LED lights on RTV 400


New member

RTV 400Ci Z123S
Mar 15, 2016
Oxford, Al
We use our RTV to duck hunt. The headlights are pathetic on it so we needed to a little extra light. We mounted a 24" light bar on the hood and two pods on the rear of the roof facing backwards. I was able to find two cigarette plugs and wired the lights up to them. All we have to do is just plug them in and we are ready to go. Yea I know I could've just ran them to a switch but when we added them we were in a hurry for the light. Summer project is to undo my crappy soldering and make it nice. I'll post pictures as soon as I can figure out how to.
Also we made our own headache rack for a lot cheaper than the dealer wanted for one. Took two nights to do but it works perfect.
