UDT2 Hydro oil, time versus hours


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B2650HSDC, Spacers, FEL, BH, Snowblower, Snowplow, PBar, Forks
Nov 28, 2015
Contrary to the manual I changed the hydro fluid and both filters at the first 50 hours when I first took ownership of the 2650.

Fast forward four years and I'm at about 350 hours. I have read recommendations where changing oil annually despite the amount of time put on the machines was a good idea.

So I wondered if hydro oil was the same. I couldn't find much reference to it, other than a few websites here and there, and most snow plows wanted to swap the hydro oil out annually. Since I use a blade and a snowblower to clear snow every winter I thought there might be some contamination involved and was wondering if changing the UDT2 fluid at the 4 year/350 hour mark would be a good idea, or just hold out till the winter was over.

After some discussion I decided to send out a sample of the hydro oil to Blackstone Labs. See the attached report and a basic description of how to interpret the results.

All in all the report gave me a clean bill of health and the result was to let it sit till I hit the OEM hourly recommendations. Time does not appear to be a factor.

I thought it might help some people who tend to be like me, and decide to change oil and fluids earlier than recommended for optimal tractor health, or with the rationale of seeking to avert disaster by letting the oil sit x amount of years.

I hope this information helps

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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
I changed at 50 also, and have twice since in 7 years and 400+ hours. SUDT2 is all I use.

My only motivation to change fluid/filters was the HST whine seemed more pronounced. The changes made it much quieter.

Since I have a BX, it’s a relatively cheap fluid change. I don’t think the changes were necessary, just a piece of mind thing.


Lifetime Member

B2650HSDC, Spacers, FEL, BH, Snowblower, Snowplow, PBar, Forks
Nov 28, 2015
I changed at 50 also, and have twice since in 7 years and 400+ hours. SUDT2 is all I use.

My only motivation to change fluid/filters was the HST whine seemed more pronounced. The changes made it much quieter.

Since I have a BX, it’s a relatively cheap fluid change. I don’t think the changes were necessary, just a piece of mind thing.
I don't perceive a difference in the noise level. I've put decibel meter in my cab and its still seems the same. I use ear plugs and the sony wireless muffs with the noise cancelling that I perceive as more tolerable.

A kubota mechanic pointed out a square device running along the tube lines that is in the b models that is supposed to help with whine suppression. Not sure if its on the BX models or even exactly how it works.

I understand the piece of mine thing, I tend to "overchange" the fluids in all my machines for the same reason, but I'm starting to come to the reckoning that maybe I'm overthinking things a bit, and just to let it be. God knows theres thousands of guys who feel the same way, or erring on the side caution never hurt anyone idea. A dozen of this, 2 half dozen of that. Se la vie


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L2501 HST, BH77 Backhoe, SSQA Loader ZD1011 Mower
Jun 19, 2019
Decatur, AL
I'm gonna go ahead and change at 50 hours myself with UDT2. I will NOT be changing yearly. It probably won't matter, but I will run my tractor to get it good an warm before I park it over the winter. I would love to use my machine all year, but with our wet winters, I would destroy the ground. Heck, it has been too wet this summer to do much.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
If Blackstone says your TBN number is satisfactory, I'd keep running it.
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B2650HSDC, Spacers, FEL, BH, Snowblower, Snowplow, PBar, Forks
Nov 28, 2015
It has a TAN number but not a TBN, I wrote them an email for a better interpretation on the TAN. From what I can see so far, The synthetics have a number closer to 5 as an indictor for when to change where the current TAN showed a 2.7. I would have to inquire directly to the oem for that number. I was concerned with water content/contamination which there is none. It appears to be a pretty well sealed system.