OCD and washing your tractor



Husqvarna MZT 52, BX2380,FEL, Box blade, Landscape Rake
Dec 15, 2017
New Bern, N.C.
Like many of you I like to keep all my equipment and tools looking new. So I am soliciting any advise for tractor (BX2380) cleaning and degreasing (exterior and engine). I usually do a quick exterior rinse to get the dust off after moving dirt around on my lot, followed by hitting it with a blower to dry off. Besides not blasting water into electrical areas are there any special precautions I want to take, especially when doing the occasional engine cleaning.

100 td

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B21TLB (B21, TL421 & BT751) Toyota SDK4 T116 Bobcat
Aug 29, 2015
Just don't wash inside the air intake, inside the oil cap, inside the breather etc!


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Simple green is a very good one other guys use purple power or something like that


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2015 BX2370
Jun 19, 2014
Prescott, Ontario
On my BX2370, instead of water in and around the engine, I use high pressure air. I blow all the grass from the mower deck after each mowing, and every nook and cranny that has grass or dust collected on it. I also lift the floor mat from the edge and get the grit and grass out from under the mat as well, so it doesn,t scratch the paint under the mat. Also, I remove the screen that keeps grass from getting into the rad fins, and blow that clean as well. I check the air filter to make sure the outside is free from major dust , and clean that with air pressure, if it is required.


Lifetime Member

L3901, LA525-FEL, BMLX-3164 3pt Blower, 72" Coteck Sno Pusher, 60" Box Blade
Feb 20, 2017
St.Francois,New Brunswick. Canada
Simple Green cut 50/50 with water in a garden sprayer works awesome. Pressure wash tractor first and leave wet, spray on Simple Green, wait a few minutes but don't let it dry on the tractor. Rinse carefully with pressure washer again.

Engines compartment is fairly easy, just watch out for the Alternator ( I cover mine in a plastic bag), and the aforementioned other areas. Same process with Simple Green for engine. After final rinse, start tractor up and let it run a while to dry off components.

Old socks work well for removing old accumulated grease around loader pins and pivot points, tie rods, grease zerks and other areas. Any type of automotive wax will work nicely as well for polishing and shining. (yes I actually do this too).

Under no circumstance should you use Armor All or any other type of dressing like it. The stuff attracts dust like crazy and is dangerous if used on the seat, steering wheel, hand grabs on fenders or control levers. Also, use car wax on your instrument cluster plexiglass. It will protect it from scratches and keep it crystal clear. Malco makes a product called Perfect 10, that is an aerosol spray, that you can restore the sheen and shine on plastic and rubber and dries completely in about 15 minutes, leaving everything like new.

I detail vehicles in my spare time, so I have learned a lot through the years.


New member

1870-1, LA203A, RCK54
Feb 25, 2016
Sherman County, Oregon
My routine is as Orangeglow does. Everything gets an air-bath after each use. Cuts down the soap and water bath to once, or maybe twice, a year. For grease smears or hydraulic oil from messing with quick-couplers, a shot of starting fluid or brake cleaner on a blue paper towel and a quick wipe keeps things clean. That is the only reason I keep starting fluid around.



BX 23S
Nov 25, 2017
Baltimore MD
My poor, practically brand new BX is filthy. The throttle lever is barely even orange after spreading the dyed mulch all over the garden beds. I need to clean it one of these days.


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2012 Kubota L3800 HST W/FEL and 1963 JD 2010 row crop utility
Jan 27, 2013
Southern IL.
Mines due for a good bath at the moment....I use simple green the same way others have stated when she gets really dirty like it is now. I thought it was crazy when I first read someone here say that they waxed theirs but I do now as well. Spray wax then wipe it down. It does a good job and makes it easy to get the dust off after mowing. Simple green will remove your wax, just an fyi. I’ll use regular car wash for routine washes that way it does strip off the wax.

Grease on the other hand is a pain in my neck, on the FEL in perticular. I’ve taken the time to degrease and power wash the FEL only a hand full of times since I’ve had mine. I mostly just keep it well greased.


Lifetime Member

L3901, LA525-FEL, BMLX-3164 3pt Blower, 72" Coteck Sno Pusher, 60" Box Blade
Feb 20, 2017
St.Francois,New Brunswick. Canada
My poor, practically brand new BX is filthy. The throttle lever is barely even orange after spreading the dyed mulch all over the garden beds. I need to clean it one of these days.
Go check and see if your local Wal-Mart carries a product called "Spray Nine". MUCH more powerful than Simple Green. There aren't many things I havent been able to remove with that stuff. That will certainly take the crud off your throttle lever.


Lifetime Member

L3901, LA525-FEL, BMLX-3164 3pt Blower, 72" Coteck Sno Pusher, 60" Box Blade
Feb 20, 2017
St.Francois,New Brunswick. Canada
Mines due for a good bath at the moment....I use simple green the same way others have stated when she gets really dirty like it is now. I thought it was crazy when I first read someone here say that they waxed theirs but I do now as well. Spray wax then wipe it down. It does a good job and makes it easy to get the dust off after mowing. Simple green will remove your wax, just an fyi. I***8217;ll use regular car wash for routine washes that way it does strip off the wax.

Grease on the other hand is a pain in my neck, on the FEL in perticular. I***8217;ve taken the time to degrease and power wash the FEL only a hand full of times since I***8217;ve had mine. I mostly just keep it well greased.
Cutting the SG 50/50 with water really helps the wax. I haven't had any issues with stripping wax since I have been doing that. However, spray wax isnt the most robust protectant. Maybe try some Turtle Wax Ice, or even Meguire's products....I use Liquid Glass on mine.(just an old can I had laying around, but I stuck with it after that).
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Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
being a tech, I see lots of tractors. I see lots of poorly maintained tractors. I know this sounds absolutely crazy, but if you put a coat of wax on the painted surfaces, they won't fade. If you don't, it will fade-and when it does, it turns from orange to a pinkish color, looks like poo. I'm fortunate enough to have bought a G1900 from a guy who waxed everything on it, and the hood looks awesome as does the rear fender. Unfortunately the deck didn't get that lovin'. Something else that I seen a few years back is on the plastic lawn mower hoods (like the T and G 60 series), you can use a wool polishing pad in a cordless drill, and some fine polishing compound, and that faded hood will look absolutely brand spanking new. Fender too. Works wonders! I know...cause I bought about 2 dozen of them in a years' time, cleaned, serviced, repaired, and polished 'em all up, and sold them. People aren't hesitant to pay more money for 'em if you spend a little time on 'em.



BX1850, L210, Various 3 point implements
Apr 4, 2017
Buckingham, Pa
Yes, an air bath after mowing is good. I do it with an electric leaf blower. Most important is to clear out the radiator pre-screen if you have it. If it's been up to the axles in mud, I'll hose off the tires, drag links, and wheels.

Creature Meadow

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

2012 L4600, Disk, Brush Hog, GB60 Garden Bedder, GSS72 Grading Scraper
Sep 19, 2016
Central North Carolina
OCD, yep that would be me and Katie Kubota gets a bath on a regular basis.

I wipe her down when she gets dusty and use spray on wax each time after getting dust off. She gets a real wax job in the spring and in the fall before winter roles in.

I keep covers on the zerks and use various means to keep grease off the areas around the zerks; q-tips, rags, small spatula used in labs that has a 1/2 wide blade which does a great job scooping it up.

In fact the tractor gets washed more than the Tundra or either Highlander.

I have no intentions of getting rid of Katie but I do feel it is important to keep her looking new. She is now 6 years old and just rolled over 250 hrs.




Lifetime Member

2017 BX1880 w FEL, 54"MMM, 2019 BX2816 50 " snowblower
Dec 12, 2017
OCD, yep that would be me and Katie Kubota gets a bath on a regular basis.

A man after my own heart, I take almost every step you mentioned....my wife likes to make fun of me..but what ever
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New member

Jun 8, 2016
Cumberland, Md
I'm embarrassed to say this but I'm one of them guys that feels very fortunate to have so many nice things but I've run out of time to keep them all clean. They are not torn up or lack of maintenance just dirty. Vehicles, sxs, atv, motorbikes, trailers, snowmobiles, tractors, and all low hours/mileage. Family, job, multiple properties, kids sports, and life adds up.
Anybody else like this with there toys/equipment
Btw it's my only down time right now, Friday night, after 11, on 3rd beer, and making a to Do list tomorrow starting with a soccer game at 9am. See what I mean.

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New member
Mar 2, 2018
I can relate to your schedule n the way u take care of your things. I have a new M62 n just put rubbing compound throughout to bring back the paint. Also use dry shine cleaner from Amazon n a spray wax on the other toys (Cobra, truck, motorcycle, car, etc..).

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