Possible oil leak?


New member

Jun 18, 2014
Athol, MA
Hydraulic oil line (inlet) hst leak

I have a kubota l2800. Bought a few years ago and has about 25 hrs on it. I was using it the other day to remove stumps and grade the dirt and noticed oil on the side where the hydrostatic pedal is.
Looking at the parts manual, it seems to be coming from pipe band that joins the top and bottom pipe together.
The pipe band part number is 16241-72970, and it's only about $5.
Is this something I can change? Can someone help me with what I should do to change it?
Looking at the parts it could be that I may need the upper and or lower pipes replaced. Do I need to worry about the hydraulic oil being under pressure? I moved all levers aims and neither the backhoe or front bucket moves.
Also, how much oil do I need to worry about spilling out? So i can catch it appropriately and add a similar amount of new oil?
Thank you


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