OrangeTractorTalks Forum Launched!

Hello, Mr. K here with a quick update.

After some testing, we’ve launched our new OrangeTractorTalks forums! We want to open the door a bit and let our faithful viewers “meet up” and learn not just from us, but from each other as well. You can find the forums at this link:

or by selecting Forums in the navigation quick links in our banner above.

Forum Available

Registering on the Forums
A side-effect of moving toward a more robust forum system is that we cannot reuse the existing user accounts our viewers have been using within the article-side of the site. All that is required to gain access to the forums is re-registering your information with the new system (which is fast and easy). The re-registration link is:

Reuse my old User Name?
Yes, when you re-register you can still reuse your previous user name, password and email if you like. If you we not in love with your user name, now might be a good chance to change it.

What about posting Comments on Articles?
Posting comments on articles will depend if you have an original article-account already in place (ie. an account with us before the forum arrived). If you do, yes, you can still post comments on articles, but for now, you will have to sign in to the article-side of the site separately. Not ideal, but it works for now.

Posting comments on articles if you are a new member (an account with us after you are reading this message), then you will not yet have an article-side account created and will not be able to post comments that are linked to your account – you can still post comments by filling in your information manually on the comment box. We’re working on this, but you will have access to the forums to view and post.

View the forums from time to time and help out your fellow man – who knows, you might learn a thing or two!

Mr. K

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