M126X 3-Point Problem


New member
Jan 4, 2018
Dallas, Texas
I purchased this tractor used but with 350hr's. First time I tested the 3-Point was with a No-Till drill that weights #4,000, the tractor can lift #5,200, it was only able to lift the drill about a foot of the ground. The next week try again but this time it lifted the drill like it was lifting a feather and all the way up fast and down fast. A few months later I am ready to use the drill, ones again the tractor could only lift the drill about a foot of the ground. I decided to go ahead and use it anyway's. About five acres later every time I had to lower the drill it started to lower it extremely slow until it would not lower the drill anymore. A local tractor mechanic (not familiar with electronics) came over and unhook the plug to the 3-point position sensor and hook the sense back up, started and turn off the tractor about ten times and the 3-point started to work again. It's done it two more times and every time I have got it going again using the same technique. Is the 3-point position sensor bad?



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Not familiar with your unit but I had and sold a 105X a while back and my 105X as well as both my M9's have more than one fulcrum point (where you attach the lift linkage to the arms. I run both my M's and ran my 105X in the outermost hole in the arms. The outermost hole gives you the maximum amount of lift advantage (what the rated lift capacity listed in the manual plus it allows the lift arms to reach the highest point possible which, is important to me as I don't want the lift arms to contact any implement on the drawbar in a tight turn.

Mine are all mechanical with no 'sensors'. Lift control is all mechanical and controlled with the lift arm lever and draft control.

Not a 'sensor' person, don't want to be.