The XG850 comes with two headlights with an option to add another light next to the OEM headlights. Without the 2nd headlight option, there is just a reflector plate sitting in the headlight space. See pic below.
In this pic, you can see the OEM headlights on the outside of the light assembly. The inside headlight space just has a reflector:
Kubota offers another headlight option to fill that headlight space (Kubota part number: K7811-54312 ). The price is $200 per headlight!!!
Hence I'm looking for a headlight substitute to fill that space that doesn't cost $200/light.
Has anyone done this? if so, what did you use and how did you do it?
In this pic, you can see the OEM headlights on the outside of the light assembly. The inside headlight space just has a reflector:

Kubota offers another headlight option to fill that headlight space (Kubota part number: K7811-54312 ). The price is $200 per headlight!!!
Hence I'm looking for a headlight substitute to fill that space that doesn't cost $200/light.
Has anyone done this? if so, what did you use and how did you do it?