G6200H Issues


New member

Jun 14, 2012
Savoy, MA
Good evening,

I have a few issues with my G6200 That I was hoping someone could help me resolve. Weve used the tractor just mainly as a wood hauler, driveway grader, and all around yardwork machine but we havent used it as a mower....until now. We dug up the old 48" deck that came with it, made sure everything looked good and replaced a couple of worn pullys on the tractor and attached it and went out for the intial mow last week.

Now here come some issues.

When I first engaged the PTO, the tractor was in the normal operating temp range and running wide open, the engine smoked, sputtered and stalled. The second attempt got the PTO engaged but once I began to mow it put out an absolutely incredible amount of smoke. The entire yard was engulphed in black smoke! The smoke cleared a little bit so I decided to try mowing a bit and eventually most of the smoke cleared. Over grades and in the higher grass the engine began to smoke again and it seemed down in power overall.

Ive tried it a few other time since then and it seems to be the same result, incredible black smoke for the first few minutes and then it clears out for the most part execpt under anykind of load.

The fuel filters are both brand new (<10 hours on them), the air filter was pretty clean (now its kind of blackened from inhaling its own smoke, Ive since purchased a replacement), and the air intake unobstructed. It sure seems like the engine is running way too rich.

A visit to the local Kubota dealer today and discussion with a mechanic lead to his sugguestion that the valves may need adjustment saying this machine has the symptoms of tight valves.

Another thing I was wondering about would be defective fuel injectors. I am not very familiar with diesels, so I am just taking a guess that worn fuel injectors could cause the engine to flood with fuel and cause these symptoms.

All the pullys and shafts related to the PTO / mower deck are in good operating order and move freely, so they shouldnt be presenting an unusually heavy load on the engine.

Other then that the initial mow was a sucess! The machine produces an excellent cut! Our G6200 has been pretty awesome over the years execpt it doesnt start too well (or at all) when its cold.

I will make a mower out of this machine yet!

I greatly appreciate any insight! Thank you.


New member

B6000DT, B7100DT,Snowplow, RM360, Scoop, Cultivator, Carryall,Disk, plow
Aug 14, 2009
Western Ky
Hello and Glad your here!

Now a few questions;
How tall was the grass?
How fast were you trying to mow?
Condition of the blades(sharp)?
pulley alignment?

Hmmm, that will do for now.


New member

Jun 14, 2012
Savoy, MA
The grass was moderatly high, it was about 4 inches high give or take in spots, the blades are in good (not freshly sharpened, but not dull either) condition, and I was mowing very slowly. I always try to go pretty slow mowing to provide the best cut!

I did notice last night looking at the machine the belt tensioner up front seems to be a little out of whack, seems like it has a bad bushing in it or something! Ill have to pop that off and check it out tomorrow before the next mow!

Eric McCarthy

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Lifetime Member

Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
My thoughts are what is the PTO like? Most lawnmowers use an electric PTO and usually they either work or they dont, but if its slowly going then no telling what might happen. Could be time to replace the pto.


New member

B7300/backhoe-RTV900-G6200H-K008-3 :non orange:Takeuchi TB25
Oct 20, 2009
Williamstown, MA, USA
I'm a bit late to this thread, but as its only used in summer, I'll just toss it out there, the RPM's need to be fairly high with this machine when running the mower. It won't deal with the deck terrible well at low RPMs. (Anything below 3/4 throttle on mine will result in smoke and complaining...)