My ROPS Program Quote


New member

Aug 28, 2010
St. Joseph, MO
What do ya'll think... sound good? $323 installed for added safety, not to mention an extra 150 lbs on the rear wheels. Its going on my L245DT

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B2650, FEL, box scraper, Artillian forks & grapple, GR 2120 mower
Jul 23, 2011
Snohomish, WA
Looks like a great deal. Assume seat belt comes with the ROPS.:rolleyes:


New member

B6000DT, B7100DT,Snowplow, RM360, Scoop, Cultivator, Carryall,Disk, plow
Aug 14, 2009
Western Ky
seatbelts are standard with the pkg. I installed my own but, the pkg cost w/shipping was the same. So, looks like a good deal to me!

Lil Foot

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Lifetime Member

1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
My ROPS experience: (B7100)
Contacted Kubota by snail mail and was informed that ROPS was available for my tractor, and that I would pay the cost of parts, & Kubota would pick up the tab for installation. I contacted the local dealer, and they insisted I would have to pay for installation also, even after I told them what corporate had said in their letter. They also insisted that they had to install it because I was not qualified to do so. After giving them a copy of the letter, they relented on the installation fee, but said I would have to pay shipping. They said I had to pay shipping because this was "whole goods".(?)
Cost was $141, plus $80 shipping.

Dropped the tractor off on Tuesday, and was told it would take one or two days... great, seeing as I would need it on Saturday.

Fast forward 4 days.(Friday, its finally ready)) I pick up the tractor, and when I attempt to mount the Gannon, my 3 point lever won't move at all. Turns out the "qualified" installer had jammed the roll bar against the 3 point linkage, and when he tightened it, it mashed the linkage forward until it bent.:mad: I called the dealer, and he sounded really put out to have to deal with this, and said to bring it in Monday and they'd look at it. "But I need it tomorrow....", says I. "Can't do anything until Monday." says he. Marvelous. Needing the tractor and reluctant to let "Super Tech" get his paws on it again, I took it apart, straighted the bent linkage, and reassembled it correctly. It turns out that the rear stop on the linkage (called an interlocker on the parts list) just needed to be rotated 90 degrees and every thing clears nicely. I realize everyone (even me) makes mistakes, but this was so blatantly obvious that it never should have happened.... and you'd think someone might have at least tried the lever....:mad:

But, the ROPS really looks nice.... looks strong and well engineered.:)



New member

B6000DT, B7100DT,Snowplow, RM360, Scoop, Cultivator, Carryall,Disk, plow
Aug 14, 2009
Western Ky
i installed my own bar, dealer didnt care. it was a B7100 as well and yes, i turned the stop collar around too.