BX 2200 FEL weak


New member
Sep 17, 2012
Corbin, Kentucky
I need a little help. I have a BX 2200 with FEL. The FEL doesn't have enough power. It will not lift the tractor front end hardly any. It will just barely get the wheels off the concrete. It has been weak since I got it, but now it's a little worse. Tractor had 190 hrs. when I got it and has 220 on it now. Oil levels are fine.

Does my tractor have only one pump? If so, here's what I am thinking.

It has PLENTY of travel power and 3 pt hitch power. That would lead me to believe it's not the pump. The FEL valve is a Husco and I think it has an integral relief valve. If that's right it might just be a matter of removing a cap and screwing in the relief a little.

I don't think it's a cylinder problem because it is weak both on the lift and the curl. Wouldn't think packing would go bad on both at the same time.

Any thoughts on my logic?



M7040, L48 TLB, BX2200
Jan 8, 2010
Northern California
How well do the hydraulics work when the engine is revved up?

My loader is a LA211 and it needs some engine RPM before it livens up.

The pump on the BX2200 is only 5.5 gpm.


Active member

BX2200, BX2660, L5740 HSTC, M8540HDC and some other tractors and equipment
Sep 16, 2011
SE Missouri
Yes, you only have one pump which is why you will occasionally get a bump through the steering if you are turning and lifting the deck.

I agree, check your hydraulic fittings, done it a couple of times on mine.

Also make sure your three point hitch lever is kicking back to the center position so it is not bleeding some power off.

Beyond that I am at a loss as both our BX's easily oft the front end off the ground.


New member
Sep 17, 2012
Corbin, Kentucky
Eric and TripleR, quick connects are coupled and tight.
Gordon, thanks for the Husco link. I have a 9210 valve, but it doesn't have a relief. It has a plug there. But, if the O ring is leaking on the plug it could drastically lower the pressure, but I think it would do it for everything.
Gordon, it is some better at full throttle. It will lift the front wheels about an inch then. At half throttle it will just lift them high enough that you can spin them.

The backhoe will lift the rear of the tractor way up at about half throttle. That's what makes me think it's not the pump.

I guess I'll just keep looking. It has never refused to lift what I have in the bucket, but I see pictures of one's for sale with the front wheels a foot off the ground!



B7800, Woods LS84 FEL, MMM RC72
Dec 16, 2012
You are raising the loader and rolling the bucket forward first before trying to raise the front end? Just checking.


New member
Sep 17, 2012
Corbin, Kentucky
You are raising the loader and rolling the bucket forward first before trying to raise the front end? Just checking.
Yes. But, I have tried dropping the bucket down flat and then rolling the bucket to see if that worked, thinking I could maybe narrow it down to a cylinder. It still would not lift the front end up any further.

I think tomorrow I'll take that plug out and check the O ring on it just for kicks. That's in addition to tightening up the mounting bolts on the valve.


New member
Sep 17, 2012
Corbin, Kentucky
Looking back on the posts I forgot to mention that I found the valve mounting bolts were loose. I can turn them with my fingers and the valve moves some when operating the lever. It may be that I just am not getting enough spool travel to block the tank port inside the valve. Got dark so I'll have to do that in the morning. No lights in my shed yet.