stand to a new location so I strapped that to the bucket and headed up in to the hardwoods to place that as well . I have one more pipe to put in and a couple hundred feet of ditching to do then I can remove the hoe and install the bush hog and go over the back fields one more time . Then it will be time to re-install the Farmi winch for next winter.
Thanks for the suggestions and help Jeff