My heart goes out

Eric McCarthy

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Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
I can get a good look at a T-bone steak by sticking my head up the bulls ass or I can take the butchers word for it. Much like what we all have to do is take the "word" of the media as to what kinda weapon was used in the attacks on Friday. There is no denying that its a tragic event that happened and the media only wants to report anything that will help increase their ratings.

Yes its a shame 20 some innocent people lost their lives but pointing the blame on the fire arm being used is not going to bring those people back. Nothing is to blame other then the evil person behind the gun who pulled the trigger. Same goes for the fellow in China who was responsible for stabbing 20 some people in China that very same day.

And Bulldog I love you in a non-consensual way!



Apr 29, 2012
North central Iowa
Good point, this happens when idiots bring the focus toward guns and blame them for what happened instead of trying to help the ones who were hurt.

If you step in a pile of dog crap do you blame the dog or blame yourself for not watching where you're going???:D
This post was not about guns, read it from the start, It was the gun owners that made it about guns! If things like what happened last Friday continue, society will demand changes in gun control like it or not.


New member

L3200, Hustler Super Z
May 30, 2012
Graham, WA
No one is diminishing anyone's right to life. But to blame guns for so much bad and not the person behond them is just plain ignorant. Guns, knives, cars, rocks etc ALL KILL or can all be used to kill people. But would you outlaw rocks or cars because they kill?

How about this, OUTLAW doctors. More people die every year from malpractice than guns. What about all of those patients right to life. WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE THERE? Where I ask are the protests? WHERE?

How about cars, just drunk drivers kill what, about 24 THOUSAND people every year. What about those peoples right to life? WHERE AGIAN IS THE OUTRAGE FOR THOSE INNOCENT VICTIMS? Where? Or do those people NOT count because they were not killed by those evil self minded guns that shoot people without a human doing the act...

I see no call for outlawing alcohol. No call for outlawing cars. NONE, NADA ZIP, it is like only those who loose there life by guns mean anything.

Nope, people kill people. I am not against reasonable licensing and restictions such as a automotive license for a car when it comes to guns, but anything more, it just diminshes those who lost there lives by anything other than a gun.

AGAIN I ask.. where is the right to life for those who die by means other than guns. Where is the outrage for those people. Where are the calls to outlaw doctors, rocks, cars, alcohol and anything else that can be used to KILL people.

Come on all you anti gun people... prove me wrong, show me that you truly care about saving lives and lets join together and outlaw most everything in life! Even the very DIRT that we use our tractors in can be used to smother and KILL people.. so thats outlaw the earth too!

People have been killing people long before guns.. and they will long after even if ALL guns are outlawed....

Rediculous. Ya right I am pissed. Pissed for the total waste of innocent life, the children, the adults. Pissed because one of these sicko's seems to have struck at least once a month this year. And pissed because of short sided ignorant people who cannot see that guns are not the issue, people are.

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B7200 4WD w/FEL, 4' disc, 4' Brush Hog, 14" Plow, 4' Blade, JD 246 2 row Planter
Mar 28, 2012
Rainsville, Al
Can't help but wonder how you gun toters would feel about your semiautomatic weapons if it was your wife, son, daughter, mother or father slaughtered by that mad man. I find it odd that your right to bear arms strikes more emotion than twenty six souls right to life!
My Mother, Daughter, and Son are also a gun toters, and they would have shot the crazy SOB if they were there.


New member

L3200, Hustler Super Z
May 30, 2012
Graham, WA
I need to add this -

I do not own even ONE of those black weapons. In fact other that .22 lr I do not own any rifles, so I am NOT trying to protect my interests....

I am and will continue to point out that guns are one of the LEAST of the ways to get KILLED, at least in this country... that's focus first, or at least on ALL of the ways innocents can be killed and not single out guns as somehow being worse that any other way....

In fact, there are a whole lot more things that we can outlaw to save more lives than guns.


Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
My Mother, Daughter, and Son are also a gun toters, and they would have shot the crazy SOB if they were there.
Well said, and I would have also.... but we'd probably be arrested for bringing a gun to a school, using excessive force, violating the bastard's rights, & God knows what else.


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
We are an easily frightened people and it is easy to manipulate us with fear. Which the NRA has done so sucessfully. Time to stop following the macho pack mentality. Time for all scared little boys to grow up into real men.
Keep ridin the fence. Gun owner that blames the NRA for gun crimes makes real good sense.

I bet you blame McDonalds for making people fat...

Are you going to blame the cat because you're a pussy?



L2850 Kubota c/w Loader
Feb 29, 2012
Northern Ontario
While I agree that guns aren't the only problem, I do not see the need to have fully automatic guns with large capacity clips readily available to all.
In Canada all automatics and hand guns are restricted weapons and require a ton of paper work and police checks to aquire. Also all semi-automatics are restricted to a 5 shot clip. There is no need to have anything further than this for hunting, so why make these fully automatic guns available to the general public. I realize that if someone wants to get there hands on one they could probably still find one by why make it so easy. And yes an automatic assalt rifle is more dangerous than your typical hunting gun.
I just read through the full post, and I to lost sight of "Iowan"s intent, which was :
"to express compassion for the victim's and there family's" and to that I agree fully.
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Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
High capacity full auto weapons are very restricted in the US as well. If a person has one it's one of two cases. Either your a criminal that doesn't care what the laws are or you are a law abiding citizen who has been checked out by every law agency in the country. They know everything you do, everything you eat and probably the last time you dropped a deuce. You have done 3 truck loads of paperwork and it has cost you a pocket full of money to get the permits.

So, after the finger prints, photo taken, background check, money paid approved or not, waiting period where you are probed like a lab rat, a entire rain forest worth of paperwork filled out, you might get your permit. Now after waiting 6 months for all the above to pass you get to go pay $25K for a standard BAR rifle with only one clip.

Legal ownership of a full auto isn't readily available to all. It's not easy nor cheap. After waiting months for your permits and thousands spent the person who can afford this privilege still has to fill out even more paperwork for every weapon purchased and again pay thousands for the transfer to their name. The FBI has this paperwork on file and have each and every weapon this normal citizen owns listed. The person who has gone thru this isn't the one shooting up a school or robbing a bank. The one doing those things is most likely a thief or a dope head who cares nothing about the law or gives a second thought for human life.

Once again we are back to square one. It's not the gun at fault. Blame the criminal, not the gun. Make it hard on the man doing the crime not the law abiding citizen who want to legally purchase a gun. :cool:


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John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
bulldog, I'd hit the "like" button, if we had one.



GL3830,fel,brush hog,pallet forks,disc,gannon,auger,springtooth,plow,drag,ripper
Sep 6, 2011
Ventura Ca
Ok fellas the first thing Id like to say is my heart goes out to the families of the tragity. Now for all those who have the knee jerk recaction to ban firearms stop and think about it . 1st you lock your guns up to where knowone else has accsess to them. 2nd You dont go out and show your child how to use a firearm when you know he has a mental disorder WTF was the mother thinking.. 3rd why does our goverment and the anti gun wackos want to take firearms ( assualt weapons ) witch if you read the description of an assualt weapon takes in many sporting weapons away from law abidding citizens. The president himself and his family have a army of men and wemon outside the white house carrying assualt weapons to protect his family why cant we do the same. I for one do not own an assault weapon but I do own many firearms for hunting , self protection and family hand me downs, some of witch could be descibed as an assult weapon and I will be damned if Im going to give those up. I pray to god know one in my family is ever killed by gun fire but in the event I still wouldnt ask for my rights to be taken away. You are ether for gun control or against it you cant walk the fence and say some should be outlawed and others shoulnt, keep walking the fence youll slip and be singing soprano. I want to repete my heart felt feelings go out to all the families of the Newtown traggity, and Im sure there will be some parents come forward as there was in the Aurora Co traggity and say gun control isnt the answer.



GL3830,fel,brush hog,pallet forks,disc,gannon,auger,springtooth,plow,drag,ripper
Sep 6, 2011
Ventura Ca
Here I go again , Im sure many of your kids played youth soccer ( AYSO) heres another problem with kids in America these days . When your kids plays soccer everyone gets a trophy at the end of season, Problem you say . Yup when kids get a trophy for sub par preformance he or she will never try to improve , then the real problem arises when there young adults and mommmy and daddy arnt there to praise them they snap when they dont fit in as this kid did . First you have to fail before you sucseed. When Americas culture is all is ok and you dont have to walk the line theres a problem a big problem. Bring God back into the schools and the pledge of alegence teach kids right from wrong . What the heck is so wrong with that.



GL3830,fel,brush hog,pallet forks,disc,gannon,auger,springtooth,plow,drag,ripper
Sep 6, 2011
Ventura Ca
Hodge, Thankyou my orange brother.

Bcbull378, very well spoken. I tip my hat to you Sir. :D:D:D
Bulldog and Hodge its nice to see there are some people left with common sence , these days its not to common. PS you to Eric

Eric McCarthy

New member
Lifetime Member

Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
bulldog, I'd hit the "like" button, if we had one.
Maybe we can get him to post it on Facebook and we can "like" it over there!

Bulldog and Hodge its nice to see there are some people left with common sence , these days its not to common. PS you to Eric
If it wasn't for the coins in my pocket I wouldn't have any sense at all!
For a young buck at 31 years old I try to be a forward thinker and look at life from all angles.

I have my reservations about putting "God" back in schools but I don't want to turn this into a biblical/religious rant.


New member

2001 Kubota L3000DT
Oct 8, 2010
Wilkesboro N.C.
I have no doubt that all here are saddened by this evil event. But when i hear God's greatness under attack i will respond.

God did not cause this, man did. There are two points of view. 1. Man is created in God's image. 2. There is no God. The universe is a cosmic accident. Nothing exploded into everything. And man is the biggest cosmic accident of all, and he is nothing more than an animal.

Point of view No.2 is what we've been teaching our children for generations now. From pre-school up that is what we've been teaching. Music, movies, and t.v. push this view as well. Go to school all day hearing this satanic lie, then have it repeated over and over again in pop culture. What then do you think our children believes? Answer. Man is an animal and nothing else. Nothing special. Right and wrong go out the window, and TRUTH doesn't exist. Then when someone that has been taught that they are nothing more than an animal acts like an animal everybody is shocked.

For those of us that have been SAVED by placing our trust in God the Son and Son of God Jesus Christ (which is the only way one can be saved) its time, no its way past time to stand up. We've been silent for generations now. We did not want to rock the boat. We wanted peace by any means with our fellow citizens. Well just how much peace has that brought?

We Christians need to wakeup and remember we are in a spiritual war. To be in shape for this fight we need to repent of any known sin in our lives. We need to spend quality time in God's word. We need to talk to God, and we need to LISTEN to God.

II Chronicles 7:14



B7200 4WD w/FEL, 4' disc, 4' Brush Hog, 14" Plow, 4' Blade, JD 246 2 row Planter
Mar 28, 2012
Rainsville, Al
I think there's some misconceptions about the "Assault Weapons Ban", and what will happen if it gets reinstated. You can read about the last one here> And if it does get reinstated, their not going to take anyone's guns away. There only going to prohibit future sales of the guns that are on their assult weapon list, and some high capicity magizine's. And just like in 1994 everyone that already own's a weapon on the prohibited list will just be grandfathered in, and I will get to keep all my guns. So please tell me how that will stop these derainged young men from shooting up another school. It won't! These young men are spineless cowards, they WILL get a gun from somewhere and go on another shooting spree where they know they don't have to worry about getting shot at until the carnage if done. Have you heard of just one of them shooting up a police station? No! Because they have guns there. America needs to wake up and start arming a few of every School's staff, or have a full time officer at each School. We have them here in the county I live in, and we have had them since the Columbine massacre in 99. These are full time officers, and yes they pack a gun at School.

What did the goverment do after 9/11? They made it harder for us to get through the airport, they fortified the cockpit door on passenger airplanes, and they armed the pilots. It was all done to protect us, now arm some teacher's, or hire some officer's so our children and grandchildren can be protected.


New member

L3200, Hustler Super Z
May 30, 2012
Graham, WA
While I agree that guns aren't the only problem, I do not see the need to have fully automatic guns with large capacity clips readily available to all.
In Canada all automatics and hand guns are restricted weapons and require a ton of paper work and police checks to aquire. Also all semi-automatics are restricted to a 5 shot clip. There is no need to have anything further than this for hunting, so why make these fully automatic guns available to the general public. I realize that if someone wants to get there hands on one they could probably still find one by why make it so easy. And yes an automatic assalt rifle is more dangerous than your typical hunting gun.
I just read through the full post, and I to lost sight of "Iowan"s intent, which was :
"to express compassion for the victim's and there family's" and to that I agree fully.
You should check your facts. FULLY AUTOMATIC weapons ARE NOT readily available.

In my state of Washington you cannot own them at all. In other states they may be legal, but you have to havea class 3 firearms licence, which means among other things that you open your home or where you keep that fully automatic weapon located at to inspection at any time of the day, any day of the week.

And it had better be in its assinbgd location or with you, if not there will be penalities, potential jail time and up to and including the surrender of that said license. Oh yeah, that license means that you have been fully vetted and fingerprinted and run thru all of the data bases to make sure you can obtain said license.

Not at all the same as non fully automatic or semi-automatic weapons which may or may not require a license, but at a minimum when bought thru any licensed gun dealer will require a background check.

Again, just so everyone understands, FULLY AUTOMATIC WEAPONS ARE NOT "readily available"

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