Puter Guys


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
I find I am hating win 10 more with each passing day.. Today I tried to email several people,, and I could not email because the freekin thing kept telling me to fix or remove all the addresses I have in the address bar,,,WTF????
And I found there is no freekin place for contacts either,, WTF????
So can anyone explain to me in slow easy to understand non puter geek terms how to get my contacts list on e mail in this abomination called Win 10


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Skeets, I thought you were told a couple of months ago to avoid Win 10! You just couldn't resist the FREE download?:D

Only thing I can tell you, is to pull the decompression knob out and it will spin over faster.



L3901, FEL, mower deck
Mar 17, 2016
I'm a retired computer science professor. There seems to be only one sure cure for microsoft products, and that is to install linux instead.

My 90 year old mother began using linux, then continued using linux until her untimely death at 94. linux did not have anything
to do with her passing, but Win10 probably would have killed her much sooner.

There is, absolutely, a learning curve for linux, just as there is for any computer OS. The thing is, you only have to learn it once, and then you can use it for 20 years !

Unless you need a specific piece of software whose creators have already sold their soul
(and yours!) to the Great Satan, you really, honestly, might check linux out. Current distributions are really effective, and frankly very easy to use.

The price is right also. If you are concerned, install linux on an old machine and just try it. My mother did !


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
NO THE LAP TOP WENT TITS UP,, and I could find nothing around here at least that had 7,, so ya take what they got and for mail
Damned if I know. it has this in the blank part of the new message page*

sent from mail for windows 10
and this is the link*


Went there read it re read it and I don't have a damn clue what the hell they want me to do.
Yes I hate putters!! Its a shame that when they have something that works they have to change it for no other reason than to change things so people can live their lives on their freekin phones,, I almost got 3 today in town had phones glued to their ears and walk right out in traffic. But phones are another issue
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New member

B7100D, MMM, B205 Dozer Blade, woods m48, b2910
Jul 13, 2014
Western, MA
Don't feel so bad skeets. I bought a new laptop last week that came with windows 10. Today I was reading a blog that I get a few laughs out of on the regular. All of a sudden, bam, spyware took over chrome. Lucky for me I bought a Dell and their support has treated me well in the past and fixed everything remotely. I even paid more for the top notch anti virus, guy on the phone said nothing can 100% prevent it :rolleyes:.

I'm still learning how to use it, I've been using just an IPad for the past 5 years, in puter terms that's a lifetime :p. I haven't noticed any problems with 10 as far as I can tell. Although, I did update it last night and thought that had something to do with my problem today, but apparently not.

When the spy or malware took over it said to call some number right away. I knew it was a scam and didn't, but I really wish I could meet the kind scam artists to process their payment for them personally :cool:


New member

2017 BX23S TLB
Dec 16, 2015

What program or website did you use to go to to get your email from? That link took me to Outlook.com (previously known as Hotmail) which is Microsoft's run against Google Gmail.com

Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
When the spy or malware took over it said to call some number right away. I knew it was a scam and didn't, but I really wish I could meet the kind scam artists to process their payment for them personally :cool:
Yes sir, they are some serious pieces of crap :mad: They need to be paid in full with a knuckle sammich, or a hammer ;)


Well-known member
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L1501,home built carry all, mini plow blade.
May 13, 2014
Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba,Canada
Don't feel so bad skeets. I bought a new laptop last week that came with windows 10. Today I was reading a blog that I get a few laughs out of on the regular. All of a sudden, bam, spyware took over chrome. Lucky for me I bought a Dell and their support has treated me well in the past and fixed everything remotely. I even paid more for the top notch anti virus, guy on the phone said nothing can 100% prevent it :rolleyes:.

I'm still learning how to use it, I've been using just an IPad for the past 5 years, in puter terms that's a lifetime :p. I haven't noticed any problems with 10 as far as I can tell. Although, I did update it last night and thought that had something to do with my problem today, but apparently not.

When the spy or malware took over it said to call some number right away. I knew it was a scam and didn't, but I really wish I could meet the kind scam artists to process their payment for them personally :cool:
I got the same virus,it rode in on my win10 download !! It was a brand new unmolested laptop so i reset it to square one.

And to top it off i am not alone,try and plug in a memory card and load photos. Let me know how it works for you.

May try downgrading to 8.1 whch is what it came with.
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Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
Yes sir, they are some serious pieces of crap They need to be paid in full with a knuckle sammich, or a hammer
Same can be said for most criminals today, then followed up with a 45 caliber analgesic.


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
I give up,,I hate machines that are smarter than I am,, but then there are days a hammer is smarter than I am,,, I guess I will have to find a 12 year old kid to set it up :mad:


New member

L2050DT, TSC 5ft Rake, Tartar 5ft rototiller, TSC Middlebuster, TSC CarryAll
Feb 6, 2015
Well, I've been cussing and praising Bill Gates since Dos 2-something. From Windows 286 to Win10. But moving from 7 to 10 was effortless and with Chrome for my browser and Gmail for my email and email server it works ok. My Outlook contacts migrated to Mozilla Thunderbird and then again into Gmail without a hiccup. So far its tolerable and besides - Resisitance is Futile.



Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
You will be assimilated ;)

I think I figured out the email thing, its a PIA for a non puter geek and I'm sure there are all kinds of easier programs to use out in cyber space. I being a casual user of the computers, I'm not in to all that stuff.
Hell last time I went to the court house and going through the security entrance I put my flip phone on the desk, and the smart arsed kid say wow I didn't even know they made these any more.
I do yearn for the simpler life before all this technology that is growing faster than we, as a species, can assimilate or grasp the full impact of its interjection in to our daily lives. Every day we become more and more reliant on computers to run our lives. It is the young that embrace it more easily, and in so doing we loose so much of our own identity.
Maybe the man was right when he said it is a Brave New World
So end this mornings gospel from St Skeets :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
"Hell last time I went to the court house and going through the security entrance I put my flip phone on the desk, and the smart arsed kid say wow I didn't even know they made these any more. "

Skeets, I had the same thing happen. I said, "Yep and you don't know what a carburetor is, so we're probably even!"