New tractor breakin question


New member

2011 L 3940 w/ FEL, 6ft shredder
Apr 20, 2011
abbeville, louisiana
I just bought a 2011 L3940 and according to manual i should not work tractor to hard till it has 50 hrs on it. That seems kinda long to me so I was just checking how other people are breaking in new machines, thanks


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
Congrats on the new Orange. I've bought 3 new Kubotas and this is how I did all of mine and it seemed to work just fine.
First thing is after reading and understanding what you read go over the tractor from top to bottom and check everything that you possibly can while it's clean. If you find problems now you want to get them fixed now and the dealer can't bs you about abuse if everything is still nice and clean.
Take it easy and let it get some hrs on everything before you really load the engine up and work it hard. Keep a close check on fluid level and watch for leaks.

I think they say to take it easy on them till 50 hrs just so people might think it could be important and will give it a small chance. To me the biggest thing is to not jump in wide open and not even give it a chance to get the gears meshed together. The way you treat your tractor the first few days could turn out to be a difference of several years of service either added to or taken away. Be ready for lots of nasty looking oil during the 50hr service.
When you get ready to do the first service here is my advise.
1. Think about how much money your tractor cost.
2. Ask yourself how long you want it to last.
If you don't care about the answer to those questions then go to walmart for the cheapest oil you can find.
If the answer to those questions made you stop and think, Don't cut your self short and buy the cheapest oil you find. If you take care of it that 2011 model will still be running strong and looking good in 2041 and beyond. Your tractor will never argue with you, put you down or talk behind your back. It will never leave you for somebody else and won't make fun of you for putting on a few pounds or loosing your hair. It will out live your dog and will play in the dirt any time you want to. That has to be worth a little special treatment. Take care of your baby, Buy it some quality lubricants and change them right. You take care of it and it will take care of you.
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Santa Don

New member

L3400 w/fel, Howse 5' mower, Sunshine 5' box blade.
Mar 12, 2011
Baytown, Texas
Well said, Bulldog. I have taken it fairly easy on the two Kubotas I have owned for at least the first ten or so hours, but I bought them to work, so I work them after that. I feel like the gears have had time to wear into each other by then. I've never had any problems, so I don't think I am far off base. Just be sure to change fluids and filters at fifty hours, even if the manual says you don't need to.

Eddie Jr.

New member

B3200 HSD
Mar 27, 2011
Ottawa Valley, Ontario, Canada EH!
Jem, congrats on the new addition!
I just got a new one a few weeks back myself. I think Bulldog said it best in you can’t skimp on the service for your baby. I also was a bit concerned when I read that statement in the owner’s manual. But I think common sense prevails, I haven’t brought the RMPs over 2200 on mine yet but I have been moving lots of gravel and sand with it, also using the back blade to work out some high spots in the yard (cutting through the sod and such) I just take my time and let off a little I feel I am straining it at all. They are tractors after all and were made for working, just don’t beat it for the first little bit and you should be fine!
Good luck with the new Orange!




M7040, L48 TLB, BX2200
Jan 8, 2010
Northern California
Bulldog gives good advice as usual.

When breaking in a tractor don't baby it too much. Long, hard, sustained work - like plowing 40 wet acres with an 8' disc should be avoided for a while until things get seated properly.

That is where the "don't baby" comes in. In short work bursts you can put a load on the tractor like it was completely broken in to get it used to that kind of load. Just don't get things too hot.

My dealer told me a story of a guy that never went over 1500 RPM during break-in. He returned to the dealer complaining about smoking and lack of power. Kubota central told the dealer to go out and work the tractor hard. The dealer had a disc and took the tractor out, ran it wide open for a half hour, and all of the problems disappeared.


New member

2011 L 3940 w/ FEL, 6ft shredder
Apr 20, 2011
abbeville, louisiana
Thanks for all the good information everyone, I really appreciate the time and effort to reply and give such good info. I am new to this forum and the Kubota brand and love both of them.....

Eddie Jr.

New member

B3200 HSD
Mar 27, 2011
Ottawa Valley, Ontario, Canada EH!
No worries Jem, I think everyone on here loves their Kubota weather it be their toy or tool or a good combo of both.
I haven't been here that long but can tell you there is lots of good advice and opinions that should help you almost every step of the way!
Enjoy the site!