Loader dolly on the cheap and starting the homemamde fork attachment brackets

trial and error

Well-known member

B7100dt manual trans. homemade FEL, 4 way hydraulic dozer blade
Feb 16, 2023
Well I found the weak link.
As. It turns out 4 foot forks at almost full dump pushing on a brush pile will find the weak link. That weak link was the 5/16 grade 5 bolts that where holding the tabs for the loader boom arm pins on the fork frame (sorry if that description confuses anyone).I did not take any pictures of the damage but the bolts sheared on one tab on one side and the other tab bent like a pretzel. Now the bolts where there becuase I didn't trust my welds on these tabs and rightfully so. The fix was fairly straightforward make a new tab for the bent one weld a new bushing on the replacement tab for the pin and put humpty dumpty back together with upgraded grade 8 3/8 hardware in all four tabs. Cost me about 2 hours not counting the trip to the store for the bushing and some bolts as well as a long 3/4 inch drill bit so I could transfer the hole from the surviving tab to the new one. All in all I learned a lesson (trial and error right?) Don't use the forks as a bulldozer and things will likely be fine. And of all the things to break I'll take that one.
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Well-known member

TG1860, BX2380 -backblade, bx2830 snowblower, fel, weight box,pallet forks,etc
Apr 11, 2021
NB, Canada
"trial and error, right" - love it!
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