L245DT Front loader works very slow


New member

l245dt, front loaer, back hoe
Nov 30, 2011
Saxonburg, PA
Hello everyone,
I am new to this forum and new to owning a Tractor. Mine is a L245DT tractor.
I am looking for some information and help.
1. I do not know what year this tractor is but the serial number is L245-DT- 57996.
2. The Front Loader is Du-All model 105. The front loader did not work when I bought it. It will take 10 minutes to curl the bucket. There has been work done before and I will do my best to describe what was all done. The control valve was replaced in 2001 due to a leak.
The front pump was replaced due to no flow in the system; next the shop got intermittent flow so they removed the top MOF Trans and found full of sludge, cleaned and flushed, still poor flow, cleaned trans screen a second time and tested ok now. So the shop sent it back. AS they were unloading it the bucket started to slow down in movement again. The guy I bought it off of took of the top Trans and checked the screen and everything was ok, He added some washer for the pressure (something or other I am not sure) and it worked for about 10 minutes and now back to the slow movement. Within the last 2 months the main feed and return line hoses were pulled and free of obstructions. The control valve was taken apart and cleaned (does have some pitting in it).
The control valve is on lever that does up, down, curl up and down. All functions for the front loader is very Slow. Any ideas help of suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :)
Thank you,


New member

B20, FEL, box blade, flail mower
Aug 20, 2009
Camarillo, California
It may be a pressure problem. What is the system pressure??? Should be 1700 - 2000 psi. I don't know the specific spec for your tractor, but the supply pressure is normally in that range.

You may not know what it is ---- this can be a dangerous system to experiment with so, if you don't understand hydraulics, best just take it to a good local shop. If not, find a friend/neighbor who does understand and can help you.
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B2650, LA534, BH77, TPD35, RCF2060, BB1566, RGA1258
Sep 24, 2009
Yelm, WA
Yep.....what he ^ said.

Takes pressure and flow....loose the efficiency in one or both, and it's not going to work well.

Pressure = check the pump and it's ability to generate the pressure....old and worn out seals or internals?

Flow = filters clean? enough fluid?

The apparent observation would be system integrity.....no obvious leaks :)


New member

Aug 2, 2010
Olympia, WA
The cap on top of the transmission is the fill plug. On the side of the trans near the clutch pedal is the level plug, fill till it leaks out there. The trans and hydraulics are a shared fluid setup. The screen is on the left side at the bottom, opposite of where the suction line comes in on the right. I'd start with fresh fluid and a clean or replacement screen and do it yourself so that you know what has been done and that it was done correctly.


New member

l245dt, front loaer, back hoe
Nov 30, 2011
Saxonburg, PA
Thank you everyone. As soon as I get my tractor back from a friend I will be trying all your suggestions. I will keep all updated as to what I find.


New member

l245dt, front loaer, back hoe
Nov 30, 2011
Saxonburg, PA
Got the tractor back. I took the top of it off and cleaned it out, not much junk inside but wanted to be sure. Installed a new screen and fluid. It worked for about 5 minutes and then started to slow down until it basically doesn't move at all. Hooked up the pressure gauge and the gauge bounces between 500 and 1900 psi rapidly. The front pump sounds like it is whinning. This pump was replaced 6 years ago, but the problem has been doing the same thing since it came back. It appears that putting in fresh fluid the front bucket will work properly for 5 minutes and then go down hill. Any suggestions would be great.


New member

L245DT, razor brush hog, small disc, double bottom plow, 5' Turfline Box Blade.
Aug 1, 2011
Hico, Texas
1976 10001
1977 10666
1978 12081
1979 12330
1980 12579
1981 12828
1982 13053 .... your tractor should have been built in 82'
1983 71195
1984 71854
1985 72602